Reviewing the Enhancements in SAP SuccessFactors Learning


After completing this lesson, you will be able to identify and describe the enhancements in SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1H 2024

Updates to Enhanced Search for Learning

The enhanced search feature includes a new filter for region.

When a region is associated with a learning activity in the search results, the region's description now displays as a filter option in enhanced search.

We added the region filter to make it easier for users to find courses offered near them.

Configuration Requirements

The new region filter is available without additional configuration, provided enhanced search is available for your instance. The availability of enhanced search for Learning has the following dependencies:

  • The Learning Home Page Readiness status needs to be Ready in Learning AdministrationSystem AdministrationApplication AdministrationIntegrated Learning SettingsEnhanced Search Readiness Information. Links to additional details are provided in the Related Information section at the bottom of this page.
  • Enhanced search needs to be available in your instance and your Learning data must be prepared. SAP is responsible for making enhanced search available in an instance and initiating the preparation of Learning data. Learning data preparation can take from 1 to 7 days, based on course volume and system load. The availability of enhanced search in your instance and the status of data preparation is shown in the Enhanced Search Readiness Information section of Integrated Learning Settings.
  • Users need the LibraryAccess Advanced Library Search permission in their role. This is the same permission required to access legacy search in Learning. If a user has access to legacy search, no additional permission is required.


The new filter option displays the region's description in the filter panel. This description wasn't visible to users previously. We recommend reviewing your current region descriptions to ensure they're helpful for users. (Learning AdministrationReferencesGeographyRegions).

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-152847
  • Collection
  • Course Library
  • Curricula Retraining
  • Learning Programs
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Administrator Suggestions Now Available on the New Learning Home Page

Learners can access their learning activities of type courses, programs, and collections suggested by administrators, in addition to peer suggestions, all in one section, on the new Learning home page.

All person-suggested learning activities are displayed in the Suggested for Me section on the new Learning home page. The section was previously called Suggested by Peers.


External links aren't currently supported on the new Learning home page. Additionally, in the mobile application, the Suggested for Me section only includes peer suggestions. Administrator suggestions aren't currently supported in the mobile application.

In the Suggested for Me section, the learning cards are prioritized by suggestions from administrators, followed by peers. Learners can choose a card to learn more about the suggestion. If they aren't interested in a particular suggestion, they can mark it as not interested, or bookmark it for later reference on the cards. Learners can also recommend a suggestion to their peers using the Recommend option on Course Details.


Learning activities suggested by administrators are identified as Learning team recommends on the cards.

The enhancement helps you find all person-suggested learning activities easily in one section, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Configuration Requirements

  • The new Learning home page is enabled.
  • The enableItemRecommendations property is set to true in the LMS_ADMIN configuration (System AdministrationConfigurationSystem Configuration).

What's Changed

In the previous version, only learning activities suggested by peers were displayed on the new Learning home page.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-154911
  • Courses
  • Course Recommendations
  • Learning Programs
  • Collection
ActionInfo only
EnablementCustomer configured
Link to DemoAccessing administrator suggestions on the new Learning home page
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Background Job for Adding Library Items

We added the ability to use a background job when adding items to libraries. Navigate to System AdministrationConfigurationSystem ConfigurationLMS_ADMINBACKGROUND JOB SETTINGS and set useItemLibraryBackgroundJob to true to use a background job for adding library items. This setting is turned off by default.

We added the ability to use a background job when adding items to libraries to help improve system performance for large data upload operations.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-148690
FeatureCourse Library
ActionInfo only
EnablementCustomer configured
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

The New Learning Home Page Displays Assignments Assigned as Non-Required Items

On the new Learning home page, learners can view their learning assignments assigned as non-required items by administrators and managers in the Important Learning section.


In the legacy experience, these assignments are referred to as optional assignments.

In the Important Learning section, learners can view a list of learning cards of type courses, programs, and classes that are tailored to their specific needs. They can choose a card to learn more about the assignment. If they aren't interested in a particular assignment, they can remove it, or bookmark it for later reference on Course Details.


