Creating Data Foundations


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Define Data Foundations.
  • Explore the Data Foundation Editor.
  • Navigate the Data Foundation View.
  • Define and Use Data Foundation Families.

Data Foundations

A data foundation defines a schema of the tables that contain the data business users need for their reports and dashboards. You can build any number of business layers on the same data foundation. In this case, the data foundation becomes the basis for multiple universes.

The data foundation does not duplicate the database tables. It simply references specific tables in the data source that the connection references.

Data Foundation Editor

Using the Data Foundation Editor, you create and enhance the data foundation by adding tables, derived tables, alias tables, calculated columns, joins, contexts, prompts, and lists of values. The availability of some features depends on the data foundation type.

The Data Foundation Editor is divided into a data foundation view and browsing panes. The data foundation view is a graphical representation of the tables and joins. In the data foundation view, you can work on tables and joins using commands in the Insert and Detect menus, or by clicking objects directly in the view.

Data Foundation Editor Tabs

The browsing panes allow you to work with different elements of the data foundation. Access the panes by clicking the corresponding tab:

  • Connections
  • Data Foundation
  • Aliases and Contexts
  • Parameters and Lists of Values

Each of these tabs are explained in detail as you proceed through this course.

Watch this short video to see the areas of the data foundation editor.

Insert Tables on a Data Foundation

Watch this short video to see the various ways to add tables to the data foundation.

The Data Foundation View

To access a menu of commands that are available on tables, right-click the table header in the Data Foundation view. To select multiple tables, click the table headers while holding down the Ctrl key.

To access commands that are available on columns, right-click the column name in the table in the Data Foundation view.

Add Tables to the Data Foundation

You need to create the data foundation to identify the tables in the database that contain data the business users need for their reports.

Data Foundation Families

A family allows you to define a certain color and font to associate with tables on the data foundation. This formatting can be helpful in easily identifying tables that have a specific relationship on the data foundation. Families are stored in XML format and can be imported or exported.

After the families have been created, you can associate them with one or multiple tables on the data foundation. To associate a family with a table, select one or more tables and then select the appropriate family in the drop-down list in the toolbar above the data foundation schema.​

Create and Use a Family

Add a Family to your data foundation to help identify the client-related tables.

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