Exploring SAP Apps for Service and Material Procurement


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Identify SAP apps for Service and Material Procurement.
  • Review business process scenarios for Service and Material Procurement.

SAP Apps for Service and Material Procurement

Manage Purchase Contracts

Associated SAP Applications

Process Flow 1: Service Procurement - Posting Expenses for External Employee

  • Manage Purchase Orders

  • Manage / Create Supplier Invoice

  • Monitor Purchase Order Items

Process Flow 2: Service Procurement - Purchasing External Services with Service Material Item

  • Manage Purchase Orders

  • Manage Workflows for Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services

  • Monitor Log for Service Entry Sheet Generation

  • Schedule Purchasing Jobs - Advanced

  • Manage / Create Supplier Invoice

Process Flow 3: Service Procurement - Procurement of Limits Item for a Project

  • Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional
  • Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services

  • Manage / Create Supplier Invoice

Process Flow 4: Service Procurement - Posting Expenses for Internal Employees without PO Relation

Manage / Create Supplier Invoice

Process Flow 5: Third-Party Order Processing - Procurement of General Material for a Project

  • Manage Purchase Orders

  • Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document

  • Manage / Create Supplier Invoice

Process Flow 6: Third-Party Order Processing - Procurement of Text-Based Material for a Project

  • Manage Purchase Orders

  • Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document

  • Manage / Create Supplier Invoice

  • Supplier Invoices List

Process Flow 7: Procurement of Consumable Material - Procurement of Consumable Material for a Project

  • My Purchase Requisitions - New

  • Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional

  • Manage Purchase Orders

  • My Purchasing Document Items

  • Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document

  • Material Documents Overview

  • Manage / Create Supplier Invoice

Process Flow 8: Procurement of Consumable Material - Procurement of Text-Based Consumable Material for a Project

  • Manage Purchase Orders

  • My Purchasing Document Items (SAP S/4HANA)

  • Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document)
  • Manage Profit Centers

  • Manage / Create Supplier Invoice

  • My Inbox - All Items

  • Supplier Invoices List

Process Flow 9: Purchase Document Processing

  • Supplier Invoices List

  • My Inbox - All Items

  • Clear GR/IR Clearing Account

  • Display/Cancel Account Maintenance Document

Manage Purchase Contracts

The figure displays information for a purchase contract.


With this app, you can get an overview of all existing contracts. You can create new contracts with a specific validity time frame and a target quantity or a target value. You can also renew contracts for which the target quantity or target value has been reached. Note that you can only access contracts if you have authorizations for the respective purchasing group, purchasing organization, and purchase contract type (quantity contract and value contract). You can create a contract template, enabling you to reuse data from the template whenever you create a new contract. In addition, you can check the contract value that has been consumed so far by all the release orders issued against this contract, along with the release order details. You can display the contract leakage percentage. Contract leakage is a KPI that identifies the spend of purchase orders that do not have a contract reference, although an existing contract could have been used.

Key Features

  • Search for purchase contracts based on different criteria, such as creation date, validity status, attention required, and so on.
  • Create purchase contract templates, which will further enable you to reuse data whenever you create new purchase contracts.
  • Create value contracts or quantity contracts. When creating a purchase contract, you can:
    • Provide header details, delivery details, payment terms, references, conditions, partner, notes, attachments, and so on.


      Please refrain from adapting custom fields in the section Header Information. The fields in this section are displayed in the header of the document and are predefined. Custom fields added to this section will not be visible in the display mode.

    • Add items in either the flat list or the hierarchy list.
      • A flat list is a linear view of items in a purchase contract. A flat list can only consist of functional items that need not be arranged in any structured order. It cannot contain groups of items; therefore item sets cannot be added to flat lists.
      • A hierarchy list is a hierarchical view of items in a purchase contract. A hierarchy list can contain item sets and functional items arranged in a structured order. For more information on creating items in the hierarchy list, see section Item Hierarchies in Purchase Contracts.

      Furthermore, you can provide item details, such as quantity, price, conditions, supplier confirmation control details, GR/IR control details, account assignment, delivery address details, notes, attachments, and so on.

