What's In It for You?


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Understand how a recent graduate could accelerate her career development by learning SAP skills.
  • Define five reasons why you should learn SAP skills.
  • Know how to begin learning SAP skills.
  • Share the point of view of Max Wessel, Executive Vice President of SAP Learning, on the impact of investing in SAP skills.

Laura's Journey

Laura is a Master's student, graduating in international business administration. She is young and ambitious. Laura is very interested in fashion. One of her hobbies is going to vintage stores and experimenting with styles from past decades. Laura's dream is to work in the fashion industry and to contribute to its digitization. 

We interviewed Laura and asked her if she had ever heard about SAP. Watch this video to find out what Laura's aspirations are, and which role SAP could play for her. 

Apparently, Laura had heard about SAP but was not considering it for her future career. Now she is! As you have already learned, SAP is not only an ERP software provider. It offers many more solutions for marketing, analytics, and application development. SAP also provides solutions for the fashion industry and has many prominent customers working with those solutions. 

So ... what's in it for Laura? Turns out that she, indeed, applied at companies that use SAP. Watch the next video to see how Laura's journey continues! 

This is how Laura discovers that SAP skills could be a game changer when it comes to finding her dream job. Can you imagine yourself being in Laura's shoes? Start the Introducing End-to-End Business Processes for the Intelligent Enterprise learning journey in the student zone. Find out what's in it for YOU!

Five Reasons to Learn SAP Skills

Learning SAP skills can change your life too! SAP is the number one enterprise application software company in the world, and your SAP skills will be relevant across all industries. It can help you to find your dream job, and it can also help you to boost your career. Watch the video below to find out why you should learn SAP skills!

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Point of View: Executive Vice President, SAP Learning

Want to hear from someone who is working for SAP? Watch the next video. We asked Max Wessel – Executive Vice President, SAP Learning – why he is convinced that SAP skills will help you boost your career. In the video below, Max answers our question. Curious?

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