Identifying the Differences Between Model Types


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Identify the different model types.

Analytic Models

Analytic models are read-only models used strictly for data reporting and analysis. They do not have any required dimensions or measures.

Model preferences with planning disabled

Planning Models

Unlike the read-only analytic models, planning models allow write-back to the planning data source. Because designated planners can write data, planning models require Version and Date dimensions to designate what the written data is, and for what time frame.

Model preferences with planning enabled

In a typical workflow, the structure of the planning model is created and then actual data is imported. The actual data is typically copied to a plan version and then the data is adjusted to accommodate expected changes in the planning time frame.


A planning model integrating with SAP BPC Embedded can work with real-time (non-imported) data, but that is the only exception. Any other planning model must replicate the data into SAP Analytics Cloud.

Both Analytic and Planning models can be created as either account-based or measure-based models.

Measure-Based Models

The measure-based model type exposes measures as single entities and lets you add and configure multiple measures with aggregation and units to fit your data. It provides plenty of flexibility; you can match the structure of an account-based model by using measures and an account dimension, or you can remove the account dimension when it is not required for your use case.

There are two types of measure-based models:

  • Model with measures and no account dimension
  • Model with measures and an account dimension

Model with Measures Only

A measure-based type of table that has no account dimension, but it has several measures. called signed data in the columns.

Model with Measures and an Account Dimension

A measure-based type of table that has an Account dimension with members in the rows, along with several other measure columns.

The measure-based model is a best of both worlds. It has multiple measures but can also use an account-type dimension. In addition, measure-based models support model-specific calculated and converted measures.

Account-Based Models

Account-based models have a single measure associated with multiple accounts.

An account-based type of table that has accounts in the rows and a measure called signed data in the columns.

In an account-based model, model values are stored in a single default measure, and you use the account-type dimension's structure to add calculations, specify units, set up an account hierarchy, and set aggregation types for all the data. In the preceding figure, data is broken down by Account (Discounts, Gross Sales, Quantity, and Cost of Sales), which is used to describe the values in the measure column (SignedData.) Those values represent transaction data associated with other dimensions (Product and Date).

Model Comparison

FeatureAccount-Based ModelMeasure-Based Model
Measures11 or more
Converted measuresNot availableSupported
Calculated measuresNot availableSupported
Account dimensionRequiredOptional
Analytic or planningBothBoth

Working with Measure-based and Account-based Models

Business Scenario

Watch this short video scenario on measure-based and account-based models. Can you help Peter with his question?

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