Explaining Design Objects


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Explain design objects.

Design Objects in the Enterprise Services Repository (ESR)

Design objects are always assigned to one software component version. The uniqueness of an object is determined by the name and namespace, not by the software component version.

The table shows the most important design objects in the form of a hierarchy. The root nodes are service interfaces.

Most Important Design Objects

Design ObjectFunctionMandatory
Service InterfaceEncapsulates message types and defines parameters for runningYes
Message TypesEncapsulates data typesYes
Data TypesDescribe the structure of the data that can be exchangedYes
MappingsStructure and data mapping on XML basisNo
Imported ObjectsIDoc and method signatures of BAPIs can be importedNo
External DefinitionsExternally-defined data structure that is imported into the ES RepositoryNo
Context objectsAn abstracted alias of a specific part of a data typeNo

Data Types

Data types are the basic components of interfaces and define simple or complex XML data structures that you create or import in a data type editor.

With SAP Process Integration (PI), you determine the structure of data types based on their classification.

The various data types are as follows:

  • Freely modeled data types
  • Core Data Types (CDT's)
  • Aggregated Data Types

SAP uses CDTs and aggregated data types to create the signature of enterprise services.

Message Types

The message type describes the structure of a message that SAP Process Integration (PI) sends or receives and determines the root element of the message. The message type references a single and complex data type and can be used for both outbound and inbound service interfaces.

An eXtensible Markup Language Schema Definition (XSD) version of the message type is provided in the Enterprise Services Repository (ESR) for the export of the interface.

Service Interfaces

All interfaces involved in the message flow of the scenarios should be stored in the ESR. In this way, you can choose the interface objects using input help during configuration.

Service Interfaces belong to one of these categories:

  • Inbound (provides a function by an application - Receiver system)
  • Outbound (calls a function of an application - Sender system)

A service interface represents a set of functions that is either provided by an application (inbound service interface) or used by an application (outbound service interface). You can consider the set of functions a service interface represents as a subset of the functions implemented by a process component. However, a service interface in the Enterprise Services Repository contains merely the metadata of a service, abstracted from any implementation details.

Service interfaces are based on the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), an XML-based language for describing Web Services and how to access them. However, when you create interface objects in the Enterprise Services Repository, you do not need to be familiar with the syntax of WSDL because you can use the relevant editor to specify the interface attributes.

External Definition of Interfaces

You can import interfaces into the Enterprise Services Repository (ESR) with structures that have been defined using the following:

  • Web Service Description Language (WSDL)
  • XML Schema Definition (XSD)
  • Data Type Definition

Imported Objects

You can import Remote Function Call (RFC) signatures and Intermediate Document (IDoc) types from the SAP system by using an RFC. This enables you to generate an XML schema.

In this case, connection data to the SAP system containing the current RFC signatures or IDoc types is defined for the software component.

SAP only delivers some RFC signatures and IDoc types of the software components in the ESR.

Verify Design Objects in the ESR

Business Scenario

You are a system administrator and your company has different interfaces. Each interface has its own objects. As a part of your work, you need to determine what objects your company uses.

For this exercise, use system NWK.


Your SAP NWDS needs to be configured as described in exercise Connect SAP NWDS to Your Process Orchestration System.

Exercise Information


In this exercise, when the values include ##, replace the character with a two-digit number (01–30).


The exercises in this course were tested with Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you use any other browser, the behavior in some exercises might be different.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Live Environment: choose Start Exercise, and from the entry page choose Open PDF Document. Follow the steps described in this pdf in your own system landscape.
  2. Simulation: choose Start Exercise, and from the entry page choose Start Tutorial. Watch the step-by-step instructions within the simulation.


We recommend running the simulation first.

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