Configuring Additional Services 


After completing this lesson, you will be able to describe how to configure additional services within SAP Business Network for Logistics

Assignment of Purchasing Organization

You must maintain a purchasing organization in a freight order to send the freight order to SAP Business Network for Logistics for processing by a carrier. This must be the purchasing organization that you have onboarded to SAP Business Network for Logistics as described in the previous chapters. You need this assignment for all kinds of freight order-related processes that you send data to your network.

Contact Person for Purchasing Organization

Master Data

You can use one of the following ways to provide your contact information to the carriers so that they can directly contact you in case of any questions:

Entire Purchasing Organization

If the contact information is relevant for one purchasing organization, you can update the information directly in the business partner details. Note that this is the business partner that you have assigned to your purchasing organization as mentioned in the previous chapters.

To update the contact information, perform the following:

  1. Go to the Maintain Business Partner transaction (transaction BP).
  2. Enter the details of the business partner in which you want to update the contact information.
  3. Navigate to the Standard Address section on the Address tab page and enter your address information.
  4. Navigate to the Communication section on the Address tab page and enter your communication information.

Note that the carriers can access the information that you provide in the Address tab.

Specific Contact Person

You can also provide your contact information only to a specific contact person in a purchasing organization and not the entire purchasing organization. To do so, you must set up additional contact person in the business partner transaction as follows:

  1. Go to the Maintain Business Partner transaction (transaction BP).
  2. In the menu bar, choose Business PartnerCreatePerson.
  3. In the Create in BP Role field, select Contact Person from the dropdown list.
  4. On the Address tab page, specify the following information:
    1. Name of the contact person in the Name section.
    2. Address of the contact person in the Standard Address section.
    3. Contact information of the contact person in the Communication section.
  5. Save your entry.

Freight Order

When you create a freight order that you will later send to SAP Business Network for Logistics for processing by the carrier, you can either use the communication information of the purchasing organization or a specific contact person.

Entire Purchasing Organization

You can use the communication information of the purchasing organization. You must assign the relevant purchasing organization to the freight order. In SAP Business Network for Logistics, the communication data maintained in the business partner master data will be displayed to the carrier.

Specific Contact Person

You can use the communication information of a specific contact person instead. You must add this contact person business partner as follows:

  • If you are using TM in SAP S/4HANA, in the Define Partner Functions Customizing activity, enter Contact at Purch Org as the partner function.
  • If you are using SAP TM, in the Define Party Roles Customizing activity, enter Contact Person for Purchasing Org. as the party role.

When you do so, the communication information specified in the business partner master data of the contact person will be displayed to the carrier as the relevant contact details for your purchasing organization.

Note that you can enter only one business partner with the role of Contact at Purch Org (for TM in SAP S/4HANA) and Contact Person for Purchasing Org. (for SAP TM) in a freight order. For more information on these roles, see SAP Note 2598016.

Freight Tendering

Message Interfaces

You can perform RFQ-based tendering with SAP Business Network for Logistics. To do so, you must support sending and receiving messages out of your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system. You use the following business-to-business (B2B) message interfaces:

TransportationOrderQuotationCreateRequest_OutTo send freight requests for quotation to SAP Business Network for Logistics
TransportationOrderQuotationConfirmation_InTo receive freight quotations from SAP Business Network for Logistics
TransportationOrderQuotationNotification_OutTo send award notifications to SAP Business Network for Logistics
TransportationOrderQuotationCancellationRequest_OutTo send cancellations to SAP Business Network for Logistics

You must also configure the following settings in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Navigate to 05 – Communication Settings in Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order Management>Tendering>Define General Settings for Tendering.

    The system displays all the communication settings.

  2. Choose the communication setting that the system uses for RFQ-based tendering with SAP Business Network for Logistics and perform the following:
    1. Select the Send EDI Messages checkbox The system displays the EDI Details section.
    2. Select the Send Notification Messages checkbox.
    3. From the Send Cancellation Messages dropdown, choose For overdue RFQs w/ quotation received within response time.

Rejection Reason Codes

SAP Business Network for Logistics supports a pre-defined list of rejection reason codes that the carrier can select when rejecting a freight request for quotation in your network.

When a carrier rejects a freight quotation, the system updates the response code as Rejected and sends the quotation to your SAP TM system from you network. To receive and process these rejection codes in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system, you must maintain the rejection reason codes in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system as follows:

  1. Navigate to 02 – Rejection Reason Codes in Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order Management>Tendering>Define General Settings for Tendering.

