Navigating Admin Center, Tiles, and Favorites


After completing this lesson, you will be able to access the Administration Center

Administration Center

Access Administration Center

Employees with any administrative privileges have the Admin Center option in the Home navigation menu as well as the Name menu.

The Administration Center page shows links only to the administrative features for which the administrator has permission. Remember, you can only access pages which you have permission to access.

Admin Center

Admin Center is the central access point to a wide range of administrative features and tools that can be used to configure and maintain the SAP SuccessFactors application. Admin Center can be used to monitor overall system health and manage cross-suite or third-party integrations.

The Admin Center provides customers easy access to any part of their SAP SuccessFactors system.

Key Features of Admin Center:

  • Admin Homepage

  • Admin Tools

  • Tool Search

  • Admin Favorites

  • Upgrade Center

  • Execution Manager

  • Performance Metrics

  • Integration Center

  • Event Center

Permission to access Admin Center

Anyone who has been granted administrative permission can access the Admin Center. That is, anyone who has permission to access at least one admin tool or admin setting can also access the Admin Center page. There is no separate permission that controls access to the Admin Center page itself.

Tool Search

To search for an admin tool, use the Tool Search box. When you begin to type the name of the feature, the system automatically attempts to complete what is typed. For example, when searching for the feature Manage Recruiting Groups, the system produces a list of possible outcomes, with a description of the highlighted feature. Although the results when using this tool will be similar to the results when using Action Search, the results of a Tool Search will be more narrowly focused on results from Admin Center.

Admin Favorites

You can add tools as Favorites and see recently used tools in the Admin Center. You can also select a tools category from the search results to see corresponding links, instead of scrolling through the lists of links within the nested categories.

This gives Admins the ability to add more of their frequently used tools to their Favorites list, as well as see all of the search results for a particular tool without having them separated across the page.

System Notifications in Admin Center

System notifications in Admin Center contain a list of actions that require immediate attention from system administrators. Multiple notifications are combined and displayed in one banner to reduce space, with a summary and a link to a System Notifications popup for more details. There is no specific order for displaying multiple notifications.

Navigate in Admin Center

Please do not enable features or provisioning switches unless asked to do so in THR80 exercises.  If you do so, some exercises will not work as expected.  For example, if you activate Employee Central, the employee import exercise in Unit 4 will not work as written.

Business Example

In this exercise you will navigate through the different tools of Admin Center to get some familiarity with its features.


  1. Log into your instance. Use Action Search to navigate to Admin Center or alternatively use the Home navigation menu in the upper left of the page. Locate the Tools tile and type homepage in theSearch Tools field. You will see Manage Home Page as a result.

  2. Now search in Action Search for homepage and notice you get more than one result. The Tools tile will limit search results to items found in Admin Center whereasAction Search will not.

  3. Select See All on the upper right-hand corner of the Tools tile. This will show you all the administrator tools available in the system depending on the enabled modules and permissions granted to the logged in user.

  4. Under the 360 Review section place your cursor over Manage Templates and observe the grey star that appears. Click on it to make it a favorite. Notice that 3 stars now appear in Tools since Manage Templates appears 3 times under 3 different sections.

  5. Press the Esc key from your keyboard or select the close icon (X) in the upper right corner of the Tools window. Manage Templates is now set to your favorites.

  6. To deselect a favorite simply press on the grey star again.

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