Introducing THR98 Topics


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Describe Succession Data Model Advanced Features.
  • Explain reports in the self-service reporting solutions.
  • Describe the Job Description Manager and Job Profile Builder.
  • Introduce Talent Intelligence Hub in SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Understand Opportunity Marketplace in SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Define Dynamic Teams in SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Explain Configuration Transport Center in SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Setting up Instance Sync and Instance Refresh in SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Illustrate Intelligent Services and OData APIs in SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Appreciate Document Management in SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Define Data Protection and Privacy in SAP SuccessFactors.
  • Outline Accessibility in SAP SuccessFactors.

Exploring Succession Data Model Advanced Features

Data Models describe how data elements are structured in a database. They also define the properties these elements possess and their relationships to each other. SAP SuccessFactors defines its data using several data models. These data elements have impact on all the modules of the application as well as on the company and employee data stored in the system. Initial setup of the data models is done through provisioning.

The Succession Data Model is comprised of several elements including standard elements (covered earlier in this course), background elements, user info elements and other elements. If you are using Employee Central, you will have hris elements as well as other data models that are country specific.

Learn more about these advanced features of the Succession Data Model in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

People Analytics and Report Center Overview

SAP SuccessFactors People Analytics is the overall solution for all reporting in SAP SuccessFactors.

The reporting solutions in People Analytics offer both simple lists, and more advanced cross-tabs/pivots, which can be combined with charting and formatting into multi-page reports for distribution within the company. The report output formats include Adobe PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel. You can manage the access to build and run reports by granting the permissions only to authorized users.

Report templates are available for all core areas of the SAP SuccessFactors suite, including Performance, Goals, Succession, Recruiting, and Employee Central. Templates are being continually scoped and added.

The reporting capabilities in SAP SuccessFactors also allows users to build interactive dashboards and tiles, which enable managers to view a summary of information for their teams.


Several SAP SuccessFactors solutions have their own reporting tools accessible outside of People Analytics. To know more about module-specific reporting tools, refer to the product specific guides in the SAP Help Portal.

Report Center

Report Center consolidates report builder tools into a modern interface where you can build and run reports.

Report Center centralizes all the reporting components from different reporting options in SAP SuccessFactors. The report types are Tiles, Dashboards, Table, Canvas, and Story reports. Report Center allows you to edit and run reports from a central location.

You can learn more about People Analytics and Report Center in the THR98 course.

Job Description Manager and Job Profile Builder

Competencies are the abilities employees must have to perform their role successfully within an organization. Competencies can be composed of behaviors that allow employees to demonstrate their level of mastery. Skills are similar to competencies in that they also describe abilities that an employee must possess to be successful in a particular role. But skills are typically more fine grained and objectively measurable. For example, the ability to communicate effectively can be considered a competency whereas the ability to type 65 WPM is considered a skill.

Competencies can be grouped into libraries and assigned to job roles. The legacy framework designed to support this is called Job Description Manager or JDM 1.0. It is also known as Legacy Families and Roles. JDM supports competencies and behaviors and the mapping of those elements to job roles, but it does not support skills. Job Profile Builder or JDM 2.0, better known as JPB, is the successor to JDM and has the added ability to support skills. It also provides support for enhanced look and feel options like rich text and iconography.

Learn more about JDM and JPB in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Talent Intelligence Hub in SAP SuccessFactors

Talent Intelligence Hub is a centralized framework that connects individual attributes, strengths and styles, and expressive preferences to both people and the experiences throughout SAP SuccessFactors solutions. This framework enables organizations to understand and manage their workforce holistically while supporting excellence and growth aspirations of their people.

Talent Intelligence Hub enables organizations to maintain people attributes that are critical for their success. These attributes are stored and maintained in a centralized library known as the Attributes Library. People in the organization can access these attributes and add them to their unique repository of attributes known as the Growth Portfolio.

Learn more about Talent Intelligence Hub in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Opportunity Marketplace

Opportunity Marketplace takes advantage of sophisticated technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, in recommending opportunities tailored for employees’ growth and development.

These opportunities originate from SAP SuccessFactors Career Development Planning, Learning, and Recruiting and are offered in the form of action cards. Users can take action directly on the cards to respond to the recommended opportunities.

Learn more about Opportunity Marketplace in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Dynamic Teams

The Dynamic Teams module enables people in your organization to create and manage dynamic teams and then define objectives and key results for the team.

A dynamic team is an informal team that demonstrates agility and adaptability in how it forms, works, and disbands. A dynamic team isn't defined by the formal organizational hierarchy and reporting structure. Instead, it's formed by people coming together for a specific purpose. For example, it can be a cross-functional team, made up of people in different job roles, from different parts of the organization. Or it can be a project team, formed to complete a specific project and then disbanded.