    The system displays all the communication settings.

  2. Maintain the rejection reasons as appropriate. You can also use the following standard rejection reasons:




No availability at the requested time


No capacity to execute the transportation request


Cannot make an offer for the requested price


No reason specified for rejecting the freight request for quotation

Text Type

To allow the carrier to submit a note with the freight quotation, you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Introduce a new text type E0103 (Carrier's Note in Subcontr/Tendering) in SAP TM and assign it to the DEFAULT text schema.
  2. Maintain the DEFAULT text schema or any other text schema as the relevant text schema in your freight order type.
  3. Assign the text type E0103 to the DEFAULT text schema or any other text schema that you have chosen as the relevant text schema.

To do so, you must perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the Text Type section in Customizing for Cross-Application Components, under Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications>Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment>Dependent Object Text Collection>Maintain text Schema.
  2. Check if you have the text type E0103. If you do not have this text type, create an entry with the Text Type as E0103 and Description as Carrier's Note in Subcontr/Tendering.
  3. Navigate to the Text Schema section.
  4. Select the DEFAULT text schema. Alternatively, you can also select any other text schema that you want to use for your freight order type.
  5. Navigate to the Text Schema Assignment section from the Text Type section.
  6. Check if you have assigned the text type E0103 to this text schema. If it is not assigned yet, assign it with the following attributes:
    • Deselect the following checkboxes:
      • Mandatory
      • Access Seq
      • Reference
      • Exit Class
      • Internal
    • Select the following checkboxes:
      • Lang. Text
  7. Save your entries.
  8. Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementFreight OrderDefine Freight Order Types.
  9. In the Output Options section, in the Text Schema field, enter the text schema DEFAULT or the text schema for which you have assigned the text type E0103.

MIME Types

To ensure the carrier receives the attachments that you send to them, you need to define the MIME types that are supported by SAP Business Network for Logistics. To do so, perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Go to Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Processes and Tools for Enterprise ApplicationsReusable Objects and Functions for BOPF EnvironmentDependent Object Attachment FolderMaintain Attachment Type Schema.
  2. Go to the MIME Type dep on BO & Node section.
  3. For the /SCMTMS/TOR business object, TENDERINGRESPONSE node, ensure that the following MIME types are available:
    • application/pdf
    • text/plain
    • image/jpeg
    • image/png
    • image/gif
    • application/msword
    • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
    • application/
    • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet


The following file size limits apply for attachments:

  • Image: 6 MB
  • Document (xls, xlsx, pdf, doc, docx): 5 MB

Number Ranges for Freight RFQs


If you use the visibility provider scenario and connect SAP Business Network for Logistics with two or more different TM systems (SAP Transportation Management standalone or Transportation Management embedded in SAP S/4HANA), you must carry out the steps outlined below.

To define number ranges for freight requests for quotations (freight RFQs), you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementDefine Number Range Intervals for Freight Order Management.
  2. Define a number range interval with a maximum of 30 characters.
  3. Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementTenderingDefine General Settings for Tendering.
  4. Go to the 07 Default Settings section, and select a number range interval for RFQs.

Message Sequencing

A carrier can submit multiple freight quotations for a single freight request for quotation. However, SAP TM only considers the last valid quotation for evaluation. SAP TM may not process the incoming freight quotations (B2B messages of type TransportationOrderQuotationConfirmation_In) in the same order as they are created in SAP Business Network for Logistics. To avoid this, we recommend you to activate point-to-point communication in your SAP TM system. When you do so, the system ensures that the incoming messages are processed in the exact order in which they are created in the SAP Business Network for Logistics.

To configure this setting in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system, you must perform the following:

  1. Go to Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Processes and Tools for Enterprise ApplicationsEnterpriseServicesPoint-to-Point Enablement for Asynchronous Enterprise ServicesActivate Support for Point2Point Communication.
  2. Select the Active checkbox.

Freight Orders for Confirmation

Message Interfaces

You can perform direct tendering or subcontracting of freight orders with SAP Business Network for Logistics. To do so, you must support sending and receiving messages out of your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system. You use the following business-to-business (B2B) message interfaces:




To send freight orders for confirmation or direct tendering requests to SAP Business Network for Logistics


To receive freight order or direct tendering confirmations from SAP Business Network for Logistics


To send freight order cancellations to SAP Business Network for Logistics

For more information about the required message enhancements, see SAP Notes 2544400, 2569487, and 2589579.

