Applying Generic Actions Provided by SAP Fiori Elements


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Influence the visibility and enablement of the Delete and Create actions.

Generic Actions

What are Actions?

Actions trigger either an interaction with the back end (calling the OData service) or they initiate an external navigation to another app. You can see actions displayed as buttons on the apps.

Placement of Actions in Apps

The SAP Fiori design guidelines define where the actions can be placed as buttons on the UI. According to the guidelines, actions must be placed close to the information they act upon. An example can be placing the actions on the toolbar of the table or chart in the list report. Another example would be placing the global actions in the header area of the object page.

For more information about actions, see Actions.

For more information about the action placement, see Action Placement.

Generic Actions

SAP Fiori elements provides generic actions, such as:

  • Trigger external navigation to related apps.
  • Create a new item.
  • Delete a single item or multiple items.
  • Edit an existing item.

In the list report, the Create and Delete actions are placed in the table toolbar.

Generic Actions in the List Report

On the object page, the Edit and Delete actions are global actions placed in the header area.

Generic Actions on the Object Page

The Delete button is an action on the table and is enabled only if the user selects an item.

Visibility of the Delete and Create Buttons

You can control the visibility of the Delete button by using the @UI.DeleteHidden annotation. Its value can be a Boolean value (true or false), or a path that points to a Boolean property of an entity. If the value of the property is true, then the Delete button is hidden; if it's false, it's visible.

Code Snippet
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annotate TravelService.Travel with @UI : {   DeleteHidden : true }

Similarly, you can control the visibility of the Create button using the @UI.CreateHidden annotation. Its value can be a Boolean value (true or false), or a path that points to a Boolean property of an entity. If the value of the property is true, then the Create button is hidden; if it's false, it's visible.

Code Snippet
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annotate TravelService.Travel with @UI : {   CreateHidden : true }

Disable the Delete Button

 Instead of hiding the Delete button, you can choose to disable it in the app by using the @Capabilities.DeleteRestrictions annotation. You can set its Deletable property to true or false. If the value of this property is true, the Delete button is enabled for all items; if it's false, it's disabled for all items.

Code Snippet
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annotate TravelService.Travel with @( Capabilities.DeleteRestrictions : { $Type : 'Capabilities.DeleteRestrictionsType', Deletable: false } );

You can also disable the delete action for specific items by assigning a path to the Deletable property that points to a particular Boolean property of the entity.

Code Snippet
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annotate TravelService.Travel with @( Capabilities.DeleteRestrictions : { $Type : 'Capabilities.DeleteRestrictionsType', Deletable: TravelStatus.insertDeleteRestriction } );

The items in the Manage Travels app have various statuses such as Open, Accepted, and Canceled.

You can see that for the status Open the value for insertDeleteRestriction is true, and for the statuses Accepted and Canceled the value is false. This means that for travels with the status Accepted and Canceled, the Delete action is disabled.

You can see the values for the insertDeleteRestriction in the

Code Snippet
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code;name;criticality;fieldControl;createDeleteHidden;insertDeleteRestriction O;Open;2;7;0;1 A;Accepted;3;1;1;0 X;Canceled;0;7;1;0

For more information about enabling or disabling of the Create button, see Adding Actions to Tables.

Make the Delete Action Unavailable for Accepted and Canceled Travels


In this exercise, you will learn to disable the Delete action based on some conditions.

Task Flow

In the Manage Travels app, you can see that the Delete action is displayed in the table toolbar of the list report. You will disable the delete action for travels with the travel status Accepted and Canceled.


First, you have to enable the filter bar again, because it was hidden in the previous exercise Hide the Filter Bar in the List Report in the unit Configuring the List Report Filter Bar (lesson: Hiding the Filter Bar). Alternatively, you can check out the branch: solution/add-semantic-fields-to-filterbar.

Watch the Steps and Perform the Simulation

This exercise contains a simulation that takes you through all the steps described below. You can follow the simulation and perform the steps using your own trial account.


  1. Open SAP Business Application Studio.

  2. In the Explorer view, select Projectsschema.cds. The entity TravelStatus has a definition for all three travel statuses Open, Accepted, and Canceled. The entity also has a property named insertDeleteRestriction with the value Boolean.

  3. Open the TravelStatus.csv file. You can see that the insertDeleteRestriction has the value 1 for the Open status and 0 for the Accepted and Canceled statuses.

  4. Select the schema.cds file. Add the following annotation to it:

    Code Snippet
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    annotate Travel with @( Capabilities.DeleteRestrictions : { $Type : 'Capabilities.DeleteRestrictionsType', Deletable: TravelStatus.insertDeleteRestriction } );

    Note that the Deletable property is bound to the value of the insertDeleteRestriction property of the TravelStatus entity.

  5. View the Delete action in the Manage Travels application.

    1. Open the Manage Travels application.

    2. Select any travels with the travel statuses Accepted and Canceled.


      The Delete action is disabled for travels with the travel statuses Accepted and Canceled.
    3. Select a travel with the travel status Open.


      The Delete action is enabled for travels with the travel status Open.


The generic actions such as Delete and Create are provided by SAP Fiori elements. As an app developer, you can choose to control their visibility. You can also hide or disable the actions for some instances of the object (entity).


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