Key capabilities of Dynamic Teams include:

  • Objectives and Key Results (OKR)
  • Sourcing team members with Opportunity Marketplace

Learn more about Dynamic Teams in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Configuration Transport Center

Configuration Center provides a holistic view of the configurations that are supported across SAP SuccessFactors.

With Configuration Center, we can do the following:

  • View SAP SuccessFactors application configurations.
  • Download configurations to a local machine.
  • Transport configurations and configuration bundles from a source tenant to a target tenant.

This is applicable to the following:

  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
  • People Profile
  • Talent:
    • 360 Reviews
    • Cross-Talent Configuration
    • Goal Management
    • Performance Management
    • Succession
  • Qualtrics

Learn more about Configuration Transport Center in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Instance Synchronization and Instance Refresh

Instance Synchronization is a means of copying configurations between SAP SuccessFactors instances. It gives the ability to "push" new configurations from one instance to another, such as from your Test instance to a Production instance.

The Instance Synchronization Tool will be deleted in 2H 2024. We encourage you to start using Configuration Transport Center for your business scenario. Using Configuration Transport Center, you can view, download, and transport configurations from one tenant to another.

The Instance Refresh tool helps you to create a replication request of SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite (also known as BizX comprised of Employee Central, Compensation, Performance & Goals, Succession & Development, and Recruiting) and monitor the status of the request from the source to target instance.

The Instance Refresh tool helps you to create a replication request of SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite (also known as BizX comprised of Employee Central, Compensation, Performance & Goals, Succession & Development, and Recruiting) and monitor the status of the request from the source to target instance.

Replication does not include everything in the instance. We do remove some attachments, audit logs, and so on.

The Instance Refresh tool cannot be used for cloning.

Learn more about Instance Sync and Instance Refresh in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Intelligent Services and OData APIs

Intelligent Services simplifies the user experience for employees, managers, and business partners by integrating into a single experience the individual transactions in a multi step HR process that cross the traditional boundaries of HCM applications and organizational departments. Intelligent Services links with external systems that allow seamless integration with third-party applications. For example, if a hiring manager goes on leave, not only does the core HR system require updates, but potentially other systems such as an applicant tracking system, performance management system, learning system, payroll system, benefits carrier, and others may require updates.

With Intelligent Services, changes publish as events such as Employee Hire, Change in Manager, Employee Time Off, and more. You can publish events from any SAP SuccessFactors application, and subscribe to these events using SAP SuccessFactors or third party applications.

An API is a publicly available Application Programming Interface that is exposed as a standard http transaction. In a nutshell, the only difference between a web page and a web API is that the API is called by a machine while the web page is accessed by a human.

OData (Open Data Protocol) is an ISO/IEC approved, OASIS standard that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs. OData helps you focus on your business logic while building RESTful APIs without having to worry about the various approaches to define request and response headers, status codes, HTTP methods, URL conventions, media types, payload formats, query options, etc. OData also provides guidance for tracking changes, defining functions/actions for reusable procedures, and sending asynchronous/batch requests..

Learn more about Intelligent services and OData APIs in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Document Management

SAP SuccessFactors document management tools enable administrators to manage document attachments centrally for the HCM Suite.

People can upload documents attachments on several screens in the SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite, such as the candidate profile or employee profile. Administrators can use document management tools to view and manage these documents centrally.

As an administrator, you can use the Manage Documents page in Admin Center to perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • View, sort, and filter all documents
  • View total storage usage by document category over a specific period of time.
  • Download documents
  • Upload company documents
  • Categorize company documents and custom documents uploaded from Metadata Framework (MDF) objects.
  • Categorize documents
  • Bulk download documents and view download history

You can also use other system configuration settings to:

  • Configure document attachment settings for file size limits, and notification frequency.
  • Integrate your system with OpenText.

Learn more about Document Management in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Data Protection and Privacy

Data protection and data private are related concepts. Data protection is the process of protecting sensitive information from theft, damage or any other potential harm. Data privacy is the ability of individuals to control their personal information.

Companies store a wide range of personal data on people, ranging from basic details like name and date of birth, to more potentially sensitive information such as religion or medical history. In order to be compliant with data privacy laws, companies need to ensure that they process and protect this data correctly.

Learn more about Data Protection and Privacy in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

Accessibility in SAP SuccessFactors

SAP SuccessFactors is committed to accessible software.

Our products are guided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and the harmonized EN 301 549 including WCAG 2.1 Level AA. Detailed documents, such as the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), are available from your account executive upon request.

You may need to provide client-side, third-party assistive technologies, such as the JAWS® screen reader, to be used in conjunction with SAP SuccessFactors software. We use the screen reader JAWS® to test the interoperability of our software with assistive technologies (AT), according to WCAG guidelines, but software operation isn’t restricted to JAWS®. We follow recommendations of W3C and its related WCAG and HTML standards to realize accessibility to the extent stated in VPAT documents.

Learn more about Accessibility in THR98: SAP SuccessFactors Platform Advanced Academy.

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