To support direct tendering with SAP Business Network for Logistics, you must also configure the following settings in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Navigate to 05 – Communication Settings in Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementTenderingDefine General Settings for Tendering.

    The system displays all the communication settings.

  2. Choose the communication setting that the system uses for direct tendering with SAP Business Network for Logistics and perform the following:
    1. Select the Send EDI Messages check box.

      The system displays the EDI Details section.

    2. From the Send Cancellation Messages dropdown, choose For overdue RFQs w/ quotation received within response time.

Text Type

Carrier's Note

To allow the carrier to submit a note with the confirmation of a freight order, you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Introduce a new text type E0103 (Carrier's Note in Subcontr/Tendering) in SAP TM and assign it to the text schema DEFAULT.
  2. Maintain the text schema DEFAULT or any other text schema as the relevant text schema in your freight order type.
  3. Assign the text type E0103 to the text schema DEFAULT or any other text schema that you have chosen as the relevant text schema.

To do so, you must perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the Text Type section in Customizing for Cross-Application Components, under Processes and Tools for Enterprise ApplicationsReusable Objects and Functions for BOPF EnvironmentDependent Object Text CollectionMaintain Text Schema.
  2. Check if you have the text type E0103. If you do not have this text type, create an entry with the Text Type as E0103 and Description as Carrier's Note in Subcontr/Tendering.
  3. Navigate to the Text Schema section.
  4. Select the DEFAULT text schema. Alternatively, you can also select any other text schema that you want to use for your freight order type.
  5. Navigate to the Text Type to Text Schema Assignment section.
  6. Check if you have assigned the text type E0103 to this text schema. If it is not yet assigned, assign it with the following attributes:
    1. Deselect the following checkboxes:
      • Mandatory
      • Reference
    2. Select the following checkboxes:
      • Internal
      • Lang. Text
  7. Save your entries.
  8. Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementFreight OrderDefine Freight Order Types.
  9. In the Output Options section, in the Text Schema field, enter the text schema DEFAULT or the text schema for which you have assigned the text type E0103.


To receive and show driver information sent from the carrier, you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementFreight OrderDefine Freight Order Types.
  2. Go to the Driver Settings section.
  3. For Number of Required Drivers, select Single Driver or Driver Team (Two Drivers per Stage).
  4. For Driver Assignment Type, select Per Freight Order.

Country or Region Codes

To correctly show the vehicle-license-plate country or region codes sent from the carrier, you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Go to Customizing for SAP NetWeaver under General SettingsSet CountriesDefine Country Codes.
  2. Ensure that the country or region codes comply with ISO 3166-1.


Do not modify the standard customizing for country or region codes.

MIME Types

To ensure the carrier receives the attachments that you send to them, you need to define the MIME types that are supported by SAP Business Network for Logistics. To do so, perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Go to Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Processes and Tools for Enterprise ApplicationsReusable Objects and Functions for BOPF EnvironmentDependent Object Attachment FolderMaintain Attachment Type Schema.
  2. Go to the MIME Type dep on BO & Node section.
  3. For the /SCMTMS/TOR business object, ROOT node, ensure the following MIME types are available:
    • application/pdf
    • text/plain
    • image/jpeg
    • image/png
    • image/gif
    • application/msword
    • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
    • application/
    • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet


The following file size limits apply for attachments:

  • Image: 6 MB
  • Document (xls, xlsx, pdf, doc, docx): 5 MB

Message Sequencing

A carrier can confirm a freight order multiple times. However, SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA considers only the last valid confirmation. SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA may not process the incoming confirmations (B2B messages of type TransportationOrderConfirmation_In) in the same order as they are created in SAP Business Network for Logistics.

To avoid this, we recommend you to activate point-to-point communication in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system. When you do so, the system processes the incoming messages in the same order in which they are created in SAP Business Network for Logistics.

To configure this setting, you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. In the Customizing for Cross-Application Components, choose Processes and Tools for Enterprise ApplicationsEnterprise ServicesPoint-to-Point Enablement for Asynchronous Enterprise ServicesActivate Support for Point2Point Communication.
  2. Choose Active and save your entry.

