Understanding When to Use Extended Planning Stories


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Know when to use Extended Stories when planning.

Extended Stories in Planning

Most planners use the built-in features of SAP Analytics Cloud when building stories to perform their planning activities. Sometimes, however, planners are presented with complex business requirements that require working with developers or colleagues who have coding skills to extend the stories with scripting. In the Advanced Story Design course, developers go in-depth into the scripting functionality in SAP Analytics Cloud stories.

We selected some helpful extended planning functionality as a starting point when working with extended planning stories. We want to highlight how built-in functionality can be customized to suit your own business requirements.

When to Extend Planning Stories with Scripting

What are some of the common reasons that you would want to extend your planning stories?

  1. Assistance: One of the common issues faced by planners is forgetting to trigger data actions or triggering them in the wrong order. An extended story can be created to automatically trigger a data action at a specific point or running them in a set order.
  2. Feedback: It’s possible to create custom messages to provide thoughtful and timely instructions and feedback to planners.
  3. Master data creation: Extended stories guide planners in the addition of new members to existing dimensions, which can help fight inconsistencies in master data.
  4. Customized buttons: Extended stories can be created to on display data actions when private data is added to a story. Buttons can also be used to hide comment indicators when stories are presented by planners.
  5. Intuitive interface: Show comments in the story in an area where they can be easily seen and added to the planning story.

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