  • Provide the Incoterms Version. An incoterms version is an edition containing a list of international terms for transportation that is defined by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
  • Assign an item category to an item in a purchase contract.

    You can create items for a purchase contract with the following item categories:

    • Standard
    • Consignment (K)
    • Material Group (W)
    • Subcontracting (L)


      • Consignment (K): In consignment processing, the vendor provides materials and stores them on your premises. The vendor remains the legal owner of the material until you withdraw materials from the consignment stores. Only then does the vendor require payment. The invoice is due at set periods of time, for example, monthly. In addition, you can also arrange with the vendor that you take over ownership of the remaining consignment material after a certain period
      • Material Group (W): This item category is recommended for materials belonging to the same material group, but with different prices. When you create an item for a purchasing document, you enter the short text (description) and material group; however, you cannot mention the price. The price and material number cannot be specified until a release order is created against the purchasing document.
      • Subcontracting (L): This item category is a form of procurement where the required product is manufactured by a supplier (in this case the subcontractor) to whom you provide certain components. You can provide these components either directly from one of your plants, or indirectly through one of your suppliers. Using the provided components, the subcontractor completes the manufacturing process and delivers the required product to the ordering party.


      • When you choose item category Consignment, the fields Account Assignment and Net Price will not be applicable for purchase contract items, and hence are unavailable on the item page.
      • The item category Material Group is only applicable for value contracts.
      • The item category Subcontracting is only applicable for contract types MK and WK. It is also only applicable for the following account assignment categories:
        • Project (P)
        • Unknown (U)
        • You can link purchase requisition (PR) item category to follow-on contract item category, using the configuration step Define Document Types for Contracts.

      For example, if you link a PR item category Standard to a contract item category Material Group, then the follow-on contract items created from the PR with item category as Standard will only accept Material Group as the item category. If another value is selected, an error message is displayed after clicking on Create.

  • Maintain the field to update the info record at the item level of a purchase contract.

    The info record determines prices and conditions that the system automatically suggests when you are creating purchase contract items. An info record, and subsequently the prices and conditions it contains, can apply to an entire purchasing organization or to a single plant within a purchasing organization. For example, if you create a purchase contract for a plant for which an info record has been defined at plant level, the purchase contract is based on the conditions in the plant info record and not on the conditions that apply to the entire purchasing organization.

    The value you select for this field determines how the info record is updated with respect to plant-level info records. The following values are available:

    • No update: The info record is not updated.


      During the creation process, choose this option avoid the creation of an info record.

    • Update with or without plant: If an info record exists at plant level, it is updated. Otherwise an info record is updated at purchasing organization level.
    • Update with plant (if no plant ban): If plant conditions are allowed for the plant, an info record is updated at plant level.
    • Update without plant (if no plant requirement): If plant conditions are not necessary for the plant, an info record is updated at purchasing organization level.

      The fields Info Record Number and Info Record Update are visible only for item categories Standard, Consignment, and Subcontracting.

  • Create purchase contract items for materials or services.

    You can enter the ID of a product master data in the Material field or you create a free-text item for the required materials or services by entering a short text.

    The Product Type Group defines whether the product master data(*) or the free-text item is a service or a material.

    (*The product type group is assigned to a product master data via the material type.)

  • Maintain the shipping instruction for each item.


    If material or plant are filled after maintaining the shipping instruction, the shipping instruction is overwritten by the respective master data as it takes precedence over manual entry.
  • Indicate if a purchase contract item is a catalog-relevant item.

    You can specify if a purchase contract has catalog-relevant items at the header and item levels. The header-level checkbox Catalog Relevant is only used to default items as catalog-relevant items during their creation. The item-level indicator Catalog-relevant Item is independent of the header-level checkbox.


    • The catalog-relevant indicator is only valid for material items with item category Standard. It is invalid for free-text items.
    • This indicator is applicable only for functional items. It is unavailable for item sets.

    To enable/disable catalog items for purchase contracts, you, as a configuration expert, need to use the search function to open the item Purchase Contract Processing (Sourcing and Procurement: Operational Procurement) in your configuration environment. Then, turn the switch on/off by configuring the activity Activate Catalog Items for Purchase Contracts. For more details, see Configuration Help.