Confirm Freight Bookings

Message Interfaces

You can perform subcontracting of freight bookings with SAP Business Network for Logistics. To do so, you must support sending and receiving messages out of your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system. You use the following business-to-business (B2B) message interfaces:




To create a freight booking request in your SAP Business Network for Logistics


To confirm a freight booking in your transportation management system


To cancel a freight booking in your SAP Business Network for Logistics


To enable freight booking waybill notification request in your SAP Business Network for Logistics

Text Type

Carrier's Note

To allow the carrier to submit a note with the confirmation of a freight booking, you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Introduce a new text type E0103 (Carrier's Note in Subcontr/Tendering) in SAP TM and assign it to the text schema DEFAULT.
  2. Maintain the text schema DEFAULT or any other text schema as the relevant text schema in your freight booking type.
  3. Assign the text type E0103 to the text schema DEFAULT or any other text schema that you have chosen as the relevant text schema.

To do so, you must perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the Text Type section in Customizing for Cross-Application Components, under Processes and Tools for Enterprise ApplicationsReusable Objects and Functions for BOPF EnvironmentDependent Object Text Collection Maintain Text Schema.
  2. Check if you have the text type E0103. If you do not have this text type, create an entry with the Text Type as E0103 and Description as Carrier's Note in Subcontr/Tendering.
  3. Navigate to the Text Schema section.
  4. Select the DEFAULT text schema. Alternatively, you can also select any other text schema that you want to use for your freight booking type.
  5. Navigate to the Text Type to Text Schema Assignment section.
  6. Check if you have assigned the text type E0103 to this text schema. If it is not yet assigned, assign it with the following attributes:
    1. Deselect the following checkboxes:
      • Mandatory
      • Access Seq
      • Reference
      • Exit Class
    2. Select the following checkboxes:
      • Internal
      • Lang. Text
  7. Save your entries.
  8. Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementFreight BookingDefine Freight Booking Types.
  9. In the Output Options section, in the Text Schema field, enter the text schema DEFAULT or the text schema for which you have assigned the text type E0103.

Attachments from Carrier

To receive the attachments sent by the carrier for a freight booking in the Notes section, you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Introduce a new text type ATLNK with the description as Attachment for SAP LBN in SAP TM and assign it to the text schema DEFAULT.
  2. Maintain the text schema DEFAULT or any other text schema as the relevant text schema in your freight order type.
  3. Assign the text type ATLNK to the text schema DEFAULT or any other text schema that you have chosen as the relevant text schema.

To do so, you must perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the Text Type section in Customizing for Cross-Application Components, under Processes and Tools for Enterprise ApplicationsReusable Objects and Functions for BOPF EnvironmentDependent Object Text CollectionMaintain Text Schema.
  2. Check if you have the text type ATLNK . If you do not have this text type, create an entry with the Text Type as ATLNK and Description as Attachment for SAP LBN.
  3. Navigate to the Text Schema section.
  4. Select the DEFAULT text schema. Alternatively, you can also select any other text schema that you want to use for your freight order type.
  5. Navigate to the Text Type to Text Schema Assignment section.
  6. Check if you have assigned the text type ATLNK to this text schema. If it is not yet assigned, assign it with the following attributes:
    1. Deselect the following checkboxes:
      • Mandatory
      • Reference
    2. Select the Lang.Text checkbox.
  7. Save your entries.
  8. Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementFreight BookingDefine Freight Booking Types.
  9. In the Output Options section, in the Text Schema field, enter the text schema DEFAULT or the text schema for which you have assigned the text type ATLNK .

Message Sequencing

A carrier can confirm a freight booking multiple times. However, SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA considers only the last valid confirmation. SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA may not process the incoming confirmations (B2B messages of type TransportationOrderBookingConfirmation_In) in the same order as they are created in SAP Business Network for Logistics.

To avoid this, we recommend you to activate point-to-point communication in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system. When you do so, the system processes the incoming messages in the same order in which they are created in SAP Business Network for Logistics.

To configure this setting, you must perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. In the Customizing for Cross-Application Components, choose Processes and Tools for Enterprise ApplicationsEnterprise ServicesPoint-to-Point Enablement for Asynchronous Enterprise ServicesActivate Support for Point2Point Communication.
  2. Choose Active and save your entry.

Freight Orders for Reporting

If your carrier cannot provide real-time visibility data, they can keep you informed during the execution of a freight order by using the Freight Orders for Reporting app. For more information about receiving data from the Freight Orders for Reporting app in your TM system (Transportation Management embedded in SAP S/4HANA), refer to the Freight Orders for Reporting section in this guide.

