Your personal preferences determine how you log on to the BI Launch Pad, which views appear, and which settings apply to viewed objects.
The access rights assigned by your system administrator determine whether you can set your own preferences. Before you start using the BI Launch Pad, check whether your preferences have been set and configure them, if needed.
Settings: User Account
The Account Information sub-tab gives access to your account information, such your full name, email, etc. You can also change your password if needed.
The Database Credentials sub-tab displays the data source reference available to your user account.
The Authorization Tokens sub-tab lists the OAuthentication providers that have access to the SAP BI Platform. There, you can generate, delete, or extend tokens for all authorization references registered in the SAP BI Platform using the dedicated options. This is linked directly to the Authorization References application in the Central Management Console.
Settings: Account Preferences
The Page Preferences sub-tab determines what appears in the default BI Launch Pad view.
The Page Customization sub-tab allows you to choose which elements of the homepage should be displayed.
The Locale and Time Zone sub-tab determines how dates, times, and numbers are formatted in the BI Launch Pad. For multilingual objects, the PVL also sets the language used to display an object's name and description.
Settings: Application Preferences
In addition to the usual drill, Excel save or right-to-left orientation options, you can also define your measurement unit (centimeters or inches). This was previously defined at document level and you had to set it for every document.
Settings: Appearance
You can customize the appearance of the BI Launch Pad. In the Themes list, choose a theme:
- SAP Belize Deep
- SAP Belize
- SAP Belize High Contrast Black
- SAP Belize High Contrast White
- Quartz Light
- Quartz Dark
- Quartz High Contrast Black
- Quartz High Contrast White
- SAP Quartz Light
- SAP Quartz Dark
- SAP Quartz High Contrast Black
- SAP Quartz High Contrast White