For Excel, Text and Free-Hand SQL data sources, you previously changed your object properties in the Query Panel. As this Query Panel was replaced to make it unique for all data sources, you now change these properties after having run your query.
Changing the properties in this way has also been extended to other data sources. The precise properties that can be changed depend on the data source and are listed in the following table:
Once the query has been run, select an object in the Main Side Panel → Objects tab. The properties of object are displayed in the Build Side Panel → Object Properties tab. You can modify these properties and click Apply to validate your changes. The Objects tab is updated to reflect these changes.
Changing the qualification, the type, or the aggregation of an object coming from an Excel, Text and Free-Hand SQL data sources purges the corresponding query.
You can also modify some properties of an object coming from Universes, Web Intelligence Documents, SAP HANA, SAP BW or OData locally, i.e., without having to do it in the data source.
To distinguish local change you made from the semantic defined by the data source, an icon is displayed beside the object to highlight that it has been modified compared to its data source. Hover the mouse over the object to show its previous and new values. Unselect the Display Info icon checkbox in the View Modes and Settings menu to hide this icon. In the Object Properties tab, the Reset button is available beside each changed property. Click it to restore the previous values or click the Revert button on the bottom of the tab to reset them all. In both cases, click Apply to validate your changes.
The context of such changes is the data source: all queries based on this data source benefit from them.