  • Enable and select the Kanban process at the item level of purchase contracts under the section GR/IR Control. The following Kanban indicators are available:
    • Replenishment element for Kanban
    • Scheduling agreement for JIT calls
    • Scheduling agreement for summarized JIT calls


      Kanban is a means of signaling the demand status for a certain material. The replenishment or production of a material is not triggered until a certain production level needs the material. The signal for replenishment is issued by an indicator, that is sent by a demand source (consumer) to the supply source (supplier).
  • Enable acceptance of purchase contract items at the point of origin.

    You can indicate if the acceptance of an ordered item is to take place at the point of origin (that is, on the supplier's premises) by selecting Origin Acceptance in the section GR/IR Control for the specific item.

    If you set the indicator, you must post the goods receipt to the valuated GR blocked stock using the movement type 107 as soon as the goods have been accepted at the supplier's facility. In a second step, you can post the goods from valuated GR blocked stock to unrestricted-use stock using movement type 109 as soon as the goods have been delivered by the supplier.


    • You cannot change this indicator in the item of the purchase contract after you have posted a follow-on document for the item.
    • If you provide the fields Supplier, Purchasing Organization, and Plant, then based on the material master data, Origin Acceptance is automatically selected. However, you can overwrite the default value and deselect it as per your requirement.
  • Manage tax code, tax date, and tax country/region.

    Tax date is the date on which the tax value should be taken into consideration for a document. This date may be relevant for a VAT change, for example. If you activate the tax date, it is prefilled with the delivery date for the item. If the delivery date is not available, the field is prefilled with the document date. The tax date field is available only if the Time-Dependent Taxes feature is enabled for the relevant country/region.

    Tax country/region is filled with a default value coming from the country/region of the company code of the receiving plant. In case this cannot be determined, the country/region of the company code in the document header is the default. In case the tax code is empty no default value is filled into the tax country/region field.

  • Assign one or more account assignments to a purchase contract item.

    If you use multiple account assignments, the distribution indicator enables you to define how the quantity and value of the purchase contract items are distributed to individual account assignment items.

  • Choose the supplier's sub-range from the value help under the section Delivery Terms for a purchase contract item. For more information, see Vendor Sub-Range in Purchasing.
  • Activate Public Sector Management (PSM) fields for account assignment.

    During the creation of a purchase contract, you can activate PSM related fields for single or multiple account assignments.


    As a prerequisite, the PSM related fields can be activated for a company code only when a Funds Management (FM) area is assigned to the company code.

    With the implementation of the Business Add-In (BAdI) Change of Field Controls within Account Assignment for Industries (MM_PUR_S4_ACC_FC_FIORI_INT), the following fields appear in the section Account Assignment depending on the account assignment category selected at the item level:

    • Fund
    • Grant
    • Budget Period
    • Functional Area
    • Cost Centre
    • WBS Element
    • Budget Account


    PSM account assignments for stock materials in purchase contracts is not supported.
  • Copy items in a purchase contract.

    You can copy items that are blocked or deleted. However, the copies of these items will not be blocked or deleted.


    • You cannot create purchase orders for items that are blocked. However, the blocked or deleted items are considered in the calculation of consumption percentage.
    • If you delete a blocked item, its blocked status changes to No, and deleted status changes to Yes. The action Delete takes precedence over the action Block.
  • Delete and restore purchase contract items.

    You can delete purchase contract items during the creation or update of a purchase contract. When you delete an item in a draft document, the item is deleted and removed from the document. However, when you delete an item in an active document, the item is logically deleted and marked with a deletion indicator. You can further restore items that are marked with a deletion indicator.

    • You cannot create purchase orders for items that are deleted.
    • If you delete a blocked item, its blocked status changes to No, and deleted status changes to Yes. The action Delete takes precedence over the action Block.
  • Add conditions with a condition type, for example, Cash Discount, to an existing date range or a new date range.


    • You can add conditions to a new date range only when editing a purchase contract.
    • The Price Unit of an item cannot be modified after the creation of the purchase contract.
    • If you change the existing conditions, to ensure the latest and accurate values are displayed in the purchase contract, schedule a job using the Determine and Update Price of Contract Item template in the Schedule Update of Price for Purchasing Documents app.