If your carrier provides real-time visibility data, you can receive and view the data in the Track Freight Movement app and in your SAP TM system or TM on S/4HANA system. To enable this, you must complete the steps in the Track Freight Orders section.

Message Interfaces

You can enable milestone reporting for freight orders with SAP Business Network for Logistics. To do so, you must support sending and receiving messages out of your TM in SAP S/4HANA system.

In addition to the message interfaces listed in chapter Freight Orders for Confirmation, you must use the following business-to-business (B2B) message interfaces:




To receive event notifications for freight orders from SAP Business Network for Logistics

For more information about the required message enhancements, see SAP Notes 2721729and 2743015.

Enabling Freight Orders to be Reported

To enable your carriers to report the progress of the freight orders they execute for you, you must specify one of the following settings:

  • If you want to use only the Freight Orders for Reporting app and not the Track Freight Movement app, you must perform the following:
    • Select the checkbox Send Tracking Relevance Indicator in the EDI Communication Profile for the carrier master data.

      To do so, go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Integration>Enterprise Services>Define EDI Communication Profile.

  • If you want to use the Freight Orders for Reporting app along with the Track Freight Movement app, you must perform the following:
    • Select the checkbox Send Tracking Relevance Indicator in the EDI Communication Profile for the carrier master data.

      To do so, go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Integration>Enterprise Services>Define EDI Communication Profile.

    • Select either Execution Tracking or Execution Tracking with External Event Management from the Execution Tracking Relevance dropdown list.

      To do so, go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order Management>Freight Order>Define Freight Order Type.


  • If you enable only the second setting in TM system, the carrier can still use Freight Orders for Reporting app and you can view the events in the Track Freight Movement app. However, the carrier can start reporting events only after TM system triggers the tracking request.

  • If you enable both the settings in TM system, then the carrier can report events soon after you confirm the freight document. Once TM system triggers a tracking request, you can view the events in the Track Freight Movement app.

Event Codes

Check and specify the following settings.

Define Event Reason Codes

Define the following event reason codes:


Ensure the event reason codes are written the same as in the table below.
Event Reason CodesDescription
LBN_WTGLOCWaiting at a location
LBN_OTHERSOther reasons
CLEANLINESS_NOT_FITCleanliness not fit
CONGESIONTOFBAYSCongestion of bays
DOCUMENTMISSINGDocuments missing/IT failure
ACCIDENTEquipment accident or malfunction
FORCEOFNATUREForce of nature
INCORRECTIncorrect or not confirmed
LACKOFSTORAGECAPALack of storage capacity
PACKAGINDAMAGEDPackaging damaged
PREVIOUSLOADINGORUNLOADINGPrevious loading or unloading point
DAMAGEDProduct damaged or contaminated
PUBLICAUTHORITYPublic authorities
TERMINALTerminal/Rail/Shipping line
UNSAFEUnsafe condition
WRONGBEHAVIOUWrong behaviour

To define the event reason codes, go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Basic Functions>General Settings>Define Event Reason Codes.

Defining Event Codes

Define the following event codes (event types):


Ensure the event codes are written the same as in the table below.
Event CodesDescription
ARRIV_DESTArrival at destination
PODProof of delivery
POPUProof of pickup


You can report the following events in the Freight Orders for Reporting app:

  • POD
  • POPU

You can only provide the following reason codes when you report an exception event:

Event Reason CodesDescription
CLEANLINESS_NOT_FITCleanliness not fit
CONGESIONTOFBAYSCongestion of bays
DOCUMENTMISSINGDocuments missing/IT failure
ACCIDENTEquipment accident or malfunction
FORCEOFNATUREForce of nature
INCORRECTIncorrect or not confirmed
PACKAGINDAMAGEDPackaging damaged
DAMAGEDProduct damaged or contaminated
UNSAFEUnsafe Condition

To define the event codes, go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Basic Functions>General Settings Define Event Reason Codes>Select Event Code.

Assigning Event Reason Codes to Event Types

Assign relevant event reason codes (specified in the first step) to each event type as necessary (specified in the second step):

  1. Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Basic Functions>General Settings>Define Event Reason Codes.
  2. From the Select Event Code tab, select an event and then display the Assign Event Reason tab.
  3. Click New Entries and enter a reason code for each event. Note that as of now the carrier can only enter reason codes for the arrival, departure, delay, and exception events in the Freight Orders for Reporting app. Hence you can assign event reason codes only for the following events:
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each event code.


