Using Message Monitoring and Logging


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Use message monitoring and logging.

Using Message Monitoring and Logging

In this Lesson, the Following Topics are Discussed:

  • Types of Monitoring.
  • Build-In Monitor for Message Monitoring.
  • System Log Files.
  • SAP Cloud Integration API for Message Processing Logs.
  • External Logging.

Types of Monitoring

In addition to the standard built-in monitor, various tools can be used with Cloud Integration Monitoring. It offers different categories including message monitoring, content management, and alert management. For the purpose of this discussion, we will focus on message monitoring using the built-in monitor for messages and the SAP Cloud Integration API for Message Processing Logs API.

There is a helpful overview section that highlights the strengths of each tool.

  • SAP Cloud ALM
  • SAP Solution Manager
  • SAP Focused Run SAP Analytics Cloud
  • SAP Application Interface Framework
  • Cloud Integration OData APIs

Build-In Monitor for Message Monitoring

The lesson utilizes the PI_Integration_Developer Role collection, while the exercises use the PI_Administrator Role Collection, which my lead to differences in the presentation. Upon logging in through the monitor menu, you will be presented with the following desktop, where any view can be individually configured by clicking on the plus sign.

No. 1: Monitor Message Processing, No. 2: Manage Integration Content, No. 3: Manage Security - Admin Place, No. 4: Manage Stores, No. 5: Access Log.

Here we are only interested in the jump to message monitoring (No. 1) and the Access Log (No. 5). All other areas concern mainly *integration admins*.

Monitor Message Processing Area

The overview displays all processed messages in all delpoyed integration flows and can be filtered. It also allows direct access to the processed message.

The Message at the Status Column can Have Different Values.

  • Completed
  • Processing
  • Retry
  • Escalated
  • Failed
  • Canceled
  • Discarded
  • Abandoned

Sample with Message Status Completed

  1. Open Monitor ArtifactsOverviewManage Integration Content:

    No. 1: the filter bar, No. 2: a message with status complete.

  2. Choose the message with status complete:

    On the right side of the windows, there is another section that provides a wealth of information about message processing. When the log level is set to info, this section serves as the primary monitor.

    However, if the log level is set to trace, you can access the debugging mode of the process flow, which we have already encountered in the exercise.

Jump in Directly From your Integration Flow

A more concise version could be: "You can navigate from the integration flow to the monitor artifacts section using the link Navigate to Manage Integration Content, which opens the monitor in a new tab for easier navigation. This is used in the exercises, and provides access to all information about the processing through various tabs.

This approach is used in the exercises of this training. All information about the processing can be accessed via the different tabs.

System Log Files

The Access Logs section in the Build-In Monitor provides direct access to the System Log files via the System Log Files tile. These files include the HTTPs access logs and the trace logs, and are retained for a period of 30 days.

After having opened the tile, you have access to the system logs.

SAP Cloud Integration API for Message Processing Logs

The Monitor itself is based on a cloud integration API. To investigate this, navigate to: and search for the SAP Cloud Integration API. Find the APIs here:

Open the tile Message Processing LogsAPI Reference. Now we can examine the API with the swagger UI.

Try out GET /MessageProcessingLogs.

At (No. 1), you will find the metadata of this message. At (No. 2), the navigation is on the left to examine specific information.

Configure the API Access

If a user is assigned the PI_Administrator or PI_Integration_Developer Role Collection, they can directly access the API using their credentials.

The URL Scheme is:
Sample for the Resource LogFiles

Call the following URL with your own subdomain and region:

External Logging

To be independent of the size of the SAP Cloud Integration database and manage a large number of log files, customers can use the external logging feature to send message processing logs to an external system. This section provides instructions on how to enable this feature on your tenant.


Read more:

Types of Monitoring
Read the whole story: Monitoring tools for Cloud Integration Capability of SAP Integration Suite | SAP Blogs
Build-In Monitor for Message Monitoring
Here is an overview about the sections on monitor start page: Monitoring
Message Status
Find a complete overview and description at: Message Status
External Logging
External Logging


SAP provides various products to support message monitoring such as SAP Cloud ALM, SAP Solution Manager, SAP Focused Run, SAP Analytics Cloud and more. In addition, SAP Cloud Integration provides its own graphical monitor which provides a comprehensive view of message processing. The monitor enables users to read system log files and is built on an API which can be directly called. This API enables users to create their own customized monitor.

Create a Timer Event in Place of the Message Start Event

Business Scenario

You aim to modify the initial process, save the integration flow, deploy it and then monitor it.

Task Flow

In this exercise, you will perform the following tasks:

  1. Log on to the Integration Flow DelayedDelivery_Process.
  2. Explore the design view.
  3. Replace the message start event by a timer event.
  4. Version and deploy the integration flow.
  5. Use the monitor to check out the result.


  • You have a working Integration Suite.
  • You are able to log to the design view of Cloud Integration.
  • You have successfully finished the step Create an Integration Package and Integration Flow..

Outcome of this Exercise

A functional integration flow with a timer-based start event.

What do you Learn Within this Exercise?

The objective is to comprehend the concept of events and create/configure a timer event. Additionally, the user can deploy the integration flow and monitor it.

Exercise Options

To carry out this exercise, you can choose from the following options:

  1. Live Environment: Using the instructions provided below, you can perform the steps in your SAP BTP account.
  2. Platform Simulation: Follow the step-by-step instructions within the simulation.
  3. Side-by-side: Follow the step-by-step instructions within the simulation and perform the steps in your SAP BTP account simultaneously.


We strongly recommend to perform the steps in the live environment.

