Preparing Data


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Apply transformations on your cubes.

Add a Transformation

The second objective of the Data mode is to propose some data preparation capabilities and simple object values modifications without creating additional variables.

In the Dataset View, you can apply some transformations by clicking the More button on a table or facet header.

This opens a contextual menu. If the object’s data type is string, you can select one of these transformations:

Upper Case

Text values in your selected column will become all uppercase.

Lower Case

Text values in your selected column will become all lowercase.


In the Replace dialog, you can replace all instances of the text you specify in the Find what text field with the text you specify in the Replace with text field.


In the Trim dialog, you can select the Space option to remove extra spaces. Alternatively, you can choose to remove a specific character by selecting the Other character option. You can also choose to trim spaces or characters at the Start, End, or Both the start and end.


This transformation allows you to make sure that all your string values have the same length. In the Fill dialog, you can choose your desired string fill pattern, length, and whether your fill pattern should be added to the start or end of your string.


This transformation allows you to select certain values and have them be seen as only one value. In the Manage Groups dialog, after selecting the values that you want to group, select the dropdown for Group and choose Create Group. In the New Group dialog, you can enter a name for this group and select OK. In the table, the values you have added in the group will now display the group name instead of their individual values.

You can also right-click a value in a cell to open a menu containing only Replace. Selecting this transformation opens the Replace dialog box filled by default with the selected value. These transformations apply directly to the object’s values; the changes of which are immediately reflected in the Dataset View.

Manage Transformations

When transformations have been defined on an object, a Properties tab is displayed beside this object in the Main Side PanelObjects tab. Select this object in the Main Side PanelObjects tab to list these transformations in the Build Side PanelObject Properties tabTransformations sub-tab.

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