Using the Manage Languages Tool


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Replace System Text with Manage Languages.

Manage Languages

Use the Manage Languages tool to overwrite UI label values in any language (US English or any language that SAP SuccessFactors currently supports).

The manage language change requests typically arise in two situations:

• You want to change default values of UI text (for example, system text) to better reflect your particular business practices and culture.

• There is an issue with system text (for example, grammar, syntax or key terms). Manage Languages allows for a quicker turnaround while waiting for the system text to be updated in a subsequent patch or release.


  • Value replacement limit: You can overwrite up to 10,000 values per locale using Manage Languages. The default replacement limit is set to 25 values, which you can manually increase up to 10,000 using the Update option at the bottom of the page.

  • Custom language pack CSV file size limit: The CSV file size limit is 10 MB. If you try uploading a file that is anything more than 10MB, the system will time out and the file will not be uploaded.

  • Text substitution syntax: You need the text substitution syntax to replace a word throughout the system. Otherwise, each string that includes the string will need to be replaced through Manage Languages.

How can customers change a label in a specific locale that is not available in Text Replacement?

Customers can use the Manage Languages tool from Admin Center to overwrite UI label values in any languages supported by SAP SuccessFactors. The Manage Languages tool is particularly useful in two situations:

  • Default values of system text can be changed to better reflect a particular business practices and culture.

  • There is an issue with the current system text (grammar, syntax, key terms, and so on.). Manage Languages allows for a quick turnaround while waiting for the system text to be updated in a subsequent patch or release. Customers should still contact Customer Support so that the issues can be addressed with system level text in future builds.

  • Changing labels does not update the language phrasing used within the Mobile Application at this time.


There are two prerequisites that should be enabled in Provisioning → Company Settings:

  1. Language Packs
  2. Enable Manage Languages tool

The other prerequisite is the Text Replacement permission in RBP. From the Action Search → Manage Permission Role → Administrator Permissions → Manage System Properties → Text Replacement.

Original Language Pack

In some cases, for example, when the key is hard to read on the screen, it may be helpful to download the full original language pack. In order to do so, follow the two steps below:

1. Download the CSV file of the original language pack. It has all the default system labels.

2. Save the file in a folder where you can find it easily on your computer. You can open your CSV file with Open Office, Notepad or Notepad++. This file, which is the original CSV file, contains the entire list of key values (Key) and their corresponding UI labels. The file should look like the screenshot above.

CSV File of the Manage Languages Tool

As of 1H 2023 release the third column is removed in the CSV file that you get by downloading default labels of a language pack. Users are expected to provide their custom labels in the second column. The third column isn’t in use anymore and accidentally entering data in it can cause failed uploads or other minor issues. The second enhancement is about how to deactivate a custom language pack. Previously, you had to delete a custom language pack to deactivate it; now you only need to deselect the active checkbox beside it, just as you would do to deactivate a built-in language pack.

Automatic Audit for Custom Translation

Custom translation files are automatically audited, and alerts are raised to issues found before updating a custom translation.

The custom translation files are now audited to point out potential issues. The audit result, along with other details, is presented in the dialog that appears by clicking the custom translation link. In the To-Do column of Locale List, there is also a reminder about failed audits and specific keys involved. These keys should be removed from the custom translation file before the upload.

Manage Languages

Business Example: In this exercise you will learn how to change words in the system.


  1. Change the salutation in the banner of the homepage.

    1. Log into your instance. Note, that on the homepage the banner has a salutation based on the time of day.

    2. Use Action Search to navigate to Manage Languages.

    3. Under "Debugging" find "English Debug" and enable it by clicking in the Actions column on the word "Enable".

    4. Click on "OK" in the confirmation box.

    5. Click on the name menu and on "Settings".

    6. Click on "Change Languages", choose "English Debug" and click on "Switch".

    7. Back on the Home Page note that the technical name for the salutation in the banner is called "HOME_V4_Salutation_Morning", "HOME_V4_Salutation_Afternoon" or "HOME_V4_Salutation_Evening" (depending on time of the day).

    8. Click on the name menu and on ":COMMON_Options:Settings".

    9. Click on "LEFTNAV_OPT_LANGUAGE: Change Languages", choose "English US (English US)" and click on "Switch".

    10. Use Action Search to navigate to Manage Languages.

    11. Under "Locale List" find "English US (English US)" and click on "Actions" in the column "Action".

    12. Click on "Download Default Labels" and note that a csv-file called "en_US_default.csv" was downloaded on your computer.

    13. Open this csv-file and note that the first column is the "Key" and the second column is the language that will be modified.


      Please always use Open Office to open, edit and save csv-files for SuccessFactors. This is because Microsoft Excel corrupts special characters within some languages. Open Office allows you to work with all of your files (particularly .csv) without corrupting characters.
    14. Use Ctrl+F to search for "HOME_V4_Salutation" and find three results:

      1. HOME_V4_Salutation_Morning
      2. HOME_V4_Salutation_Afternoon
      3. HOME_V4_Salutation_Evening
    15. Copy those three rows into a new csv-file and name the file "Salutations_THR80.csv".

    16. Add a new row at the top of this file and in the first column enter "Key" and in the second column enter "en_US". In column en_US enter "Welcome to THR80".

    17. Save the csv file again.

    18. Log into your instance and use Action Search to navigate to Manage Languages.

    19. Under "Locale List" find "English US (English US)" and click on "Actions" in the column "Actions".

    20. Click on "Create Custom Translation" and enter "THR80_Custom" to specify a name for customer translation and click on "OK".

    21. In the column "To-Do" click on "Upload now" and search for the csv-file "Salutations_THR80.csv". Click on open to start the upload and click on "OK" in the confirmation box.

    22. Refresh the page and check if the import was successful in the column "Custom Translation" by clicking on the link "THR80_Custom". Look for the success in the "Validation of Last Upload".

    23. Test your changes to the text: Go back to the Homepage via the main menu and note that the salutation in the banner is changed to "Welcome to THR80".


You have changed a word in the system.

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