Using SAP Cloud Integration to Improve Integration Functionality


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Determine how SAP Cloud Integration improves functionality of a SAP Commerce Cloud and SAP S/4HANA integration.

SAP Integration Suite and its SAP Cloud Integration Features

SAP Integration Suite

SAP Integration Suite is a cloud-based service that combines tools and pre-built content to help address the full range of integration challenges.

SAP Integration Suite is a versatile, dynamic, and enterprise-grade platform that can simplify integration through a variety of integration approaches. Pre-packaged integration scenarios provide ready-to-go integrations and can rapidly reduce development times. API and digital teams can build semantic APIs to accelerate digital applications.

For more information about SAP Integration Suite, view this video:

SAP Integration Suite features

SAP Cloud Integration Portion of the SAP Integration Suite

SAP Cloud Integration supports end-to-end integration processes across cloud-based and on-premise applications. SAP Cloud Integration also supports message transfer processes with integration scenarios, spanning different companies, organizations, or departments within an organization.

This is a summary of the key features and capabilities of SAP Cloud Integration.

Integration Content

Integration developers can use Pre-defined Integration Content(out of the box), enhance the content, or develop their own integration content from scratch. Integration content refers to all design artifacts that define how a message will be processed, in the course of an integration scenario. The features of connectivity and message processing are available for use.

The following features related to integration content are available:

  • Predefined content provided by SAP
  • Develop and edit integration content
  • Deploy integration content on different integration platforms
  • Transport integration content


SAP provides a set of adapters that allows you to specify a certain connection type and to define, for example, which technical protocols should be used to connect a sender or a receiver system to the tenant, and how this connection is protected. A receiver adapter connects the tenant to an external system. A sender adapter receives incoming messages (sent from an external system) or connects the tenant to an external system and polls for messages.

Sample adapters:

Sample Adapters

AribaHTTP/SJMSODataRestand more...

Message Processing

Available message processing features:

  • Message Transformation : Mapping, ID Mapping, Content Modifier, Converter, Decoder, Encoder, Filter, Script, etc
  • Calling External Systems or Subprocesses: Request-Reply, Send, Content Enricher, Poll Enrich Step, Process Call, etc…
  • Routing: Router, Multicast, Splitter, Join, Gather
  • Storing Data During Processing: Persist Message, Data Store Operations, Write variables
  • Protecting Messages; Encryptor, Decryptor, Signer, VerLfier
  • Additional Features: Transactional processing, Externalization, Dynamic attributes

API-Based Integration Development

SAP Cloud Integration supports API-based integration development (as an alternative to coding).

The SAP Cloud Integration Design application provides graphical editors to design the following types of APIs:

  • OData API an OData API-based integration scenario with OData V2 sender adapter
  • REST API a REST API-based integration scenario with HTTPS sender adapter
  • SOAP API a SOAP API-based integration scenario with SOAP 1.x sender adapter

Monitoring and Operations

The SAP Cloud Integration Monitor application allows you to deploy and manage SOAP, REST, and OData APIs and to monitor message processed through these APIs. It enables integration developers to monitor the processing of messages and the components of the platform at runtime, to manage artifacts required to set up a secure connection of the tenant and remote systems, and to manage tenant-specific data stores.

The Monitoring and Operations features include:

Monitor message processingManage keystore entriesManage JDBC data sourcesManage stores
Manage integration contentManage the lifecycle of keysTest connectivityManage locks
Manage security artifactsManage access policiesManage user roles 

Other capabilities:

  • Business-to-Business Integration
  • Application Programming Interfaces
  • Data Storage

For more information, visit this SAP Help Portal resource: Feature Scope Description for SAP Integration Suite.

Using SAP Cloud Integration with SAP Commerce Cloud

SAP Cloud Integration is a side-by-side extensibility solution that allows you to extend SAP Commerce Cloud outside of the core application rather than within the core SAP Commerce Cloud solution (in-app extensibility).

The use of Integration Objects and Integration APIs combined with SAP Cloud Integration allows for a fully scalable integration solution. You can create your own custom Integration Objects, monitoring and control of the services can be done in SAP Commerce Cloud and, in addition, the logging of messages can be configured in SAP Cloud Integration. Authentication and authorization to both SAP Commerce Cloud and SAP Cloud Integration can be configured in multiple ways. You can also easily test the various integration flows created in SAP Cloud Integration as well as through the SAP Commerce Cloud Backoffice Administration Cockpit.

When you use SAP Cloud Integration and Integration APIs to integrate SAP Commerce Cloud with SAP CRM, ERP and SAP S/4HANA, you can extend your sales channels by reusing master data from the SAP back end. This leads you to take full advantage of powerful sourcing capabilities from Order Management in combination with order fulfillment features from ERP and S/4HANA reducing the implementation costs for your commerce solution and accelerate time-to-value.

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