Describing the New Features and Enhancements in the 1H 2024 Release


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Describe the new features and enhancements in the 1H 2024 release.

New Job Alerts Component for Unified Data Model-Enabled Career Sites

You can now add a job alert link to job detail pages in Unified Data Model-enabled Career Site Builder career sites for candidates to sign up to be notified when a similar job becomes available.

There's now a new job alert component in the job detail page on Unified Data Model-enabled career sites that lets you choose where on the page you want the link text to appear.

We wanted to give Career Site Builder administrators more flexibility in where to show job alert links on a job detail page.

Configuration Requirements

A new job alerts component is available for job detail pages when you enable the Unified Data Model setting in Career Site Builder.

If you don't already have job alerts turned on, enable Use Job Alerts at Site ConfigurationJob Alerts Settings, and include an email address for Job Alert Email Address, then save your settings. You can choose whatever username you want before the @ sign for the email address.

If Unified Data Model is already enabled, the job alert link doesn't automatically show up on the job detail page. Instead, the component becomes available in LayoutsJob, and you add it manually to your page.

If you enable the Unified Data Model on or after the 1H 2024 Production release, the Job Alerts component is automatically added to your layout, and the job alert link automatically shows up on the job detail page.

You can add the Job Alerts component in the layout wherever you're allowed to add a component, as many times as you want.

To change this default text, Job Alerts Link, for the job alert link in the job detail page, use the tcJobResultsCreateJobAlertsDetailsText key in the translation editor, at ToolsTranslations.

You can change the way the text looks at AppearanceStylesGlobal StylesBrandSearch ExperienceJob Alerts. Job Alert Link Style sets the font, font size, and font color, while Job Alert Link Hover Color sets the font color when you mouse over the text.

You can also control the alignment of the link text in the component (left, center, and right).

What's Changed

In the current version, the introduction of the new Job Alerts component, exclusive to the Unified Data Model, lets you control where on the job detail page to place the job alert link.

In addition, the frequency of job alert email is now set automatically systemwide, to once every seven days.

Job alert links continue to appear on category, search results, and job detail pages in career sites, whether you have the Unified Data Model setting enabled or not.

In the previous version, job alert links appeared on category and search results pages for all career sites, but only appeared on job detail pages for career sites that didn't have Unified Data Model enabled.

Technical Details

Reference NumberRMK-31945
ModuleCandidate Experience
FeatureCareer Site Builder
ActionInfo only
EnablementCustomer configured
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Links to Google+ and Vine in Career Site Builder are Deleted

The ability to add links in the footer of Career Site Builder-enabled career sites to Google+ and Vine as social links are deleted as of May 17, 2024.

Key Dates

Future dates are subject to change.

End of DevelopmentApril 12, 2024The deprecation milestone after which SAP stops enhancing a product or part of a product. You can continue to use the software, but you should begin planning for a time when it will no longer be available for use. We still fix high-priority bugs.
End of MaintenanceApril 12, 2024The deprecation milestone after which SAP does not fix bugs or deliver patches for the software. SAP continues to answer your how-to questions. We strongly encourage you to adopt an alternative method for your business scenario.
DeletedMay 17, 2024The deprecation milestone when a feature is no longer available for productive use. You should now be using an alternative method for your business scenario.

Deprecation Details

Both Google+ and Vine social media services were discontinued by their respective publishers.

The links, which you could select in the Social Links tab in AppearanceStylesFootersBrandDetails, added these social media icons on the career site, typically in the footer, but anywhere on the site where social media icons appeared.

The Add button in the Social Links tab no longer gives you Google+ or Vine as options.

If you added Google+ and Vine to your footer settings in the past, they continue to be listed in the Social Links tab but no longer appear on the footer of your career site.

If you wish, you can choose to remove them manually from the list of social links.

The social links that continue to be available are Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Xing.

Technical Details

Reference NumberRMK-32947
ModuleCandidate Experience
FeatureCareer Site Builder
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoNot Applicable
Major or MinorNot Applicable
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Change History

DateWhat ChangedReason
April 12, 2024Initial publication. 

Fields in Career Site Builder Dropdown Lists Include Field IDs from Job Requisition Template

Unified Data Model-enabled Career Site Builder dropdown lists now show field IDs from the job requisition template next to field names.

