Associating a List of Values to a Business Layer Object


After completing this lesson, you will be able to associate a List of Values to a business layer.

List of Values Associated with a Business Layer Object

The list of values (LOV) is associated with a business layer object. The LOV alters the possible input values when the object is used as a filter in the Query Panel.

  1. Open the Business Layer.

  2. Click the object you wish to associate with the LOV.

  3. Click the Advanced tab in the editing pane.

  4. Select the Associate list of values check box.

  5. Click the Browse icon and select the LOV from the list.

  6. Click Ok.

  7. Save the Business Layer.

Create and Associate a List of Values

In this short video, you'll see how to create a list of values in the business layer and then associate the LOV with an object.

Create and Use a List of Values

Your business users need customized lists of values for some of the business layer objects.

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