Only when you maintain the event reason codes and assign them to the relevant event codes, these event reason codes will be forwarded to TM system when the carrier reports them from the Freight Orders for Reporting app.

MIME Types

To receive attachments from the carrier, you must define the following MIME types. To do so, perform the following in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Go to Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications>Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment>Dependent Object Attachment Folder>Maintain Attachment Type Schema.
  2. Go to the MIME Type dep on BO & Node section.
  3. For the /SCMTMS/TOR business object, EXECUTIONINFORMATION node, ensure the following MIME types are available:
    • application/pdf
    • text/plain
    • image/jpeg
    • image/png
    • image/gif
    • application/msword
    • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
    • application/
    • application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet


The following file size limits apply for attachments:
  • Image: 6 MB
  • Document (xls, xlsx, pdf, doc, docx): 5 MB

Review Freight Documents/Invoice Freight Documents

Message Interfaces

You can perform invoicing of freight documents with SAP Business Network for Logistics. To do so, you must support sending and receiving messages out of your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system. You use the following business-to-business (B2B) message interfaces:

TransportationOrderRequest_OutTo send freight documents for invoicing or self-billing to SAP Business Network for Logistics

For more information about the required message enhancements, see SAP Note 2570607.

To support self-billing/invoicing with SAP Business Network for Logistics, you must also configure the following settings in your SAP TM or TM in SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. Carrier BP in TM/S4 system should have Evaluated receipt Settlement enabled for the self-billing scenario and not enabled for the invoicing scenario.
  2. Carrier BP should have the EDI communication profile maintained.
  3. In the customizing entry EDI communication profile itself, the Include Charges in EDI Messages flag should be checked.

The charge types in the TM system need to be assigned to LBN charge codes as mentioned here: Assign Charge Codes.

Carrier Invoice

If you are using TM on SAP S/4HANA 1809 onwards, you can receive carrier invoices in the SAP S/4HANA system. To use the following B2B interfaces in the SAP S/4HANA system, you must specify the following settings in your TM system:

InvoiceRequest_InTo receive carrier invoices from SAP Business Network for Logistics


If you have not maintained the AIF Customization in your SAP S/4HANA system, the system cannot create an invoice. For more information on how to set up AIF Customization, see SAP Note 2787264.

You must perform the following Customizing settings in the SAP S/4HANA system to receive carrier invoices sent from SAP Business Network for Logistics:

  1. In Customizing for Transportation Management under IntegrationEnterprise Services Carrier Invoice IntegrationAssign Carrier Condition type to SAP TM Charge Type.
  2. In Customizing for Transportation Management under IntegrationEnterprise ServicesCarrier Invoice IntegrationAssign Carrier Tax Types to SAP TM Tax Charge Type.

Note that if you do not maintain these Customizing activities, the system does not create an invoice in the TM system.

Freight Order Charges Update

If you are using TM on SAP S/4HANA 1809 FPS03 onwards, you can receive freight order charges update after dispute resolution in the SAP S/4HANA system. You use the following A2A interface in the SAP S/4HANA system.

TransportationOrderChargeElementRequest_InTo receive freight order charges, update after dispute resolution from SAP Business Network for Logistics
TransportationOrderChargeElementConfirmation_OutTo update shipper LBN dispute if the TM freight order charges update was successful

For more information about the required message enhancements, see SAP Notes 2764356, 2764796, and 2793432.

Track Freight Movement

If your carrier provides real-time visibility data via a visibility provider, you can receive and view the data in the Track Freight Movement app and in your SAP TM system or TM on SAP S/4HANA system. To enable this, you must complete the configurations described in this section.

Your carrier can also keep you informed by manually reporting the execution of a freight order using the Freight Orders for Reporting app. For more information about receiving data from the Freight Orders for Reporting app in your SAP TM system or TM on SAP S/4HANA, refer to the Freight Orders for Reporting section in this guide.

Message Interfaces

To track visibility data from your carrier, you must support sending and receiving messages out of your SAP TM or SAP S/4HANA system. You use the following business-to-business (B2B) message interfaces:

TransportationOrderGenericTrackedProcessRequest_OutTo send requests for process tracking to SAP Business Network for Logistics
TransportationEventBulkNotification_InTo receive event notifications for freight documents from SAP Business Network for Logistics

For more information about the required message enhancements, see SAP Note 2742948.

