Managing Company System and Logo settings and Platform Feature Settings


After completing this lesson, you will be able to manage Company System Settings in the Admin Center

Commonly used Company System settings in Admin Center

You can configure several features of SAP SuccessFactors using Company System and Logo Settings. These settings apply to all users in your organization. Although this may seem similar to permissions, you are not actually granting or revoking access to areas of the software, you are simply turning features on or off for your users.

Changing company system settings is simple. From Admin Center, navigate to Company SettingsCompany System and Logo Settings. Once there, you have many settings to work with, and changing them is as simple as checking/unchecking the appropriate box.

Commonly Used Company System Settings


Allow Manager Access to a Document’s Revision History

As forms are modified and moved through the workflow in SAP SuccessFactors, an audit trail is created. With this option selected, only the manager can view the FULL history of changes on the form, and employees are only able to see the history of their own changes.
Disable Product Feedback in Page HeaderUsers can take part on a survey on certain pages, about 3–5 times a year, if this setting is enabled.
Disable Proxy Access for Users without Proxy RightsIf your company chooses to only let administrators make proxy assignments, this option should be selected. If you wish to allow users to assign their own proxies, leave this unchecked. That is, users will be able to assign their own proxies.
General Display Name Enabled by Default for New CustomersIf that option is enabled and you’ve configured the Name Format for General Display field in Legal Entity and enabled the Enable the name format selected in Configure People Profile to apply globally, you can now see the name format that you’ve configured on UI pages of features that have adopted general display name in Learning as well.
Enable Case-Insensitive Usernames (Note: After you enabled case-insensitive usernames, this option will grey out, and you can not disable it anymore.)With this setting it is possible to manage the case sensitivity of usernames in your company system. You can also ensure a smoother integration with SAP Identity Authentication Service (IAS) or other third parties that don't use case-sensitive usernames.
Enable fuzzy search function for People SearchFuzzy search allows users to find an employee by a search term that has one-character difference from the target employee name.
Enable HTML E-mail NotificationsThis allows SAP SuccessFactors to send for-matted messages to users. This message is also sent in Plain Text so it can be read by mobile users or by users who have not al-lowed HTML messages.
Enhanced screen reader support and keyboard navigation.Special settings make the SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite easier for some people to use, according to their personal needs. If this setting is enabled, the two options are always enabled (so ready to use) in the name menu/settings/accessibility.

Everyone Can Access a Document's Revision History

As forms are modified and moved through the workflow in SAP SuccessFactors, an audit trail is created. With this option selected, all roles who participated in form actions can access the full history of changes on the form.
Hide Global Navigation Menu (Module Picker)This option allows to hide the Global Navigation menu from the common header area of your SAP SuccessFactors system. This enables you to make your SuccessFactors system more consistent with other SAP Cloud solutions.

Integration with Outlook Calendar

This allows users to add reminders associated with goals and forms to their Outlook Calendar directly from SAP SuccessFactors by selecting an e-mail icon.

Show Custom Relationships in Company Organization Chart (for Company Organization Chart, Home Page, and Mobile People Profile)

If you have imported matrix or customer managers and set "ORG_CHART_DISPLAY" to "TRUE" for those managers, after you enable this option, matrix and custom relationships display in the Company Organization Chart, Home Page, and People Profile. To learn how to import matrix and custom managers, you can look at the Managing User In-formation guide from the SAP Help Portal.
Show inactive user in people search (requires Role-based Permissions)Both inactive and active users appear in the search results for different module pages when "Show inactive user in people search (requires Role-based Permissions)" is enabled.
Show icons and use alphabetical order in the main navigation menuIf enabled the main navigation menu will appear in an alphabetical order and show icons.

Platform Feature Settings

Several platform options and features can be enabled or disabled from Platform Feature Settings. To have access to this area of the tool, users need to have the permission Platform Feature Settings in RBP under the Manage System Properties category.

Platform Feature Settings

Enable Secondary Login Feature If this feature is enabled, partners can access the instance directly from the provisioning, if also enabled with the tool "Manage Support Access"
Enable Upgrade Center Permission If this feature is enabled, users can use the tool "Upgrade Center" if the according per-missions are enabled.
Hide Username in the UI If this feature is enabled, username won’t be displayed in the Global Header and the People Preview. You cannot run a user-name search or see the username in the search results in the areas that have adopted People Search, which include the Global Header, Org Chart, People Profile, Change Audit, and others.

Tenant Preferred Time Zone

On Platform feature setting you can change the tenant preferred time zone when the tenant provisioned time zone doesn't match your preferred time zone. The changes to Tenant Preferred Time Zone is allowed only once and can’t be reverted after you set it.

For further information check: Tenant Preferred Time Zone.

Change instance-wide settings by using Company System and Logo Settings or Platform Feature Settings

Business Example: In this exercise you will find out how to enable and disable settings instance-wide.


  1. "Hide the Global Navigation Menu (Module Picker)" and disable "Show icons and use alphabetical order in the main navigation menu".

    1. Log into your instance and find the main menu available in an alphabetical order and with icons.

    2. Use Action Search to navigate to Company Systems and Logo Settings.

    3. Use Ctrl+F to search for: "Hide Global Navigation Menu (Module Picker)".

    4. Enable "Hide Global Navigation Menu (Module Picker)" by checking the box in front of that item.

    5. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on Save Company System Setting.

    6. Note that after saving the setting, the main menu is not available anymore.

    7. Use Ctrl+F to search for: "Hide Global Navigation Menu (Module Picker)".

    8. Disable "Hide Global Navigation Menu (Module Picker)" by checking the box in front of that item.

    9. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on Save Company System Setting.

    10. Note that after saving the setting, the main menu is available again.

    11. Use Ctrl+F to search for: "Show icons and use alphabetical order in the main navigation menu".

    12. Disable "Show icons and use alphabetical order in the main navigation menu".

    13. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on Save Company System Setting.

    14. To test your settings, click on the main menu and note that the alphabetical order and the icons in the main menu is gone.

  2. Hide Username in the UI

    1. Log into your instance and click on the Name Menu. Note that for the HR Coordinator also the username is shown in brackets (admin).

    2. Use Action Search to navigate to Platform Feature Settings.

    3. Use Ctrl+F to search for "Hide Username in the UI".

    4. Enable "Hide Username in the UI" by checking the box in front of that item.

    5. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on Save and in the Message Box on OK.

    6. Click on the Name Menu and on Log Out.

    7. To test your settings, log back into your instance and click on the Name Menu. Note that for the HR Coordinator no username is shown anymore.


You have enabled and disabled settings instance-wide.

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