The Add Filter option in the following Career Site Builder locations show field IDs in the dropdown lists when adding a new field:

  • Job Layouts – the Layout Rules tab in the custom layouts editor.
  • Search Results – the Results Cards and Search Filters tabs.
  • Landing pages – the Job Alerts tab in the data capture form.
  • Category pages – the Job List tab.

We wanted to provide an easier way for administrators to identify the correct job requisition fields they were selecting.

Configuration Requirements

These field IDs are only visible if the Unified Data Model setting is enabled in Career Site Builder. There are no additional configurations, and the IDs appear automatically.

What's Changed

How It Looks Now

How It Looks Now

In the current version, Career Site Builder field names are accompanied by field IDs from the job requisition template in the dropdown list. For example, Expected Start Date (jobStartDate).

This field name only shows in the dropdown list, and doesn't appear as part of the field name on the career site itself.

How It Looked Before
How It Lookd Before

In the previous version, only the Career Site Builder field names appeared in the dropdown list. This format required the administrator to know what Career Site Builder field names corresponded with which fields in the job requisition template, even for those fields where the IDs and names didn't match exactly. For example, administrators needed to know that the Expected Start Date field referred to the jobStartDate field in the job requisition template.

Technical Details

Reference NumberRMK-33112
ModuleCandidate Experience
FeatureCareer Site Builder
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Google Job Map Integration for Career Site Search Results

Unified Data Model-enabled Career Site Builder career sites now let candidates see their search results in a Google map.

When you enable this feature, the search results page displays two new icons on the top-right corner of the page: a list icon and map icon. Choosing the map icon displays the search results in a Google map, while the list icon displays the search results in a list. You can switch back and forth between these two display formats.

Selecting the location marker opens a job card. A card shows the job title and the three lines of text about the job. Clicking on the job title takes you to its detail page.

Use the Previous Page and Next Page arrows to move between jobs in the card.


The map uses the job location generic object from job requisitions. Jobs don't show up on the map if job requisitions are missing the street address, city, state, country/region, and ZIP code.

The following image shows the integrated Google job map in the default view of the search results, with location markers indicating where the jobs from the search result are located:

The following image shows location markers zoomed in to a specific geographical area.

The following image shows a job card when selecting a location marker in the Google job map:

  • When there are multiple jobs at a location, you can use the arrows to navigate between them.
  • Each card displays the job title and three lines of text. You can choose what fields to display in these three lines.

We wanted to improve the candidate experience to make it easier to see where the jobs were located.

Configuration Requirements

PrerequisitesYou have a Unified Data Model-enabled Career Site Builder.Choose which three fields you want to show in a job card when viewing the search results in the integrated Google map in Layouts Search Results Results Cards.(Optional) Customize your Google map beyond the settings for your location markers by generating JSON code from the legacy Google Maps API Styling Wizard (and not the newer cloud-based map styling tool, which requires a license with Google).


This JSON code that you apply to customize the look of your map only affects the map on the search results page, and not anywhere else on your career site where you use the Google Map component.


To set up an integrated Google job map for the search results page, follow these steps:

  1. Turn on the ability to use Google Maps in your career site by going to LayoutsSearch ResultsGeneral and setting Enable Google Job Map.

    This setting automatically adds an integrated Google map in your Unified Data Model-enabled career site's search results page.

  2. To change the look of your location markers on the job map, go to the Search Experience tab in AppearanceStylesGlobal StylesBrand, then scroll down to Job Map:
    • Location Marker Color – lets you choose the fill color inside the location marker.
    • Selected Location Marker Color – lets you choose the fill color inside the location marker when the marker is selected.
    • Location Marker Border – lets you choose whether to show or hide the border of the location marker. The default is Show.
    • Location Marker Border Color – lets you choose the border (stroke) color of the location marker. You can enter a color value here even if you choose to hide the border, in which case the border simply isn't visible.
    • Location Marker Style – lets you choose how the number looks inside the location marker, including the font color, font stack, and font size.
    • Google Maps Configuration – this field is empty by default, and is designed to allow you to customize the map itself, separate from the location marker settings. The code you paste into this field is generated from your settings at the Styling Wizard: Google Maps APIs (legacy JSON styling wizard) website. Customize the look of the map there, then copy the generated JSON code and paste it into this field.

Control the color settings for the list and map icons in AppearanceStylesGlobal StylesBrandMain:

  • Button Background – controls the background color of the list view and map view buttons.
  • Button Font – controls the color of the outline around the icons.

