Running Standard Reports


After completing this lesson, you will be able to run a standard HR report


Standard and Ad Hoc reports represent transactional level data displayed in rows in a table, which can be sorted, filtered, counted, and summed.

Standard reports are developed and can be used immediately, or users can create their own flexible reports by using the Ad Hoc query tool to retrieve HCM data, without using programming. Building such queries allows you to be very specific about the data that you want to see.

Human Capital Management Reporting

The reporting functionality in SAP enables Human Resources administrators to record and evaluate large volumes of data. You can define search criteria to generate employee lists, view employee data, or perform statistical evaluations.

Standard Reports

SAP provides a large number of standard reports for all SAP applications.

The figure above shows non-country-specific standard reports.

Standard reports are started from the main Information System folder from the SAP Easy Access screen or from any of the Information Systems folders of the components or subcomponents.

Defining Criteria for Report Generation

After you select a report, a report selection screen is displayed.

This example screen contains a series of selection options that enable you to determine the criteria used to execute the report. There are two field types available for each selection option in which you can enter either a single value or a value range. By choosing specific selection options and values, you determine the dataset to be read and the result of the report. For example, you can choose selection criteria, such as Personnel Area and Personal Subarea.

Once you have entered your criteria selection, choose Execute to run the report.

Customers can save the selection criteria as a report variant and can save the result list layout.

Run a Standard Report

Business Example

As part of your job, you must regularly generate reports for different types of HR data. One of the reports that you need to generate is a list of employees. For this reason, you must generate the Employee List report in SAP.

Run the Employee List report to display a list of all employees in a specific Personnel area.

Learn how to run a standard SAP HR report.


  1. Navigate to the Employee List report from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human ResourcesInformation SystemReportsPersonnel ManagementAdministrationEmployeedouble-click on S_AHR_61016369 - Employee list. You can also enter S_AHR_61016369 in the Command field, or select the report link if saved in your favorites.

  2. Enter your data selections in the report selection screen:

    Period section - select the time period over which you want to run your report. Possible selections include "Today".

    Selection section - lists the most used fields. Enter the Personnel area and Personnel subarea, plus you can enter the relevant data for Employee group and Employee subgroup.

  3. Once you have entered/chosen your selections, choose Execute.

  4. You can re-order the data in the report list, for example sort in ascending or descending order, by right-clicking on the column headers.

  5. Save the layout of the report for future re-use, choose Save Layout. Enter the name of your layout in Name. Select User-Specific checkbox if required. Select Adopt.

  6. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access screen.

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