Setting Up Your Account for Full-Stack Application Development using Productivity Tools in SAP Business Application Studio


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Use a booster to automatically set up a subaccount.
  • Add entitlements to a subaccount on SAP BTP.
  • Set up your account for full-stack application development.
  • Subscribe to services on SAP BTP.

Set Up of an Account for Application Development

Business Scenario

In this lesson, you will learn about the administration onboarding steps for setting up an account, with the tools and services needed to get you started with developing applications on SAP Business Technology Platform.


  • You need a global account enabled – see Getting a Global Account


    Depending on whether you are using a Trial Account, Free-Tier, or an Enterprise Account, the options available might differ. If you are using an Enterprise Account you will have access to all options. If you are using a Trial or Free-Tier Account, you will find that some options are not available. In those cases watch the simulation.

  • The global account has entitlements for:
    • SAP Business Application Studio
    • SAP Build Work Zone (standard OR advanced edition)*
    • SAP HANA Cloud
    • (Optional) SAP Mobile Services
    • Cloud Foundry runtime


*If you have already subscribed to the SAP Build Work Zone, advanced edition, you don't need to subscribe to the standard edition. The advanced edition is a superset of the standard edition.

You'll need the role of Global Account Administrator to be able create a new subaccount.

Addition of Entitlements to a Subaccount on SAP BTP

Access to SAP Business Application Studio on SAP BTP can be obtained through manual subscription or by using a subscription booster. Boosters provide a set of guided interactive steps that enable you to select, configure, and consume services on SAP BTP to achieve a specific technical goal. For more information about SAP BTP boosters, see Boosters.

The Getting Started with SAP Business Application Studio booster equips your subaccount with the basic entitlements and subscriptions to help you develop and preview your applications within SAP Business Application Studio.

These include:

Entitlements per Plan

EntitlementFree-Tier Account/Enterprise AccountTrial Account
SAP Business Application StudiofreeTrial

Continuous Integration & Delivery


-cicd-service (Not available on Trial)

cicd-app (free (Application))


cicd-app (trial (Application))
Authorization and Trust Management Service







Additionally, the booster also assigns the required role collections to the user, which include:

  • Business_Application_Studio_Administrator
  • Business_Application_Studio_Developer


Ensure that the above entitlements (including subscriptions) and role collections are assigned to your subaccount, either by running the booster or by assigning them manually.

If you are using a trial account on SAP BTP and cannot use the booster, please follow the steps described here to Set Up Your Trial Account, configure entitlements, and create a dev space. In this case, skip task 1.

However, you will not be able deploy the applications or create native mobile apps. To enable deployment, we will need to add more entitlements and subscriptions to your subaccount:

  • SAP HANA Cloud: HANA Cloud is SAP’s cloud-native database solution for storing your application’s data.
  • SAP HANA Schemas and HDI Containers: HANA Schemas and HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI) containers handle the deployment of runtime aspects of your application’s database and the logical grouping of its data structure.
  • Cloud Foundry runtime: Cloud Foundry runtime provides the runtime memory required for the services deployed in SAP Business Technology Platform to operate and exchange information.

Additionally, depending on your choice of media for deployment, you can add the following services:

  • SAP Build Work Zone (for web deployment): The SAP Build Work Zone helps you build a role-based, personalized website to simplify access to business apps, both on cloud and on-premise. This includes other SAP applications, custom-built applications, third-party applications, and extensions.
  • SAP Mobile Services (for mobile deployment): The SAP Mobile Services provide tools and features for simple mobile application development, configuration, and management. It helps you build and scale your mobile solutions, while providing a consumer-grade experience for your users.

You can also add other entitlements and subscriptions depending on your business objectives. For more details, see Deploying Applications.

Once the booster is completed successfully, you gain access to various high productivity development capabilities in a cloud environment. For a test and (free) evaluation, and usage of the SAP Business Application Studio environment, you can use the free-tier plans or trial-accounts. For more information on the free-tier plan of SAP Business Application Studio, see Application Plans.

For more information on the Trial Account see Working with a Trial Account.

