Creating a Subaccount 


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to create a subaccount.
  • Describe additional steps to set up the customers’ landscape.

Creation of Subaccount

After receiving the Welcome email, the next step is to create a subaccount.

You can create a subaccount by going to the BTP Cockpit>Account Explorer view>Create (blue button from right side)>Subaccount. Provide a display name and select the region/provider. The subdomain (URL) will automatically be populated for you based on the display name given.

Please consult the help documentation to see the region and provider options available for this service. It is important that you are diligent in this selection because choosing the wrong region and provider will result in you being unable to find the service in subsequent steps. For convenience, the help page is listed in this section.

Useful Links:

Subscribe to Apps

In your subaccount, you subscribe to the shipper apps of your licensed BN4L option.

You can access the services via the Services Marketplace. This task can only be done by Global Account Admins.

Expand Entitlements Section>Service Assignments and search for the service to confirm it is in the Global Account.

Useful Link:

Establish Trust Between Your Subaccount and Identity Authentication Tenant

With the purchase of the productive license, your company is provided with a tenant for Identity Authentication (if it hasn't already got one). You or your colleague receives an email for activating the account. The email contains a link to the administration console for Identity Authentication. By activating the account, you are the administrator of the account and can assign administrator roles to other users.

You can establish the trust using automatic method (recommended) or manual method.

  • Automatic method: Establish Trust and Federation Between UAA and Identity Authentication
  • Manual method: Manually Establish Trust and Federation Between UAA and Identity Authentication

Useful Link:

S-User ID

Many of the resources that you need can only be accessed with your S-user ID. For new customers, SAP will create S-user IDs for the SAP software recipients. Your company's user administrators can then request additional S-user IDs and assign the required authorizations.

Useful Links:

SAP Launchpad

SAP Launchpad is the site where your cloud administrator can request additional S-Users, manage existing S-Users, and add authorizations to S-Users

The administrator needs to create user permissions within SAP Launchpad in order for them to create service requests for BTP.

Reporting BTP Access Issues

You can perform the following steps to report any BTP access issues:

  1. Navigate to SAP Launchpadincident creation page
  2. Enter your customer number and S-User ID
  3. Select the appropriate system and product area
  4. Give the issue a title in the subject area
  5. Enter a short description of your issue / request and also enter as many details you can add regarding your issue. You can upload files here as well.
  6. Add the support component

Useful Links:

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