The visibility of the Remove option on Course Details is based on the configuration at each item and program level.

As an administrator, you can schedule the new automatic process job, Learning Reminder Email Notification to send email reminders to recipients for their pending assignments.


The notifications include pending assignments, both required and non-required, that are assigned to learners without specified due dates for completion.

Additionally, when you create a Story report for learning items and programs, you can use the newly added columns Reminders Set for No Due Date Items and Removable Important Learning Item to report on the completion rates of learners' non-required assignments.

In the legacy experience, both optional and required assignments were displayed in one view within a learner's learning plan. To enhance clarity and provide meaningful context, we've now separated these assignments on the new Learning home page. Required assignments appear in the Required Learning section, while non-required assignments appear in the Important Learning section on the page.

Configuration Requirements

  • The new Learning home page is enabled.
  • To allow learners to remove their assignments, enable the Users can remove non-required assignments option. You can enable the option at each item and program level, as required.

  • To include items and programs in reminder notifications, enable the Remind recipients if no due date is set option. You can enable the option at each item and program level, as required.

What's Changed

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-142171
  • Course Recommendations
  • Courses
  • Learning Programs
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoAccessing Important Learning on the new Learning home page
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Enhanced Course Home

We've enhanced the Course Home experience with registration comments for classes with no price and updates to the Request Observers search.

The Course Home experience now supports the following features:

  • Users can now enter comments when requesting to register for classes with no associated cost.

  • Users can now enter comments when requesting to register for classes with no associated cost.
    We’ve added functionality to the Course Home experience based on customer feedback for an updated user experience. We've included enhancements from Customer Community Idea 301705.

Configuration Requirements

  • The Add Comments text box is displayed automatically for all classes requiring approval. No additional configuration is required.

  • Search results available to users depend on the restrictions set in the Learner Search Checklist Observers configuration in System AdministrationConfigurationSearch Selectors. If no restrictions are set in the search selector, users may search for anyone within their organization.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-153111
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Improved Progress Tracking for SCORM Content

We've improved the progress tracking for SCORM 1.2 online content.

The suspend data for online content controls how progress on a learning session is stored and retrieved. We've increased the suspend data limit for SCORM 1.2 content to 64,000 characters to provide the additional storage capacity required for content progress to be successfully stored and retrieved.

We delivered this enhancement so learners can complete their training across multiple sessions.

What's Changed

Previously, the suspend data was limited to 4096 characters, which created an issue with saving a learner's progress on larger courses.

Now, a learner's progress is successfully stored and retrieved when they pause and return to their online content.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-152336
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Course Home Experience for Users with an External Shopping Account

We now support the Course Home experience for users with an external shopping account type.

For users with a Shopping Account Type of External, the Course Home experience is now enabled by default. This experience replaces the legacy Item Details and includes an improved user experience for purchasing online items.

When vouchers are available to use for online items, users will see the Buy Course action in Course Details.

This action navigates to a new page where users can either redeem a voucher or add the item to their cart to complete the purchase.

If no vouchers are available for the online item, the Add to Cartaction is displayed, which navigates the user directly to checkout.

We've extended the availability of the Course Home experience so that all users can benefit from an improved user experience.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-153692
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Hide the Required Learning Section on the New Learning Home Page

As an administrator, you can choose to hide the Required Learning section on the new Learning home page if learners don't have any required training items assigned to them.

By default, the section is displayed on the page even when there are no required training items, displaying an empty section to learners. You can hide the section for specific user groups and organizations using the Hide the Required Learning section if no training is assigned option from the following pages respectively:

  • Learning AdministrationPeopleUser GroupsAdvanced Settings
  • Learning AdministrationPeopleOrganizationsAdvanced Settings

When you enable the option:

  • Learners can view the Important Learning section at the top of the new Learning home page when they have assignments assigned as non-required items. See the following topic for complete information on Important Learning: The New Learning Home Page Displays Assignments Assigned as Non-Required Items

  • The Required Learning section is hidden from learners.
  • The status bubble of the curricula compliance indicator appears in the Important Learning section, if applicable.


