Sharing the Project via Git


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Share your project.

Share Your Project via Git

Business Scenario

We are in the process of developing a cloud application based on various SAP Technologies. These technologies include database services, user interfaces, including SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP), SAP Fiori, SAP Mobile Development Kit (MDK), and others. As the project becomes more complex, more developers need to collaborate and contribute to the project. Therefore, it is necessary to find an efficient way of sharing the project. In this case, you will use a remote Git repository to achieve that.

In this exercise, you will perform the following tasks:

  • Enable project sharing on your project by pushing it to a remote Git repository.
  • Sharing your project with other users so that they can access your project via URL sharing.


  • You have successfully completed at least until exercise: Add sample data.
  • You have set up a Git account in your Git provider.
  • You have set up an empty remote Git repository.
  • You have permission to add new collaborators to your Git repository.


Note, that some of the services that this learning journey links to, can incur costs.

If you are concerned about charges, you can opt to skip the corresponding exercises and watch the simulation instead.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Live Environment: by using the instructions provided below, you can perform the steps in your SAP BTP account.
  2. Platform Simulation: follow the step-by-step instructions within the simulation.


We strongly recommend performing the steps in the live environment first.

The following simulation reproduces the full exercise execution:

Task 1: Share Your Project


  1. Share your project with the users you want.

    1. Select Simplifed Git from the menu on the left to open the Simplifed Git menu.

    2. Choose the Add Remote Repository button at the top of the Simplified Git menu.

    3. Enter the URL to an empty remote Git repository, and choose Enter to confirm your input:

    4. Enter your Git credentials, Git username:

    5. Enter your Git credentials, Git password and continue.


      Note, that depending on the git service provider it might be required to use a token instead of a password.

    6. Choose whether to save your Git credentials for future use.

      Your project is pushed to the remote Git repository that you provided.

    7. Check the notification message, which displays in the lower right corner Branch ‘main’ published.


      To start collaborating on the shared project with other users, you have to share the remote git URL with your collaborators. To enable other users to clone and push changes to your remote Git repository, you need to make sure to also give them access in your Git provider's settings. Your collaborators can then clone the project to their workspace.


      • In the Simplified Git view, you can see a list of all changes in the Pending Changes section. To add your changes to the remote Git repository, perform the following steps:
        • In the Pending Changes section, you can see all changes, that you have made in your project that have not yet been committed and synced to your connected remote git repository. Select the files with changes that you want to include in the commit by using the check boxes beside each file.
        • Enter a message describing your changes and choose Commit & Sync. This will commit and push your changes to your connected remote git repository.
      • Pull allows you to update your local codes with your collaborators' changes.

Reference Links: Sharing a Project

You find more information about sharing a project here: Using the Simplified Git View

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