    For more information, see sections Header Conditions and Price Simulation in Purchase Contracts and Item Conditions and Price Simulation in Purchase Contracts.

  • Create, edit, and display additional information in the Notes section at the header and item level of purchase contracts.


    You can adapt the text in the Notes section at the header and item levels from other objects, such as RFQs, other purchase contracts, etc., for header notes and material master records, info records, etc., for item notes. You can do this by configuring the activities Define Copying Rules for Header Texts in Contracts and Define Copying Rules for Item Texts in Contracts in your configuration environment. You can also edit the reference texts based on the configuration. For more information, see the Configuration Help for the respective activities.

  • View, assign, or unassign partners, for example, suppliers and their associated partner functions, such as ordering address and invoicing party, to a purchase contract on the partner tab at the header level of a purchase contract.

    If the Partner tab is activated and a supplier is maintained at the header of the purchase contract:

    • A partner with partner function (for example: BA = Ordering Address, LF = Supplier, RS = Invoicing Party), is entered automatically, if maintained in the supplier master data.
    • A default partner with partner function (for example: BA = Ordering Address, LF = Supplier, RS = Invoicing Party), is entered automatically, if more than one partner with the same partner function exists in the supplier master data and one partner is marked as the default partner.
    • If multiple partners exist for the same partner function and no default partner is maintained in the supplier master data, a partner for the specific partner function can be selected manually. (Business functions are, for example, BA = Ordering Address, LF = Supplier, RS = Invoicing Party)


    Note the special handling for the partner function: Supplier

    • The partner function and the partner itself are set to READ-ONLY.
    • The update or deletion of the supplier is done via the field Supplier on header level of the purchase contract (the Delete button does not work for this partner function).
    • If you enter a second partner with the role Supplier, this partner function is deleted directly as it is not allowed to have multiple partners with the same partner function.
  • Add attachments to a purchase contract. For more information, see section Attachments in Purchase Contracts.
  • Display the product compliance status of an item and the product compliance status of the entire purchase contract.
  • Search for legal transactions and assign them to a purchase contract.

    You can also display the legal transactions associated with a purchase contract. For more information on the legal transactions, see the documentation for Manage Legal Transactions.

  • Use the button Save in Preparation to save new purchase contracts without releasing them.

    Selecting Save in Preparation allows you to create and save a purchase contract without releasing it. For example, while creating a purchase contract, if you need to exit the creation process to double-check and clarify certain details, you can select Save in Preparation. You can further save your current progress even if there are errors due to incomplete entry fields. You only need to ensure that you specified a contract type.


    When you select this feature, the document will not be submitted for approval. Additionally, you cannot use these purchase contracts to create follow-on documents.

    The approval status is set to Not Yet Relevant and the purchasing document status is set to In Preparation. After the purchase contract has been saved with this status, you can revisit the purchase contract any number of times to makes changes. When you finally are ready to submit the purchase contract for approval, you need to click Save.

    This option is only available before a contract has been created.

  • Renew an existing purchase contract from the list.

    You can change or extend the validity period, target quantity, or target value of an existing purchase contract. Note that in this case, no follow-on document is created.

  • Copy an existing purchase contract from the list.

    When you copy a purchase contract, a new document is created, which opens in edit mode. You can update and save information in the new purchase contract based on your requirement.


    • Conditions are not copied to the new purchase contract.
    • Net Order Price and Validity To are not copied to the new purchase contract.
  • Withdraw a purchase contract sent for approval.

    Select the purchase contract and choose Withdraw from Approval. This cancels the approval process for the selected purchase contract. This also changes status of the purchase contract to In Preparation. You can then make the required changes to the purchase contract and submit it again for approval.


    You can only withdraw a purchase contract that is in the status In Approval.
  • Edit purchase contracts irrespective of the document status.

    However, you cannot edit purchase contracts in the SAP GUI for HTML app Change Purchase Contract. Purchase contracts can be edited only in the SAP Fiori app Manage Purchase Contracts.

  • Delete purchase contracts.