If there is at least one required training item on the Required Learning section, enabling the option doesn’t hide the section on the new Learning home page. It remains visible at the top of the page.

This enhancement improves the user experience by displaying the section when necessary, ensuring that learners see only the most relevant and high-priority learning items on the new Learning home page.

Configuration Requirements

  • The new Learning home page is enabled.

  • Before you enable Hide the Required Learning section if no training is assigned, set the hideRequiredLearningSectionOnLearningPortal property to true fromSystem AdministrationConfigurationSystem ConfigurationLMS_ADMIN. The default value is set to false.

What's Changed

How It Looks Now

Advanced Settings tab on the Organizations page
Advanced Settings tab on the User Groups page

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-153010
  • Courses
  • Learning Programs
  • Learning Assignments
ActionInfo only
EnablementCustomer configured
Link to DemoHiding the Required Learning section on the new Learning home page
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Merge Users in Bulk Through Import

You can merge learning records in bulk from the secondary user ID to the primary user ID for multiple users simultaneously through import.


The secondary user ID (Merge From) is the source from which the data is merged, and the primary user ID (Merge Into) is the target into which the data is merged.

Merging users automatically transfers records such as learning assignments, learning history, and other learning records from the secondary user ID to the primary user ID for all users in a single merge job. On the Import Data page, you can use the entity type, Person to merge users in bulk. Following the job completion, you can download the user merge report from the new column, Report to view the job summary and results.


The Report column displays only user merge and user merge validation reports available for download.


Merging data is permanent and can't be reversed once completed. Therefore, we recommend you validate the records before merging users. The validation job examines the data for invalid entries, duplicate entries, and other potential issues found in the import file. Additionally, it generates a User Merge Validation Report that you can use to address any data issues before merging users.

This enhancement allows you to seamlessly merge large batches of user records at once with minimal manual intervention. Additionally, it minimizes the need for individually merging users' learning records.

Role-Based Permission Prerequisites

  • You have the Import Data permission to access the Import Data page.

  • You have the Merge Users permission to view the Person entity type on the Import Data page.

What's Changed

How It Looks Now

In the current version, you can use the Import Data page to merge users in bulk. However, you can still use the existing option to manually merge one user at a time on the Merge Users page.

How It Looked Before

In the previous version, you could only merge records for each user manually on the Merge Users page.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-152904
FeatureData Import and Export
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoMerging users in bulk through import
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Banners in the New Learning Experience

We've added the ability to create banners that display in a rotating carousel at the top of the new Learning home page.

We refreshed the image and text on the default banner that displays to users at the top of the new Learning home page.

In addition to the default banner, you can create up to 49 more custom banners. If there’s more than one banner available for a user, a carousel automatically rotates through their visible banners. Each user can see up to five banners in the carousel. They can stop the rotation by clicking on the banner. They can also manually scroll through the banners using the arrow icons.

As you go through the steps to build a custom banner, a preview displays at the bottom of the page. Each banner contains an uploaded an image. You can choose to display a text panel that contains a tagline, title, and content. By default, a banner isn't interactive. You can add a button with custom text that supports an action. The button can launch an internal or external URL, with the option to launch it inline or in a new window or tab. You can also configure the button to draft an email to a specific recipient.

You have the option of displaying a banner to everyone, or you can determine the visibility based on organizations or user groups. You can select up to 20 organizations or user groups for each banner. If you select a single organization, you have the option to include suborganizations.

The summary page for banners shows the currently configured banners and includes the following information and actions:

  • Current count of banners

  • Details for each banner, including the banner's name, who can see it, when it's active, and whether it's currently enabled

  • Action icons to edit and delete each banner

  • Access to additional actions to change the position of a banner in the list

  • Button to add new banners

You have two options to set the order of banners. You can drag and drop banners within the list, or you can use the Move Within List option in the More Actions menu to select a new position. The position determines the order in which banners display to users.

The top five active banners display to users at the top of the Learning home page, based on these conditions:

  • Visibility - The Target Group for the banner is "All Active Users", or the user belongs to one of the specified organizations or user groups.

