Using Analysis for PowerPoint


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Use Analysis for PowerPoint.

PowerPoint Options

Analysis for PowerPoint has only one Analysis ribbon and no Design Panel.

The Analysis for PowerPoint ribbon

This simplicity is due to the nature of PowerPoint as a presentation tool, not a data analysis tool. Consequently, the functionality is not as extensive as with Analysis for Excel.

You can, however, configure basic properties for the entire presentation.

The Analysis for PowerPoint Presentation Properties dialog

Inserting a data source in Analysis PowerPoint is the same as inserting a data source in Analysis Excel. Choose Insert Data Source and choose your data source, logging on to the appropriate platform.

You can insert charts or Info Fields in your presentations, similar to doing so in Analysis for Excel. Info Fields are inserted onto the slide as a PowerPoint group comprised of a label and value field. You can ungroup using standard PowerPoint functionality, but be aware that if you manually edit either field, a Refresh no longer updates the Info Field.

Slide Layout Options

When inserting a data source onto a PowerPoint slide, the resulting table may be quite large. The Fit Table dialog box will appear, and you have the option to abbreviate the table or split the table across multiple slides, with a certain number of rows appearing on each slide.

The Analysis for PowerPoint Fit Tables dialog

Abbreviating the table hides all the rows but the number specified so that the table appears on a single slide, with the hidden data truncated. The final row in the table displays . . . to indicate there are more rows that are not visible.

Analysis for PowerPoint abbreviated table

If you choose to split the table, you can change the number of rows per slide. With this option, as the data changes over time, and you refresh the data in your presentation, slides will be created or deleted as necessary.

You can always change your mind and re-open the Fit Table dialog from the Fit Table button in the Analysis ribbon.

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