    You can delete draft purchase contracts that are not yet saved. However, you cannot delete purchase contracts in statuses, such as In Preparation, In Approval, Rejected, Released, and so on. Once a purchase contract is saved (or saved in preparation), you can only archive it to remove it from the database. For more information, see section Archiving Purchase Contracts.


    You can delete the changes to an edited purchase contract only if you do not save the changes. The purchase contract with the information before the recent modification would still be available in the database.
  • View all the approvers responsible for approving the workflow of a purchase contract in the list and object pages. This is possible only if the field Step to be completed by: is set to One of the recipients in the section Recipients in the app Manage Workflows for Purchase Contracts.
  • View the supplier evaluation score for the previous six months. By clicking the score, you can navigate to the analytics app Operational Supplier Evaluation to view the price/time variance, quality score, and so on.
  • View the Consumption Percentage of the purchase contract at the header level of the document. This percentage is calculated based on the type of contract selected. The consumption percentage is calculated using the following formula:
    • For quantity contracts:

      = [(Net Release Order Value of Item 1 + Net Release Order Value of Item 2 ) / (Target Value of Purchase Contract Item 1+ Target Value of Purchase Contract Item 2) ] * 100

    • For value contracts:

      = [(Net Release Order Value of Item 1 + Net Release Order Value of Item 2 ) / (Purchase Contract Header Target Value)] * 100

  • View the Consumption Percentage of the purchase contract at the item level of the document under the section Contract Consumption and Leakage. The consumption percentage is calculated using the following formula:
    • For quantity contracts:

      = [(Net Release Order Quantity of Item ) / (Target Quantity of Purchase Contract Item)] * 100

    • For value contracts:

      = [(Net Release Order Value of Item ) / (Purchase Contract Header Target Value)] * 100

  • Blocked or deleted items are also considered in the calculation of consumption percentage.
  • View the facet Attention Required, which indicates the approaching expiration date and/or the consumption of a purchase contract, and perform the necessary action. The following indicates the levels of attention required:
    • Very High (Color - Dark red): ((Consumption >= 80% AND Expiry Date <= 30 days) OR (Consumption >= 100 OR Expiry Date < 0))
    • High (Color - Red): Consumption >= 80% OR Expiry Date <= 30 days
    • Medium (Color - Orange): Consumption >= 50% OR Expiry Date <= 180 days
    • Low (Color - Green): Rest
  • Create a purchase order from a purchase contract item.

    You can create purchase orders from items of an approved purchase contract. To create a purchase order for specific items of a purchase contract, open the purchase contract, select the relevant items and choose Create Purchase Order. You can create purchase orders from items added in the flat list and the hierarchy list.


    You cannot create purchase orders for items that are blocked or deleted. However, the blocked or deleted items are considered in the calculation of consumption percentage.
  • View, email, or print addresses in scripts that are specific to a language of a country with the help of International Address Versions. For more information, see chapter International Address Versions (Client-Specific).
  • View, assign, or unassign partners, for example, suppliers and their associated partner functions, such as ordering address and invoicing party, to a purchase contract.
  • View other potential sources of supply for the items in a purchase contract.
  • View release order documents for all items of a selected purchase contract.
  • View the total net amount of release order items in the purchase contract by calendar month.
  • Create purchase orders directly from purchase contracts.

    To create a purchase order for all items of a purchase contract, select a valid purchase contract and choose Create Purchase Order.

  • View the approval details, such as the processors involved and status, under the Approval Details section. These details are displayed based on the current configuration in the flexible workflow.


    During the creation/edit of a purchase contract, you can view the simulated approval details in the Approval Details section based on the workflow configuration and the entries in the document.
  • Cater to inquiries from workflow approvers.

    The inquiry process enables you to modify purchase contracts sent back for rework. You can also respond to comments from approvers.

    You can view the Rework Required indicator for purchase contracts (on the list page) that have been sent back by the approver for rework. When choosing these purchase contracts, you can view the Rework section that contains the Comments from Approver. You can read the comments and make the required changes in the purchase contract. You can then enter your Comments to Approver and resubmit.


    You will also receive a notification that a purchase contract has been sent back to you for rework. On choosing this, you will be taken to theMy Inbox app where you can view the details and take the required action. Please note that you can use the My Inbox app only if you have the required roles and authorizations.