  • Date - The Active Period for the banner is "Always", or the current date falls within the specified range.

  • Banner Status - The banner is enabled.

You can disable a banner while you're working on it and enable it when it's ready to display to users. The default banner can't be edited, deleted, or moved within the list, but it can be disabled. If you disable the default banner and no additional banners are enabled, the banner section is hidden on the Learning home page.

You can add translations for the text on banners, text on buttons, and alternative text for images.

We provided the ability to display customized banners on the new Learning home page to allow administrators to meet specific business needs and to facilitate adoption of the new Learning experience.

Configuration Requirements

Banners display to users when the new Learning experience is enabled. To access Banners in Learning Administration (System Administration Application Administration Banners), you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Your SAP SuccessFactors Platform to Learning integration status is "Sealed"
  • You have the Edit System Configuration permission


Administrators who have the View System Configuration permission but don't have the Edit System Configuration permission won't see Banners in the Learning Administration menu.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-155475
FeatureHome Page
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoBanners in the New Learning Experience
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Hide New Learning Experience Switch from Users

We've added the ability to hide the switch that allows users to go back to the legacy Learning experience from the new Learning home page.

When the new Learning experience is enabled, administrators can choose to hide the New Learning Experience switch from users. This option prevents users from switching back to the legacy Learning home page. The New Learning Experience label and the associated info button still display to users.

Enabling this option helps deliver a single, consistent experience to learners who no longer need access to the legacy Learning experience.

Configuration Requirements

The Hidden option has been added to the existing options in the Integrated Learning Settings (Learning AdministrationSystem AdministrationApplication AdministrationsIntegrated Learning Settings). No changes were made to the current selection for the New Learning Experience switch default setting. To hide the New Learning Experience switch from users, you'll need to select Hidden and choose Apply Changes.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-155683
FeatureHome Page
ActionInfo only
EnablementCustomer configured
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Custom Cards in the New Learning Experience

We've added the ability to create custom cards that display in their own section on the new Learning home page.

You can create up to 100 custom cards. People can see up to 8 cards, based on the current date, status of the card, and their organization or user group. By default, custom cards display in the Custom Cards section below the Requests for Me section on the new Learning home page. The section is hidden from users when no cards are available.

You can customize the title and select where the custom card section displays. Options for the section position are as follows:

  • Below "Requests for Me"

  • Above "Latest Bookmarks"

  • Below "Latest Bookmarks"

  • At the bottom of the page

If you've customized the standard section labels, the options display the customized labels.

As you go through the steps to build a custom card, a preview of the card displays. For each card, you can customize the text for the title and subtitle and upload an image. You define the visibility of cards to be available to all active users, or based on their organization or user group. You can select up to 20 organizations or user groups for each card. If you select a single organization, you have the option to include suborganizations. Cards can be active for a specific period of time or they can always be active.

Cards can have one of two behaviors. They can act as a link or they can display a dialog. The link options allow you to launch internal and external URLs, launch JavaScript URLs, or open an email message for a specific recipient. You can choose whether the link opens inline or in a new window or tab. The dialog option allows you to choose a design from multiple sizes and layouts. Dialogs support the following features:

  • Embedding HTML

  • Embedding a video file

  • Embedding an iFrame

  • Using a rich text editor to format text, insert multiple links and images, incorporate partner integrations, and preview or print your content

In Learning Administration, the summary page for custom cards shows the currently configured cards and includes the following information and actions:

  • Section title and current count of custom cards

  • Selection filter to view cards visible to specific organizations or users

  • Link to edit the title and section position

  • Details for each card, including the card's name, who can see it, when it's active, when it was last edited, and whether it's currently enabled.

  • Action icons to edit and delete each card

  • Access to additional actions to change the position of a card in the list

  • Button to add new cards

You have two options to set the display order of custom cards. You can drag and drop cards within the list, or you can use the Move Within List option in the More Actions menu to select a new position. The position determines the order in which cards display to users.

The top eight active cards display to users on the Learning home page, based on these conditions:

  • Visibility - The Target Group for the card is "All Active Users", or the user belongs to one of the specified organizations or user groups.