Defining Event Codes

Define the following event codes (event types). Planned events with these event codes will be tracked by the Track Freight Movement app.

In the following table, you can find the list of event codes in SAP Business Network for Logistics in the track freight movement area and the corresponding event codes in the SAP TM system:


The event codes listed below are supported by the tracking service. This list does not contain the event codes supported by the standard API. The standard API supports air freight specific events that are not supported by the tracking service.

As of now, tracking service does not forward the GEOLOC events to SAP TM.

Event Codes in Track Freight MovementDescriptionCorresponding SAP TM Event Code
POPUProof of pick-upPOPU
PODProof of deliveryPOD
GEOLOCGeo location updateGEOLOC
GATEIN_ENDGate check-in endCHECK_IN

To define the event codes, go to Customizing for Transportation Management under IntegrationDefine Transportation Activities for Tracking and TracingEvent for Business Documents. Create the events and assign them to the correct Transportation Activity in the same customizing.

Defining Tracking Relevant Freight Document Types

To enable freight documents to be tracked by the Track Freight Movement app, you must specify the following setting:

  • Go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order ManagementFreight OrderDefine Freight Order Type and set Execution Tracking Relevance to either Execution Tracking or Execution Tracking with External Event Management.

Maintaining Required Settings in Freight Documents

To enable and trigger freight tracking, you must maintain the following in freight documents:

  • Maintain carrier information
  • Maintain purchasing group for the specified shipper
  • Maintain license plate number of the vehicle
  • Maintain the transportation mode
  • Maintain the shipping type
  • Set TOR Lifecycle Status to In Process
  • Set TOR Execution Status to Ready for Transportation Execution or In Execution


You can customize the soap message used for freight document tracking. To do that, go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Transportation Management>Integration>Enterprise Services>Freight Order Management>Freight Order>BAdI: Trigger TransportationOrderGenericTrackedProcessRequest.

Maintaining New Text Types

You must maintain the following settings for new text types for container items and mobile in your SAP TM or TM on SAP S/4HANA system:

  1. In the Customizing for Cross-Application Components, choose Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications>Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment>Dependent Object Text Collection>Maintain Text Schema.
  2. Create the following Text Types:
    1. Specify Text Type as CONT and Description as Container ID
    2. Specify Text Type as MOBL and Description as Personal mobile number
  3. Under the Dialog Structure section, under Text Schema, choose Assign Text Schema to BO and Node.

    A field selection dialog box appears.

  4. Select Business Object Name and proceed.

    A determine work area entry dialog box appears.

  5. Enter /SCMTMS/TOR in the Business Object Name and proceed.

    The system displays the business objects with the name /SCMTMS/TOR.

  6. Select the entry with the business object with the node as ROOT and check the text schema assigned to it. For example, the text schema is DEFAULT.
  7. Under the Dialog Structure section, under Text Schema, choose Text Type to Text Schema Assignment.

    A determine work area entry dialog box appears.

  8. Enter DEFAULT in the Text Schema field and proceed.
  9. Select the newly created text types to the text schema DEFAULT.

Once you maintain the above settings, the system makes the text types available for data entry in the freight document. Note that you must enter the container data in a comma separated manner if there are multiple containers, for example, CONT123, CONT456, and so on.

Maintaining Location Code

You must maintain UN location code UNLOCODE for the location either in the location master data of your SAP TM or TM on SAP S/4HANA system or in the location service for ocean tracking in SAP Business Network for Logistics.

Maintain Ocean Bill of Lading

You must maintain the ocean bill of lading in the freight booking as this is an essential document identifier for tracking.

Specifying Last Expected Event

The last expected event is used to determine whether a freight document has been executed.

To specify it, go to Customizing for Transportation Management under Freight Order Management>Freight Order>Define Freight Order Type and set Last Exp. Event to the event type that you want to use, for example, ARRIV_DEST.

Customizing the Messages to Be Sent to SAP Business Network for Logistics (Optional)

You can customize the messages that are sent to SAP Business Network for Logistics, for example, inserting a new planned event, changing the default tolerance of expected time window, etc. by maintaining SAP BAdI /SCMTMS/TOR_SE_TRCKPR_OUT.

Defining Number Range Intervals

You must define number range intervals as outlined in the Freight Tendering section.

Triggering Messages from TM (Optional)

If you are using TM on SAP S/4HANA 1909 SP0 and could not get freight document messages from TM, you might need to trigger messages out from TM by adjusting PPF adapter for Output Management customizing with delivery customizing.