Task 1: Log on to the Integration Flow DelayedDelivery_Process


  1. Log on to the the integration flow DelayedDelivery_Process via Integration Suite

    1. Navigate within the Integration Suite Welcome page to DesignIntegrations and APIsDelayedDelivery_Package_randomNumberArtifactsDelayedDelivery_Process.

    2. Choose the Edit button on the top right. The palette with the Integration Flow Components is now active.

Task 2: Explore the Design View


  1. Explore the palette with Integration Flow Components.

    1. Choose the context sensitive help button on the bottom right. For each iFlow component, you can access the corresponding help directly via this help button.

    2. All integration flow components display here:

    3. Choose the Participant button. Here, you can configure Sender and Receiver aliases.

    4. Open the context sensitive help, navigate to Assign Sender and Receiver Components, and read the description.

    5. Choose the Process button.

    6. Open the context sensitive help, navigate to Define Process Shapes, and read the description.

    7. Continue in the same way with the other pallet elements:

      • Event
      • Connectors
      • Mapping
      • Message Transformers
      • Call
      • Message Routing
      • Security Elements
      • Persistence
      • Message Validators
  2. Explore the navigation bar on top.

    1. Choose the Edit button.

      Before you can work on the integration flow again, you must set the integration flow into the edit mode.

    2. Explore the navigation bar on top.

    3. Choose the Save button. You will get a notification. The navigation bar does not change.

    4. Choose the Save as version button.

      A pop-up to enter values for a new version displays.

    5. A new version is always necessary if you have a working integration flow that you may want to jump back to.

    6. The navigation bar changes. Save and Save as version button are substituted with the Edit button. A new button, Configure displays.

    7. The Deploy button, we use in the next part of the exercise.

    8. The Cancel button and the Delete button are self explanatory.

  3. Explore the navigation elements on the right side. These elements helps you to fit your work within the screen.

    1. Choose the center of the No. 1. The integration flow will be centered.

    2. Choose the + and - symbols of the No. 2 to zoom your integration flow.

  4. Explore the navigation bar on the bottom. This elements helps you to work efficiently and with high-performance.

    1. Double-click on the white area, somewhere outside the integration flow.

    2. The configuration bar displays at the lower part of the screen. This is very helpful for configuring the integration flow components, but takes up a lot of space on the screen.

    3. If you do not choose any special components, the configuration of the entire integration flow is called.

    4. To hide the configuration bar, choose the minus icon on the right side of the configuration bar.

    5. Also try the Maximize button.

    6. Also try the Show Overview button.

Task 3: Replace the Message Start Event by a Timer Event


  1. Replace the message start event by a timer event.

    1. Ensure the process is in editing mode.

    2. Choose the Event button and scroll down and find the Timer entry.

    3. To add a timer event to your integration flow, choose the Timer symbol and navigate along the blue line that connects the Start and End event in the swim lane of your integration flow. Once the blue line becomes thicker, position the timer symbol on the line and select it using the mouse.

    4. The integration flow component can be seen to be placed exactly at this point by the input arrow pointing to the currently placed integration flow component.

    5. To hide the context menu, choose the white area within the swim lane.

    6. Choose the Start event to display the context menu.

    7. Choose the trash can to remove the Start event.

    8. Double-click on the Start Timer 1 symbol to display the configuration bar as described above.

    9. Choose the Scheduler tab. Accept the settings.

      Get familiar with this process and place and remove various integration flow components. The process is always the same.

Task 4: Version and Deploy the Integration Flow


  1. Version your work.

    1. Before deploying, we always create a new version to ensure that we can revert to the previous version if any issues occur.

    2. Choose the Save as version button on top, and enter a comment, for example, Add and configure a timer.

    3. The top navigation bar changed, as described before. The version number is set automatically.

  2. Deploy your integration flow for the first time.

    1. Choose the Deploy button. You will get a demand. Confirm this by choosing the Yes button.

    2. You will get a second notification. Confirm it by choosing the OK button.

    3. Your integration flow will be compiled and packed as a *jar file. This *jar file will be called from the java SDK.

Task 5: Use the Monitor to Check Out the Result


  1. Jump to the monitor from your integration flow – easy way.

    1. Access the configuration bar of the Integration Flow as described before. Choose the Deployment Status tab.


      The menu options display, when you click in the white canvas space.

    2. After deploying your integration flow, you will receive an active link Navigate to Manage Integration Content that you can use to access the monitor.

    3. Choose the link Navigate to Manage Integration Content and a new tab opens in your browser, displaying the Overview page within the Manage Integration Content section of the monitor area.

    4. A new tab will always open when you choose this link.

    5. You will find your integration flow, its status, and a link for monitoring your integration flow.

    6. Choose the active link Monitor Message Processing. You are switched to a new page OverviewMonitor Message Processing.

    7. Choose the most recent message with a Completed status to navigate further into the process.

    8. The details about the process display on the right are limited because the debug level is set to info.

    9. There is a second introduction to monitoring.

    10. Jump back to your integration flow with the first tab (No. 1) in your browser. On No. 2, is the monitor.

  2. Access the monitor from the left-side navigation bar - a more complex method.

    1. On the left side, choose MonitorIntegrations and APIs.

      Unfortunately, the current window with your integration flow will be overwritten.

    2. The Overview page opens.

    3. Choose the Manage Integration Content tile. Now the OverviewManage Integration Content page opens. It can also accessed directly from the integration flow, as described earlier.

    4. Let's try deploying and monitoring using the described procedure several times, as it will be a common practice going forward.

    5. The key distinction between the two methods of accessing the monitor is that, in the first case, the monitor opens in a separate browser window, making it easy to switch back and forth between the integration flow and monitor.

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