Manage Business Configuration is a Provisioning opt-in feature. There are different steps to follow when you want to enable Manage Business Configuration.
1. Uploading the Succession Data Model
A Succession Data Model xml file needs to be uploaded in Provisioning.
Before you upload the data model, it is recommended to download the existing succession data models for backup purpose.
To upload the Succession Data Model:
a. From Provisioning, select the company. Under Succession Management, select Import/Export Data Model.
b. SelectImport File option and select Choose File.
c. Search for the data model in the system and upload it.
d. Choose Submit
If the upload fails, the reason is displayed. Resolve the issue and upload the data model again.
Do not upload another data model until the upload and synchronization of the current data model is completed. Doing so may cause differences between Manage Business Configuration and the Succession Data Model.2. Enabling Manage Business Configuration
Manage Business Configuration provides an interface to update the Succession Data Model without editing the XML. Manage Business Configuration allows the administrators to make changes to the configuration without the help of an implementation consultant.
3. To enable Manage Business Configuration:
From Provisioning, select the company to work with.
In Edit Company Settings, select Company Settings.
Make sure that Enable Generic Objects is enabled or enable it if it is not already the case.
Search for Enable Business Configuration in Admin Tools and enable it.
Scroll up and select on Save Features.
Type the Company ID and select Confirm.
3. Synchronizing the Succession Data Model with Metadata Framework (MDF)
Manage Business Configuration provides an interface to update the Succession Data Model. It is important that the changes from the UI are propagated to the XML. This is done using a sync job.
Once Manage Business Configuration is enabled from Provisioning, a job has to be created to sync Manage Business Configuration with the Succession Data Model. This is a one-time task. After the sync runs for the first time, future updates to Manage Business Configuration are automatically pushed to the Succession Data Model. Once the Succession Data Model and Manage Business Configuration have been synchronized, Manage Business Configuration displays HRIS and Standard elements even if they have been deleted from the XML. However, these deleted elements appear as disabled.
It is important to note that Manage Business Configuration is locked during synchronization.
Do not try to edit the configuration during the sync. This may cause differences between Manage Business Configuration and the Succession Data Model
To synchronize the Succession Data Model with Metadata Framework (MDF):
1) Create a Job.
From Provisioning go to Manage Schedule Jobs
ChooseCreate New Job
In the Job Name field, provide a name that identifies the type of job in order to help you identify the job later.
4) In the Job Ownerfield, provide the name of the administrator who will own the job.
5) For the Job Type dropdown, select Synchronize Business Configuration For the Job Parameter, note that Synchronize Business Configuration job does not need an additional parameter to be specified.
6) Go to the Job Occurrence & Notification section. In Occurrence, select Once.
7) Manage Business Configuration sync job must only be scheduled to run once. After the sync runs for the first time, any subsequent upload of the Succession Data Model XML will automatically trigger this job.
8) Define a Start Date.
Manage Business Configuration sync job does not have e-mail support for additional recipients or job monitoring.Choose Create Job. You are taken to Manage Schedule Jobs page.
2) Run the Job.
From Provisioning, go to Manage Scheduled Jobs.
From the list of jobs, search for the job you created.
In the Actions column for this job, select Submit to run the job based on scheduled time or select Run It now to run the job immediately.
A job is triggered.
3) Monitor the Job.
In Provisioning, from Managing Job Scheduler go to Monitor jobs.
From the list of jobs, search for the job you started.
You can check the status of the job under the Status column.
Status Completed indicates success whereas Failed indicates the job did not succeed. If the job is not successful, check Details to identify the issue, fix it, and restart the job. Sometimes, even if the Synchronize jobs are successful and the status is Completed, some of the elements might not have synced. In such cases, select Details link to view the list of elements that are not synced in Manage Business Configuration.
What to do when the Succession Data Model and Metadata Framework are not in sync?
While using Manage Business Configuration, some inconsistencies may be found where the Succession Data Model is not in sync with MDF.
In order to resolve inconsistencies, you can try the following:
- If fields added from Manage Business Configuration are not present in Admin Center > Manage Permission roles, you can export and reimport the Succession Data Model again.
- If Manage Business Configuration is locked, it might be due to the Succession Data Model and MDF are not in sync. Upload the SDM again and check if Manage Business Configuration is unlocked. If not, manually trigger the MDF Object Definition to DB Sync job from Provisioning.
- When you manually add the fields in the Data Model XML but they do not appear in Manage Business Configuration, you are advised to refresh the metadata using the tool in Admin Center > OData API Metadata Refresh and Export.
4. Setting Up Role-Based Permissions for Manage Business Configuration
Administrators to Manage Business Configuration will need the following permissions in RBP:
Under Metadata Framework:
- Manage Data
- Access to non-secured objects
- Import Permission on Metadata Framework
- Manage Configuration UI
- Configure Object Definitions
Under Manage Business Configuration
Select the necessary checkboxes for the different type of elements that should be available from Manage Business Configuration.