  • Date - The Active Period for the card is "Always", or the current date falls within the specified range.

  • Card Status - The card is enabled.

If there are no cards available to a user, the custom card section won't display on their Learning home page.

Translations can be provided for the section title, text on the cards, and alternative text for images. You can disable a card while you're working on it and enable it when it's ready to display to users.

We provided the ability to display custom cards on the new Learning home page to allow administrators to meet specific business needs and facilitate adoption of the new Learning experience.

Configuration Requirements

To access Custom Cards in Learning Administration (System AdministrationApplication AdministrationCustom Cards), you need to meet the following criteria:

  • Your SAP SuccessFactors Platform to Learning integration status is "Sealed"

  • You have the Edit System Configuration permission


Administrators who have the View System Configuration permission but don't have the Edit System Configuration permission won't have access to Custom Cards in the Learning Administration menu.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-154141
FeatureHome Page
ActionInfo only
EnablementCustomer configured
Link to DemoCustom Cards in the New Learning Experience
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Deprecation of Legacy Learning Home Page

The legacy Learning home page will reach End of Maintenance on May 17, 2024 and will be Deleted on May 16, 2025.

Key Dates

Future dates are subject to change.

End of DevelopmentNovember 17, 2023The deprecation milestone after which SAP stops enhancing a product or part of a product. You can continue to use the software, but you should begin planning for a time when it will no longer be available for use. We still fix high-priority bugs.
End of MaintenanceMay 17, 2024The deprecation milestone after which SAP does not fix bugs or deliver patches for the software. SAP continues to answer your how-to questions. We strongly encourage you to adopt an alternative method for your business scenario.
DeletedMay 16, 2025The deprecation milestone when a feature is no longer available for productive use. You should now be using an alternative method for your business scenario.

Deprecation Details

The legacy Learning home page is being replaced by the new Learning home page. The new Learning experience, which includes the new Learning home page, was released in 2H 2023. As of 2H 2024, the new Learning home page will be Universal and you won't be able to opt out of the feature. We encourage you to start your adoption of the new Learning home page prior to the 2H 2024 release.

Additional Resources

You can reference the following resources to plan your adoption of the new Learning home page.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-159438
FeatureHome Page
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoNot Applicable
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version
  • 1H 2024
  • 2H 2024
  • 1H 2025
Valid as Of2025-05-16
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Change History

DateWhat ChangedReason
April 12, 2024Initial publication 

Deprecation of News Feature in Learning

The news feature will reach End of Maintenance on May 17, 2024 and will be Deleted on May 16, 2025.

Key Dates

Future dates are subject to change.

End of DevelopmentMay 17, 2024The deprecation milestone after which SAP stops enhancing a product or part of a product. You can continue to use the software, but you should begin planning for a time when it will no longer be available for use. We still fix high-priority bugs.
End of MaintenanceMay 17, 2024The deprecation milestone after which SAP does not fix bugs or deliver patches for the software. SAP continues to answer your how-to questions. We strongly encourage you to adopt an alternative method for your business scenario.
DeletedMay 16, 2025The deprecation milestone when a feature is no longer available for productive use. You should now be using an alternative method for your business scenario.

Deprecation Details

With the addition of banners in the 1H 2024 release, the news feature is obsolete. You can configure banners that display to users in a rotating carousel at the top of the new Learning home page. You can configure a banner to include a text panel and a button that either launches a URL or opens an email draft to a specific recipient. The news feature still displays on the legacy Learning home page. Users who switch to the legacy experience will see the news dialog, but when they switch to the new experience, they won't see a news dialog. On the new Learning home page, banners are the method used to display important information.

We're deprecating the news feature because it was replaced by banners as part of the new Learning experience.

Additional Resources

Details on the banners feature are provided in the Banners on the New Learning Home Page topic.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-159437
FeatureHome Page
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoNot Applicable
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version
  • 1H 2024
  • 2H 2024
Valid as Of2025-05-16
Latest Document Revision2024-03-05

Change History

DateWhat ChangedReason
April 12, 2024Initial publication. 
May 3, 2024We changed the milestone date for when the feature will be deleted.We extended this date so it would remain available for productive use for another release cycle.