Set up your Account for Full-Stack Application Development

Business Scenario

In the next three exercises, we will set up an account with the tools and services needed to get you started for developing applications on SAP Business Technology Platform. We will go through all the necessary administration tasks to create and configure a subaccount, and enable various services. Take note that we will use a single subaccount for development (design time), as well as for deployment (runtime). In real-world scenarios, design-time and runtime environments are typically managed separately to reduce operational costs.

In this exercise, you will perform the following tasks:

  • Create a new subaccount for application development using a booster.
  • Add additional entitlements to your account for SAP Build Work Zone, SAP HANA Cloud, SAP Mobile Services, and Cloud Foundry runtime.
  • Add subscription or instances for SAP Build Work Zone, SAP HANA Cloud, SAP Mobile Services, and Cloud Foundry runtime.
  • Assign required role collections for your user.


In this exercise, we will create a new subaccount. It is also possible to apply the required configuration steps to an existing subaccount. However, to keep things clean and separated from other activities, we recommend creating a separate subaccount for this learning journey.


Details on the prerequisites for setting up an account on SAP Business Application Studio for application development are covered in this lesson.


Depending on whether you are using a Trial Account, Free-Tier, or an Enterprise Account, the options available might differ. If you are using an Enterprise Account you will have access to all options. If you are using a Trial or Free-Tier Account, you will find that some options are not available. In those cases watch the simulation.


As discussed earlier in this lesson, you will be using a booster to set up a new subaccount for developing applications on SAP Business Application Studio. The setup environment however, will only enable you to design and preview your applications. You will have to subscribe to additional entitlements and services to be able to deploy your application.


Note that some of the services that this learning journey links to, can incur costs.

If you are concerned about charges, you can opt to skip the corresponding exercises and watch the simulation instead.


If you are using a Trial Account the booster described in task 1 will not be available as SAP Business Application Studio is available by default. In this case, continue with task 2.


In this exercise, it is recommended to save your work more often than requested in the substeps.

Let's get started.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Live Environment: by using the instructions provided below, you can perform the steps in your SAP BTP account.
  2. Platform Simulation: follow the step-by-step instructions within the simulation.


We strongly recommend to perform the steps in the live environment first.

The following simulation reproduces the execution of this and the next two exercises:

Task 1: Run the "Get Started with SAP Business Application Studio" Booster


  1. Use a booster from your global account cockpit.

    1. From the navigation pane of your SAP BTP cockpit, choose Boosters.

    2. Search for studio to find the booster called Get started with SAP Business Application Studio, and open it.

    3. The booster overview page provides some more information about the booster, and the solution diagram shows the (potential) services involved.

    4. Choose Start to start the booster. In the first step, the booster will check whether the prerequisites for running the booster are in place. Once this step is finished and no issues are found, choose Next.

    5. You can now choose to create a new subaccount (recommended for this exercise), or choose an existing subaccount to apply the booster. Choose Next.

    6. As Provider choose Microsoft Azure and as Region choose US West (WA).

      You can now configure your subaccount's name, region, cloud provider, and so on. Depending on the entitlements, your options for cloud providers and regions can be different because not every service is available in every data center. The SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery service is optional, but it is recommended to keep these services, as they will be used as part of this Learning Journey.

    7. Choose Next.

    8. In this step, you can add team members to your subaccount. Administrators can manage the account and services. Developers are more limited in their options, but can still develop applications. By default, you will be part of the administrators. Choose Next.

    9. In the last step before execution, you can review your configuration settings. Choose Finish to execute the booster.

    10. A pop-up dialog appears that shows the booster's progress. As you will notice, some steps can be executed in parallel.

    11. Once the booster has successfully finished, choose Navigate to Subaccount.

Task 2: Add More Entitlements to Your Subaccount to be Able to Deploy Applications


In this task you will add several services to your subaccount. If you decide to use free-tier services be aware of the fact that each service implements its own limitations (for example with regards to the number of available instances per account).

If you are using a trial account you might find that some entitlements have already been added by default.


  1. Add entitlements to the subaccount.

    1. From the navigation pane on the left, choose Entitlements. The list overview shows you all entitlements currently assigned to your subaccount. Some are added by default when a subaccount was created. Others were added by the booster.

