Creating Live Models


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Create a live model with SAP S/4HANA data.
  • Create a live model with SAP HANA data.
  • Create a live model with SAP Business Warehouse data.
  • Create a live model with SAP BusinessObjects data.


Live models are created with SAP data and are created in the same way, regardless of the SAP system. The only difference is the System Type, Connection, and Data Source you select in the dialog when you begin the creation process.

Your SAP Analytics Cloud system administrator typically creates the Connection, while your SAP source system team creates the Data Sources.

Create Model From Live Data Connection dialog

This lesson consists of four exercises, in each one you will complete the same task, creating a live model on one of the SAP systems discussed in this unit.

It's not necessary to complete every exercise. Simply choose the exercise that conforms to the specific SAP data source system you are using in your organization. If you are using more than one SAP data source system, then choose all that apply to you.


SAP S/4HANA Integration

The integration with an S/4HANA system can be done in two ways:

  • As a live data connection: No data is stored on SAP Analytics Cloud.
  • As an import data connection: Data is stored on SAP Analytics Cloud and updated periodically. When using SAP Analytics Cloud as the interface for planning activities, data must be imported from S/4HANA.

SAP S/4HANA Data Sources for Live Models

You can create live data models to SAP S/4HANA Core Data Services Views or Queries.

Create a Live Model with SAP S/4HANA Data

In this practice exercise, you will:

  • Create a live model based on an SAP S/4HANA data
  • Use the live model in a story


SAP HANA Integration

SAP Analytics Cloud is integrated with SAP HANA in two ways:

  • As a live data connection: Available for SAP HANA and SAP HANA Cloud.
  • As an import data connection: Available for SAP HANA.

SAP HANA Data Sources for Live Models

In SAP Analytics Cloud, you can create live models using HANA Calculation Views as a data source. Calculation Views allow definition of more advanced slices on the data available in the SAP HANA database. Live models based on SAP HANA Calculation Views can improve story performance by delegating and moving data-intensive calculations to SAP HANA Cloud.

When working with live models for SAP HANA, there are three unique features:

  1. You can declare a Time Dimension, allowing for the use of automatic time determination features in stories.
  2. In the Measures tab, the aggregation settings can be adjusted in the live model.
  3. In the Dimension tab, dimensions can be renamed, grouped, or hidden.
Model showing both the measures and dimensions tabs for an SAP HANA live model. The set time determination icon is highlighted with a 1, aggregation settings highlighted with a 2, and the dimensions tab with a 3.

Live models in SAP HANA: Below, you can see a story table with time determination options for an SAP HANA live model. It allows for automatic time determination in stories.

Story table with time determination options for an SAP HANA live model. Automatic time options can be accessed fro the input control. Add Time Filters provide options to add Current, Previous, Next, Previous & Current, Current & Next.

Create a Live Model with SAP HANA On-Premise Data

In this practice exercise, you will:

  • Create a live model based on SAP HANA on-premise data
  • Use the live model in a story

SAP Business Warehouse

SAP Business Warehouse Integration

The Integration of an SAP Business Warehouse can be done in two ways:

  • As a live data connection: Available for SAP BW and SAP BW/4HANA.
  • As an import data connection: Available for SAP BW and SAP BW/4HANA.

SAP BW Data Sources for Live Models

You can create live data models to SAP BW Queries.

Supported SAP BW Query Elements in Live Models

The following SAP BW query elements are supported in SAP Analytics Cloud models:

  • Conditions
  • Time-dependent hierarchies.
  • SAP BW variables.
  • SAP BW variants and personalization.
  • SAP BW structures.
  • Parallel processing of SAP BW queries.

BW Hierarchy Support

  • Time dependent hierarchies are supported.
  • Time dependent hierarchy structures are supported.

BW Variable Support

  • Exit and authorization variables are supported.
  • Show booked values in the search help based on the setting in the BW query.
  • Merge/unmerge Prompts.

Parallel Processing Support

  • Only use where performance improvement is absolutely required.
  • Manage BW server resources carefully.

Measure/Dimension Support

For measures, you can change the following:

  • Descriptions.

  • Scale to be displayed as default (thousands, millions, etc.).

  • The decimal place defaults: This is preferable at the model level if measure reporting has a specific universal format (as in financial reporting), as opposed to always changing scale and decimals at the story level.

For dimensions, you can change the following:

  • Descriptions.

  • Create semantic groups of dimensions for easier navigation during story creation. This is advantageous in the case of SAP BW queries that have a large number of dimensions to choose from.


Display and navigation attributes are not fully supported. You must manually change the attribute column in as a property classification.

Create a Live Model With SAP Business Warehouse Data

In this practice exercise, you will:

  • Create a live model based on SAP Business Warehouse data
  • Use the live model in a story

SAP BusinessObjects

SAP BusinessObjects Integration

The Integration with SAP BusinessObjects can be done in two ways:

  • As a live data connection: Available for SAP BusinessObjects Universes and Web Intelligence documents.
  • As an import data connection: Available for SAP BusinessObjects Universes.

SAP BusinessObjects Data Sources for Live Models

Live models can connect to a SAP Business Objects Universe and to Web Intelligence documents, including any document variables (formulas).


Web Intelligence Variables are not to be confused with SAP BW Variables. SAP BW Variables often render as prompts. Web Intelligence variables are simply calculations and formulas that have been defined with a name and will not prompt the user for any information.

Create a Live Model with an SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence Document

In this practice exercise, you will:

  • Create a live model based on an SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence document
  • Use the live model in a story

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