Defining Jobs in the Schedule Job Manager


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Work with Schedule Job Manager.

Scheduled Job Manager

A scheduled job is a background task or process that's scheduled to run at given time. A job scheduler allocates system resources and manages the job queue so that jobs are executed efficiently.

Scheduled jobs are used for system integrations, such as importing or exporting employee data, and for batch processing, such for the daily execution of business rules. Jobs can be run automatically generated by the system or manually scheduled. If a job takes too long or fails, you can use the job monitor to check the status or view the troubleshooting information.

SAP SuccessFactors provides the following tools for managing and monitoring scheduled jobs:

  • Scheduled Job Manager is available in the Admin Center in the instance. It enables you to create, manage, and monitor some scheduled jobs, for supported job types, without contacting Product Support.

  • Managing Job Scheduler is available in the Provisioning application. It enables Provisioning users, to create, manage, and monitor scheduled jobs for all job types

As a customer, you don't have access to Provisioning. To complete tasks in Provisioning, contact your implementation partner or Account Executive. For any non-implementation tasks, contact Product Support.

Scheduled Job Manager isn't intended to fully replace all of the functionality in Provisioning. It's only intended to provide customer administrators with self-service access to some job types, for some actions. We continue to add support for more job types over time, but some job types are only available in Provisioning. To view a list of job types that support monitoring, go to the Job Monitor tab and open the Job Type menu. If the job type you're looking for isn't listed, contact Product Support.

Scheduled Job Manager - Job Monitor tab shows a list of jobs and information about those jobs like Job Name and Status
Scheduled Job Manager on Job Scheduler Tab is where you can Create Job Requests
Scheduled Job Manager - Create Job Request to Bulk Export Profile Photos

Scheduled Job Manager doesn't support terminating or interrupting jobs. Also, available actions vary for each supported job type. For example, for some job types you can create and submit a job request, but you can't run the job immediately. For other job types, you can only monitor the job execution, but the job itself has to be set up initially in Provisioning.

For additional information please see the Managing Scheduled Jobs guide on the SAP Help Portal.

Use Scheduled Job Manager

Business Example

Company administrators need to know how to schedule and monitor various jobs using Scheduled Job Manager as outlined in the Managing Scheduled Jobs guide on the SAP Help Portal.

Task 1: Create a Job Request


  1. Use the Scheduled Job Manager and Job Scheduler to create a Job Request of type Business Configuration Audit Job for the Object Type Standard Element.

    1. Use Action Search to navigate to Scheduled Job Manager and select the Job Scheduler tab.

    2. Select +Create Job Request.

    3. Enter the following details for the Job Definition section:


      Job Name

      Business Configuration Audit Job
      Job TypeBusiness Configuration Audit Job
      Job OwnerHR Coordinator
      Job Parameters

      Object Type: Standard Element

      Audit Period End Date: Current Date

    4. Enter the following details for the Job Occurrence section:

      1. Occurrence: Recurring
      2. Recurrence Pattern: Daily
      3. Start: Select tomorrow’s date.
      4. End: Select the day after tomorrow’s date.
    5. Enter the following details for the Notification section:

      Recipients: enter your email in the available field.

    6. Click Submit

Task 2: Run the jobs


  1. Use the Scheduled Job Manager and Job Scheduler to run the job now.

    1. Use Action Search to navigate to Scheduled Job Manager and select the Job Scheduler tab.

    2. In the Actions column, click the Actions button and select Run It Now.

    3. Click OK.

Task 3: Monitor the jobs and download the results


  1. Use the Scheduled Job Manager and Job Monitor to monitor the job, download the results and review them.

    1. UseAction Search to navigate toScheduled Job Manager and select the Job Monitor tab.

    2. In the Job Name column look forBusiness Configuration Audit Job. If you do not see it, wait one minute and click theGo button in the upper right corner or refresh the browser.

    3. Once the job appears go to the Actions column for the job and select View Details.

    4. On the Run Details window, selectDownload Status to download a csv file with details about the job. It will be titled jobResponse plus a number like jobResponse2121.

    5. Open the file in Excel or other application that handles csv files and review the content in column F. We will work with Standard Elements again in a future exercise.

Task 4: Modify the Business Configuration Audit Job.


  1. Use the Scheduled Job Manager and Job Scheduler to modify the Business Configuration Audit Job.

    1. UseAction Search to navigate to Scheduled Job Manager and select the Job Scheduler tab.

    2. In the Actions column, click the Actions button and select Cancel.

    3. Click OK.

    4. In the Actions column, click the Actions button and select Edit.

    5. In the Job Parameters: Object Type select Custom Filters.

    6. Click Submit.

    7. Optional: repeat Tasks 2 and 3 and review columns J and R in the csv file.


You now know how to schedule and monitor various jobs using Scheduled Job Manager.

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