MaximumLearningEventsDisplayed Property Removed from LMS_ADMIN

As part of the latest version of the Learning History enhancement, we've removed the MaximumLearningEventsDisplayed property from the LMS_ADMIN configuration (System AdministrationConfigurationSystem Configuration).

We've removed the property because you no longer need to manually configure it to display the completed activities. The latest version of the Learning History page automatically loads all the completed activities as you scroll down, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-156838
FeatureLearning Completions
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

The Latest Version of Learning History Now Generally Available

The latest version of Learning History offers a more intuitive page layout, meaningful page titles, improved filter and sort functions, and other user experience improvements.

The latest version includes the following enhancements:

EnhancementIn the previous version...In the current version...
Meaningful page title

When you accessed Learning History from the Learning home page, you were redirected to a page named Completed Work. On this page, the table, which displayed the completed work, didn't have a title.

When you access Learning History from the Learning home page, the page is renamed to Learning History. A table title, Completed Activities, is added.

The section on the history details page of a completed work was named Completed Work Details.

The section on the history details page of a completed activity is renamed to Completed Activity Details.

Intuitive LayoutYou could only view the completion date, title, status, and print option for a completed work on the table.You can view the title, completion date, type, credit hours, status, and rating of completed activities on the Completed Activities table.
When you hovered over a completed work, the links to View Details, View Checklist Results, Review Content, Print Certificate, and other details were available on the completed work popup.In the Action column, you can choose to view checklist results, to review content, and to print a certificate.

You could add or remove ratings using the rating stars, which appeared for a completed work, in the Title column. To remove all the rating stars, you could use the Clear option.

To add or remove ratings, choose the desired rating star for a completed activity in the Rating column. To remove all ratings, choose the first star twice.


The Clear option is no longer available.

You had to navigate through multiple screens to view the history details and Course Details of a completed work.
  • Choosing the title or the View Details option of the completed work popup displayed the history details page.
  • The title of a completed work on the history details page displayed the Course Details page.

We've made the following enhancements to streamline the user experience:

  • You can choose the title of a completed activity to view the Course Details page
  • You can choose the icon (view details) corresponding to a completed activity to view the history details page.
The File Attachments link on the history details page directed you to a dialog box to view and download all attachments.In File Attachments on the history details page, you can view and download all attachments associated with the completed activity directly from the page.
Improved filter functionsYou could filter your completed work by Show Completions and Status:
  • Show Completions: By default All is selected. You could choose either After, Before, or Between from the dropdown to specify a date.
  • Status: You could choose a completion status from the dropdown to customize your filter results.

You can filter your completed activities by Type, Completion Date, or Status:

  • Type: It's a new filter option. You can filter your completed activities either by Required or Other.Note

    Required includes activities that are assigned as a required assignment only, while Other includes all remaining activities such as optional assignments, tasks, external events, and others.

  • Completion Date: The date picker allows you to select a date range, specifying both a start date and an end date.
  • Status: There are no changes to the functionality.
Improved sort orderYou could sort your completed work only by Completion Date.You can sort your completed activities by Completion Date, Title and Status, in ascending or descending order.
Add items to Learning HistoryYou could add item-based events and external events using the Add button on the Learning History tile.You can add item-based events and external events directly from the Learning History page using the Add button at the top-right of the page.
Other user experience enhancementsThe page wasn't responsive to the user's screen size.The page is responsive to the user's screen size.
By default, completed work was all loaded at once when the page was opened. It had the potential to cause performance issues when there were a large number of items.


You could configure the limit using the MaximumLearningEventsDisplayed property in the LMS_ADMIN. As part of the latest version enhancement, we've removed the property from the LMS_ADMIN configuration. For more information, refer to the MaximumLearningEventsDisplayed Property Removed from LMS_ADMIN topic in the Related Information section.

