Implementing e-mail notifications


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Make changes to e-mail templates.
  • Manage communications in SAP SuccessFactors with triggered e-mail notifications.

Make Changes to E-mail Templates

E-mail notifications are based on templates. To access a template, choose Administration Center→ Company Settings → E-mail Notification Template Settings. Here, you can turn event-triggered notifications on or off as well as edit the signature, message body, and other options associated with the notifications.

To turn on or off event-triggered notifications perform the following steps:

  1. To turn on a notification for all users, select the checkbox next to the notification. To turn off a notification for all users, deselect the checkbox next to the notification.

  2. Choose Save Notification Settings.

When e-mail notifications are enabled and users have the appropriate permissions, the users have the option to turn them on or off.

Differentiate event-triggered versus administrator-triggered notifications

This section describes how to manage communications with SAP SuccessFactors users using the system. You will learn how e-mails are triggered, and how to turn e-mail notifications on and off. You will also learn about changing the user notification e-mail and about sending a user welcome e-mail.

E-mail notifications are either triggered by an automatic system response or triggered by an administrator.

  • Event-Triggered Notifications:These are automatic messages that are triggered by an event, for example, when a form is moved from one person to another. These are notifications that are sent by your system and occur without any administrator interaction.
  • Administrator-Triggered Notifications:These notifications are sent by an administrator. For example, the Send Welcome Message is a notification that is triggered by an administrator.

E-mail Notification Message Bodies

Administrators can update the message in notification e-mails by editing the text in the e-mail body. Select an e-mail template link to view and edit the details of the e-mail template. It is also possible to create separate e-mail bodies by form template for any form-based notification (for example, the Document Routing Notification).

E-mail Signature

By default, the standard text of an e-mail notification uses variables to pull text in from the software and display it in the message body. For example, [[SIGNATURE]] is a variable. You can customize the E-mail Signature template and this text is included in any message that uses the [[SIGNATURE]] variable. The signature is placed in the footer of the e-mail. If you do not customize the signature, the system default signature shows in the text footer.


Variables (Dynamic Tokens) vary depending on the modules that are in use. Here are some examples:

Available Tokens for Configuring Recruiting Email Templates

Other Template Options

In addition to modifying the message body and signature, you can modify the e-mail priority (for example, indicating high priority). You can select a different template, a different language, and edit the e-mail subject.

User notification e-mail options

You can choose not to allow users to turn e-mail notifications on and off. This can be set through Administration Center→ Company Settings → Company System and Logo Settings. Select the checkbox beside This option allows a company-wide setting on whether users will receive E-mail notifications. If ‘checked’, all users will receive E-mail on all workflow related process. If not checked, each user has an option to turn notification on/off. Choose SaveCompany System Setting at the bottom of the page to save changes.

User-Specific E-mail Notification Options

You can grant users permission to select their e-mail notification preferences using the Settings menu. If this is enabled, users can decide if they want to receive SAP SuccessFactors e-mail notifications.

Users can turn their e-mail notifications on or off by going to the Name menu, selecting Settings, and choosing Notifications. Then they can select the e-mail notification option that they prefer.


If a user chooses not to receive e-mail, this applies to all SAP SuccessFactors notifications.

Changes to User E-mail Notifications

If your company allows users to turn notifications on or off within their personal Settings, you, as an administrator, can manually override a user’s own preference to receive e-mail notifications, or can change the setting on behalf of a user.

You can also use this option to troubleshoot when users indicate that they are not receiving system e-mails, and can turn them back on.

The Send User Welcome email and Sending System Notifications

To send an on-demand (administrator-triggered) email notification, choose the Send User Welcome email link in the Manage Employees section of Admin Center. The Send System Message email Notification page opens. The default email message that is displayed here is based on the Welcome Message template found in email Notification Templates Settings.

You can modify the email notification options to include the information you need to send to your users each time, or the default message may be modified within email Notification Templates Settings.

These notifications can be sent to individuals, groups, or the entire active user base. To send a system message to a particular user, select the Send system message by user link at the top of the page and then select your user below.

Managing Email Notifications

As of the 2H 2023 release, you can set up customized single sender using a verified domain and relay system email notifications in the tool "Change User Email Notification". This enhancement was built so that system email notification preferences can be set up in the Admin Center without contacting implementation partners or Product Support. Enforced domain verification also helps build and maintain reputation as an email sender and protect against domain impersonation.

To enable this tool use Manage Permission Roles. Choose a role and click on Edit and Next. Under Administrator Permissions find the item Manage Admin Center and check the box in front of Manage Email Notifications. Click on Next and Save. Don’t forget to log out and back in so that the changes to your permissions can apply.

If single sender and single recipient were configured for the instance in Provisioning, the configurations are copied to "Manage Email Notifications" in the instance. However, it is required to use a verified domain for customized single sender.

For further explanations, please visit: Email Notifications | SAP Help Portal

Edit the E-mail Notification Settings

Business Example

In this exercise, you modify template settings in E-Mail Notification Templates and turn off e-mail notifications.

Task 1: Edit the E-mail Notification Settings

In this task you will modify template settings in E-Mail Notification Templates.


  1. Choose Welcome Message Notification with Reset Password Support and set the e-mail priority.

    1. Select the Set E-mail Priority, High Priority checkbox.

    2. In the E-mail Subject field enter the following subject line: Welcome to SuccessFactors!.

  2. Change the default e-mail message.

    1. Select all text in the E-mail Body field.

    2. Delete all selected text.

    3. In the E-mail Body, enter the following:.

      You can access this SuccessFactors instance at the following URL:



    4. Choose the Save Changes button.

    5. Use Action Search to navigate to Send User Welcome E-mail.

    6. Verify that the new E-mail Subject and E-mail Body appear in welcome e-mail.


You modified template settings in E-Mail Notifications Templates. Test your changes via "Send User Welcome Email"

Task 2: Turn Off E-mail Notifications as a User

In this exercise you will turn off your e-mail notifications.


  1. Check the setting for E-mail Notifications in Company System and Logo Settings to understand why you are able to switch off E-mail Notifications in the Setting of the Name Menu.

    1. Via Action Search go to Company System and Logo Settings.

    2. Make sure that the option: "This option allows a company-wide setting on whether users will receive Email notifications. If 'checked', all users will receive Email on all workflow related process. If not checked, each user has an option to turn notification on/off." is not enabled. This means, that every user can decide if Email notification is desired.

    3. In the top right corner, open the Name Menu for your user.

    4. Choose Settings.

    5. Choose Notifications.

    6. Select the option Read messages in the system.

    7. Choose Save Notification.

    8. Choose OK.

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