Subscribing to SAP Sustainability Control Tower


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Initiate the setup of SAP Sustainability Control Tower.

Why Should You Use SAP Sustainability Control Tower?

SAP Sustainability Control Tower helps your organization manage its sustainability performance. With access through the SAP Fiori launchpad, it allows you to track, evaluate, and help reach your sustainability goals. It is an all-in-one platform, neatly organized into five sections: Home, Insights, Steering, Data Management, and Configuration.​

The Home Group section allows you to personalize your interface with custom tiles, configurable via the Launchpad Tile Configuration application. Additionally, a convenient search bar at the top of the screen enables quick and easy navigation to your desired apps. Insights offer a snapshot of your sustainability ambitions progress, while Steering guides your journey towards those goals. In Data Management, select your preferred metrics and help manage them efficiently. Configuration lets you customize the platform.​

Through SAP Sustainability Control Tower, you can monitor your sustainability journey, helping to ensure a more sustainable future for your organization with simplicity, convenience, and efficiency.

GHG Recording

GHG Recording enables you to track and analyze greenhouse gas emissions across your company.

Subscription to SAP Sustainability Control Tower

What This Activity Is About

This lesson shows you how to subscribe to the SAP Sustainability Control Tower application. It provides step-by-step instructions on setting up a subaccount, creating a new instance or subscription, and accessing the application.

What This Activity Enables You to Do

This lesson helps you to subscribe to the SAP Sustainability Control Tower application and utilize its features for managing your organization's sustainability metrics effectively. The activity enables you to access and use SAP Sustainability Control Tower.​

Watch the following video to learn how to subscribe to SAP Sustainability Control Tower:


In this lesson, we showed you how to subscribe to the SAP Sustainability Control Tower application by setting up a subaccount, creating a new instance or subscription, and accessing the application.​ Next, set up role templates to be able to start using the features of SAP Sustainability Control Tower.

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