The configuration is not required for users of S/4HANA 1909 SP1 or onwards.

To trigger messages from TM on SAP S/4HANA, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to transaction SPRO. Path: Cross-Application Components>Processes and Tools for Enterprise Applications>Reusable Objects and Functions for BOPF Environment>PPF Adapter for Output Management>Maintain PPF Settings.
  2. Select application /SCMTMS/TRANSPORTATION and then click Define Action Profile and Actions. For the action profile: /SCMTMS/TOR, the following two actions must be defined. Refer to delivery customizing client entries.
  3. Select application /SCMTMS/TRANSPORTATION and then click Condition Configuration. For Scheduling Actions: /SCMTMS/FOR, maintain entries for TOR_TRCKPR_CNC and TOR_TRCKPR_REQ
  4. In the customizing activity Maintain Output Management Adapter Settings, adjust the entries with the delivery client by using the menu option Utilities>Adjust.

Dock Appointment Scheduling

The dock appointment scheduling functionality helps you as a shipper and carriers as well to streamline the booking process, reduce waiting times, and improve dock utilization.

SAP Business Network for Logistics provides the following apps as part of the dock appointment scheduling functionality:

  • Manage Entities

    Enables you to define entity settings

  • Self-Book Dock Appointments

    Enables carriers to book dock appointments for relevant freight orders

  • Manage Dock Appointments

    Enables you to manage the dock appointments that carriers have booked

To enable dock appointment scheduling functionality, you must perform the following:

You can also integrate dock appointment scheduling functionality in SAP Business Network for Logistics with external systems such as follows:

  • SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM)
  • Extended Warehouse Management (EWM) on SAP S/4HANA
  • SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM)
  • Transportation Management on SAP S/4HANA
  • SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA

For this integration, SAP offers APIs to trigger appointment creation and cancellation from an external system to SAP Business Network for Logistics and send the appointment confirmation from SAP Business Network for Logistics to your external system.

For more information, see SAP Library for SAP Business Network Freight Collaboration on SAP Help Portal at In SAP Library, choose Application Help>SAP Business Network Freight Collaboration>Shipper Apps>Dock Appointment Scheduling.

For more information on integration with SAP Yard Logistics for SAP S/4HANA, see

SAP Business Network Global Track and Trace

Reminder Service

  • It allows you to create a template email for an event, such as that a sales order has been created, then when the event occurs, automatically send emails based on the template to the involved parties.
  • It is available with Version 2 of SAP Business Network Global Track and Trace.

Select the link to learn more: Reminder Service

Message Log Administration

  • The View Logs (VL) app allows you to have an at-a-glance overview of the available logs and their statuses. These messages could have the following status:
    • Success
    • Warning
    • Error
    • Pending
    • Not Relevant

Select the link to learn more: Message Log Administration

Model Administration

This section provides a summary to manage version 2 models for SAP Business Network Global Track and Trace. This involves using the following apps:

  • Manage Models (MM) app
  • Check Processes and Events (CPE) app

Using the Model Administrationguide, will allow the administrator to create and manage reporting scenarios relevant to the customer’s unique business requirements.

Model Structuring

Different models can be created in the MM app. Each model must contain one or more tracked process types and event types. Each tracked process type and event type contain some pre-defined core model fields that you cannot change. You can add user-defined fields to each tracked process type and event type. For each tracked process type, some event types can be specified as either an:

  • Admissible Planned Event type: specifies the event types that can be used in planned events of a tracked process with this process type or an
  • Admissible Unplanned Event type: specifies the event types that can be used in unplanned events of a tracked process with this process type.

As shown in the following diagram, some other field types can be defined:

  • Tracked process type
  • Event type
  • Field type

Model Overview Page

MM app starts by opening the Model Overview page. This lists up to 20 models. The model count is displayed at the bottom. For example: (20/100) indicates that 20 models are displayed of a total of 100. If there are more than 20 models, click the More button to see the next 20. The information on each model is displayed on a model card.

To find your model, you can simply check the list or search by typing its model name. To select your model, click its model card.

Also, on the Model Overview page, you can do the following:

  • Create a model
  • Import a model
  • Export a model
  • Delete a model

Refresh the latest data of models on the page by clicking the Refresh icon.

On the top right, a Sample Codes menu is provided with direct links to download the sample codes. There are two options in the drop-down list:

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