When you open the Learning History page, the first 50 completed activities are loaded initially. You can scroll down to the bottom of the list to load more completed activities. Loading on demand minimizes performance issues.
External events appeared as clickable links on the table. However, the expected behavior was to not display additional information as the events aren't supported in Learning.External events are no longer clickable links on the table. The title of the external events appears as plain text.

Configuration Requirements

We've developed the latest version of the Learning History page to deliver a user experience that’s modern, efficient, and consistent with SAP Fiori guidelines.

The latest version of the Learning History page is available from both the legacy Learning home page and the new Learning home page.


You can't revert to the previous version of the Learning History page.

Role-Based Permission Prerequisites

You have the Access Learning History permission.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-154628
FeatureLearning Completions
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoAccessing the latest version of Learning History
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantHire to Retire
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Automatic Anti-Virus Scanning for QuickGuides and Reports

We've expanded anti-virus scanning so it is active for all file uploads. Specifically we've added anti-virus scanning for QuickGuide creation and report import.

For QuickGuides, anti-virus scanning is now enabled for uploading a photo to a cover page or step during the QuickGuide creation or editing process. You create QuickGuides from My LearningMy QuickGuidesAdd QuickGuideCreate a New QuickGuide page. For report import, anti-virus scanning is now enabled from Admin CenterLearning AdministrationReportsReport Import page.

We've added anti-virus scanning for all uploads to enhance security for our customer's environments.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-155687
FeatureNot Applicable
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Best Practices Content Upgrade System Configuration

We now include system configuration settings for Learning Administration Best Practices content. Specifically you can now change the BestPracticesLMSResourceFileURLPrefix and BestPracticesLMSResourceFileVersion values in System AdministrationConfigurationSystem ConfigurationBEST PRACTICES.

Please work with your certified implementation partner to configure these settings.

We included the ability to customize the upgrade settings for Best Practices content to let you choose the best time and URL to surface the latest Best Practices content.

Technical Details

Reference NumberSBP-11691
FeatureNot Applicable
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Drop-Down Limit for Custom Fields

We added a limit of one thousand items for drop-down lists of values on custom fields. If you have more than one thousand values for a custom field you will not be able to set dropDownEnabled to true for a custom column on the System AdministrationConfigurationSearch Selectors page.

Customers that have more than 1000 values and have the drop-down enabled will have the drop-down setting set to false after this release. We added a value limit for custom fields to help system performance.


We have added information about the how we handle the default for the dropDownEnabled setting.

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-152417
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoDrop-Down Limit For Custom Fields
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-26

Deprecation of Support for Skype

Support of Skype as a VLS vendor for SAP SuccessFactors Learning will reach End of Maintenance on May 17, 2024 and will be Deleted on November 15, 2024.

Key Dates

Future dates are subject to change.

End of DevelopmentMay 17, 2024The deprecation milestone after which SAP stops enhancing a product or part of a product. You can continue to use the software, but you should begin planning for a time when it will no longer be available for use. We still fix high-priority bugs.
End of MaintenanceMay 17, 2024The deprecation milestone after which SAP does not fix bugs or deliver patches for the software. SAP continues to answer your how-to questions. We strongly encourage you to adopt an alternative method for your business scenario.
DeletedNovember 15, 2024The deprecation milestone when a feature is no longer available for productive use. You should now be using an alternative method for your business scenario.

Deprecation Details

Microsoft is ending support for Skype for Business. We support Skype as a VLS vendor, so we've started to deprecate our support for Skype in SAP SuccessFactors Learning.

After the End of Maintenance date, we won't fix any issues that occur as a result of Skype and its limitations. We recommend that you plan to transition to a supported VLS vendor by this date.

After the Deleted date, Skype will be removed as an option for virtual learning.

Additional Resources

For more information on Microsoft's support dates for Skype, please visit

Technical Details

Reference NumberLRN-116611
FeatureVirtual Learning Systems
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoNot Applicable
Major or Minor 
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version
  • 2H 2023
  • 1H 2024
  • 2H 2024
Valid as Of2024-11-15
Latest Document Revision2023-10-13

Change History

DateWhat ChangedReason
October 13, 2023Initial publication. 

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