Resolving a Chasm Trap


After completing this lesson, you will be able to resolve a Chasm Trap

Chasm Trap Resolution

To resolve a chasm trap, you make separate queries and then combine the results. The best way to accomplish this is to define a context for each table at the many end of the joins. In our classroom example, you could define a context from CLIENT to SALE and from CLIENT to RENTAL.

When you run a query that includes objects from both contexts, this creates two SELECT statements that are synchronized at runtime in SAP BusinessObjects end user query tool to prevent the creation of a Cartesian product.

Explore and Resolve a Chasm Trap

Chasm traps can be challenging to locate. Watch this short video to see a simple example that applies in even the most complex chams traps.

Create and Resolve a Chasm Trap

Due to the structure of the database, reporting on both sales and rentals transactions will result in a chasm trap. You must resolve the trap.

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