What's Changed

How It Looks Now

This image shows the new map and list icons on the search results page.

This image shows the new Job Map section in the Global Styles page.

How It Looked Before

The following image of the search results page shows that there were no options to view the results in map form.

Technical Details

Reference NumberRMK-32034
ModuleCandidate Experience
  • Career Site Builder
  • Career Sites
ActionInfo only
EnablementCustomer configured
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMajor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Deprecation of Brilliant Hire Setting in Career Site Builder

The setting to enable the integration of Brilliant Hire by SAP for career sites is deprecating from Career Site Builder.

Key Dates

Future dates are subject to change.

End of DevelopmentNovember 1, 2022The deprecation milestone after which SAP stops enhancing a product or part of a product. You can continue to use the software, but you should begin planning for a time when it will no longer be available for use. We still fix high-priority bugs.
End of MaintenanceNovember 1, 2022The deprecation milestone after which SAP does not fix bugs or deliver patches for the software. SAP continues to answer your how-to questions. We strongly encourage you to adopt an alternative method for your business scenario.
DeletedNovember 15, 2024The deprecation milestone when a feature is no longer available for productive use. You should now be using an alternative method for your business scenario.

Deprecation Details

SAP stopped offering Brilliant Hire by SAP after November 1, 2022, but the Enable Brilliant Hire by SAP setting continued to be available in SettingsSiteConfiguration in Career Site Builder. The setting is being removed.

Technical Details

Reference NumberRMK-31870
ModuleCandidate Sourcing
FeatureCareer Site Builder
ActionInfo only
EnablementAutomatically on
Link to DemoNot Applicable
Major or Minor 
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version
  • 1H 2023
  • 2H 2023
  • 1H 2024
  • 2H 2024
Valid as Of2024-11-15
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

Change History

DateWhat ChangedReason
August 18, 2023Initial publication 
August 25, 2023Software Version row now includes 1H 2023 and 2H 2023.This information was inadvertently omitted from the earlier version of this topic.
April 12, 2024Software Version row now includes 2H 2024, and Deleted date has been changed to November 15, 2024.The deletion date was moved from May 17, 2024 to November 15, 2024.

Unsubscribe Options for Career Site SSL Expiration Reminders

Career Site Builder administrators can now unsubscribe from email reminders about expiring SSL certifications, and new administrators are no longer automatically subscribed to these notifications.

There are now three methods for unsubscribing from SSL expiration notices.


From the Command Center:

Unsubscribe all Career Site Builder administrative users from reminders about expiring SSL certificates.

The back-end Command Center now has an option, called Unsubscribe All Admin Users from SSL Expiration Email. Located in the Additional Options section of a site's Site Details screen, this option stops all Career Site Builder admin users from getting these notices.


As a customer, you don’t have access to Command Center. To complete tasks in Command Center, contact your implementation partner or your Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product Support.

From Career Site Builder:

Turn off subscriptions for individual users.

Turning subscriptions on or off for users is done in Career Site Builder. Go to UsersRolesAdmin Users and select the Edit User for the admin user.

The Enable SSL Notification setting in the Edit Admin User page controls subscriptions. For existing users, turn the slider to Off.

New users will have this setting set to Off by default.

From within the email:

Use the Unsubscribe button.

A new link at the bottom of the email, labeled To unsubscribe from SSL Expiration Emails, click here, takes subscribers to the Manage Email Subscriptions page. Choosing the Unsubscribe button on the page shows the following message: If the information you provided matches an account, you will no longer receive email notifications about SSL expirations.

We wanted admins to be able to unsubscribe from reminders because most of them aren't responsible for managing the SSL certificates for their career sites.

What's Changed

In the current version, Career Site Builder administrators can choose to unsubscribe themselves. Organizations can choose to unsubscribe everyone at once, and new administrators aren't automatically subscribed.

In the previous version, all Career Site Builder administrators were automatically subscribed, and couldn't unsubscribe on their own.

Technical Details

Reference NumberRMK-32135
ModuleCandidate Sourcing
FeatureCareer Site Builder
ActionInfo only
EnablementCustomer configured
Link to Demo 
LifecycleGeneral Availability
Major or MinorMinor
Business Process VariantNot Applicable
Software Version1H 2024
Valid as Of2024-05-17
Latest Document Revision2024-04-12

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