Encountering Business Use Cases and which SAP Integration Modules Support and Enable Each Integration Use Case


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Analyze common business use cases that may be relevant for integration implementations between SAP Commerce Cloud and SAP S/4HANA Cloud and identify the required integration modules supporting these common use cases.

Common Business Use Cases for Integration

Common Business Use Cases

Business customers expect the same innovative buying experiences as do individual customers. At the same time, your organization expects to offer product data in all sales channels, in a consistent way, without the costly requirements of double maintenance.

In many business scenarios, orders created and stored in SAP Commerce Cloud, are transferred to SAP S/4HANA Cloud for order fulfillment. The order status for the sales documents are updated in SAP S/4HANA Cloud and transferred to SAP Commerce Cloud.

In addition, relevant master data, such as products (including classification, prices, and discount data), stock level, business partners, and connected contact persons are replicated and transferred from SAP S/4HANA Cloud to SAP Commerce Cloud.

The following example illustrates some of the common business use cases when data is generated within one of the systems and then replicated or transferred to the other system.

Business Use Cases for the integration

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