    2. Choose Configure Entitlements.

    3. Choose Add Service Plans.

  2. Add the SAP Build Work Zone entitlement.

    1. Search for zone, and choose the SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition entitlement.

    2. Choose the required plan.

      Free-tier Account/Enterprise AccountTrial Account
      Free (Application)standard (Application)
  3. Add the SAP HANA Cloud entitlements.

    1. Search for hana, and choose the SAP HANA Cloud entitlement.

    2. Choose the required plan.

      Free-tier Account/Enterprise AccountTrial Account



      tools (Application)

    3. Choose the SAP HANA Schemas & HDI Containers entitlement.

    4. Choose the hdi-shared plan.

  4. Add the Mobile Services entitlement.

    1. Search for mobile, and choose the Mobile Services entitlement.

    2. Choose the required plan.

      Free-tier Account/Enterprise AccountTrial Account
  5. Add the Cloud Foundry Runtime/Environment entitlement.

    1. Search for run, and choose the Cloud Foundry Runtime/Environment entitlement.

    2. Choose the required plan.

      Free-tier Account/Enterprise AccountTrial Account
      Free (environment)MEMORY
  6. Save all added service plans.

    1. On the pop-up choose Add 5 Service Plans.

    2. Choose Save.

    3. Wait for the changes to be saved and applied to the subaccount before continuing the exercise.


You have now set up your account for full-stack application development, and you are ready for the next exercises.

You have now used a booster for entitlements and service subscriptions as well as added more entitlements that were not included in the booster. You are ready for going on.

Subscribe to Services in Service Marketplace

Business Scenario

In this exercise, you will subscribe to services in Service Marketplace, and you will set up your account for application development in SAP Business Application Studio.

In this exercise, you will perform the following task: subscribe to services in Service Marketplace.


The exercise Set up Your Account for Full-Stack Application Development Using Productivity Tools in SAP Business Application Studio is completely and successfully done.


Depending on whether you are using a trial account, free-tier, or paid services, the options available might differ. This document aims to cover all options available.


Note that some of the services that this learning journey links to, can incur costs.

If you are concerned about charges, you can opt to skip the corresponding exercises and watch the simulation instead.


In this exercise, it is recommended to save your work more often than requested in the substeps.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Live Environment: by using the instructions provided below, you can perform the steps in your SAP BTP account.
  2. Platform Simulation: follow the step-by-step instructions within the simulation.


We strongly recommend to perform the steps in the live environment first.

The following simulation reproduces the full exercise execution:

Task 1: Subscribe to Services in Service Marketplace


  1. Subscribe to SAP Build Work Zone.

    1. In the navigation pane of the subaccount's SAP BTP Cockpit page, choose Service Marketplace.

    2. Search for zone, and choose the SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition tile.

    3. In the service details section, you can find more information about the service, and additional links. Take note that for free plan, there are restrictions. For trial you have to use the standard (subscription) plan. Choose Create.

    4. Choose the Service and Plan (use the defaults), and choose Create.

    5. While the subscription is in progress, you can check the status in the Instances and Subscriptions list by choosing the View Subscription button. Alternatively, choose Close to close this dialog and go to the next step while the subscription continues in the background.

  2. Subscribe to SAP HANA Cloud.

    1. In the Service Details section, choose Create.

    2. Depending on your type of account you have to choose the tools/tools (Application) plan.

    3. Choose Create.


      If you didn’t run the Get Started with SAP Business Application Studio booster, you also have to add the following services manually by selecting them from Service Marketplace:

      • Continuous Integration & Delivery
      • SAP Business Application Studio
  3. Check the assigned Role Collections for your user.

    1. In the subaccount's SAP BTP cockpit, choose Users in the navigation pane.

    2. Choose your user.

    3. In the Details section, you can see which Role Collections are already assigned to your user. These Role Collections contain specific roles, and have been assigned through the booster, the subaccount creation, or subscription to specific services. Choose Assign Role Collection.

    4. In the dialog, choose the Role Collections and choose Assign Role Collection.

      • Launchpad_Admin
      • SAP HANA Cloud Administrator
      • CICD Service Administrator


      If you didn’t run the Get Started with SAP Business Application Studio booster you also have to add the following roles manually:

      • Business_Application_Studio_Administrator
      • Business_Application_Studio_Developer


When you've reached this point, you have successfully subscribed to services in Service Marketplace.

Further Reading About Setting Up an Account

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