You can modify the properties of different fields that appear on the user interface of purchase contracts. You can make the fields hidden, read-only, mandatory, or optional as per your requirement. To modify the properties, create an implementation for the BAdI Change of Field Control for Purchase Contract Header and Item in the Custom Logic app.

App Extensibility: Manage Purchase Contracts

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields and Logic app using the following business contexts:

  • Procurement: Purchasing Document

  • Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

You can enable usage of your custom fields for the data sources Purchase Contract Header GUI Context and Purchase Contract in the UIs and Reports section of the custom field maintenance and publish your custom fields.

You can add fields to the following UI elements using UI adaptation at runtime:

Ui Element

UI ElementBusiness Context
Custom Fields (Header Level)Procurement: Purchasing Document
Custom Fields (Item Level)Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

You can implement logic for the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)Business Context
Check of Purchase Contract Before Saving (MM_PUR_S4_CTR_CHECK)

Procurement: Purchasing Document

Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

Change of Field Control for Purchase Contract Header and Item (MM_PUR_S4_CTR_MODIFY_FLDCTRL)

Procurement: Purchasing Document

Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

Change of Purchase Contract Before Saving (MM_PUR_S4_CTR_MODIFY_HEADER)

Procurement: Purchasing Document

Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

Change of Purchase Contract Item Before Saving (MM_PUR_S4_CTR_MODIFY_ITEM)Procurement: Purchasing Document Item
Change of Account Assignment in Purchase Contract Item Before Saving (MM_PUR_S4_CTR_MODIFY_ACCOUNT)

Procurement: Purchasing Document

Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

Definition of Conditions to Restart Workflow in Purchase Contracts (MM_PUR_S4_CTR_WFL_RESTART)

Procurement: Purchasing Document

Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

The BAdIs can be used as follows:

  • Check of Purchase Contract Before Saving can be used to check or validate values of standard and custom fields in purchase contracts.
  • Change of Field Control for Purchase Contract Header and Item can be used to manage the field control properties at the header and item levels of the purchase contracts.
  • Change of Purchase Contract Before Saving can be used to set or change values of standard and custom fields at the header level of purchase contracts.
  • Change of Purchase Contract Item Before Saving can be used to set or change values of standard and custom fields at the item level of purchase contracts.


    For item hierarchies, field extensibility is only supported on the object page. The item hierarchy table does not support the extensibility of fields.
  • Change of Account Assignment in Purchase Contract Item Before Saving can be used to set or change values of standard and custom account assignment fields at the item level of purchase contracts.
  • Definition of Conditions to Restart Workflow in Purchase Contracts can be used to extend the defined conditions to restart the flexible workflow in purchase contracts.


    This BAdI overrides the conditions defined in the configuration activity Manage Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow for Purchase Contracts to restart the flexible workflow for purchase contracts. This BAdI is valid only for approved purchase contracts.


If the check and change BAdIs are not implemented, the custom fields will be open for input when creating or changing purchase contracts and will be in read-only mode when displaying purchase contracts.

Manage Purchase Orders

The figure displays the Manage Purchase Orders app viewing an individual purchase order.


With this app, you can create, manage, and search purchase orders to ensure that you get the ordered items on time, at the correct location, and in the required quantity. As a purchaser, you can manually order materials as well as services. The list of purchase orders that is displayed is based on the header level of the purchase order (PO), so the information shown relates to the entire PO. On the overview, you can immediately see the number of overdue items for each PO. The item categories Standard, Consignment, Subcontracting, Third-party, and Limit (both for unplanned materials and for unplanned services) are supported.

Key Features

You can use this app to:

  • Create new purchase orders from scratch
  • Search for purchase orders and sort, filter and group the list, for example, by supplier, plant, or purchase order date
  • Save your personal filter criteria as a variant
  • Jump into the details of a specific purchase order to review it
  • Edit an existing purchase order. Changes you can make to an existing purchase order depend on the status. For more information, please see the section Editing an Existing Purchase Order in this document.
  • See details for ‘Advanced’ Purchase Orders

    When you click on the icon "i" (‘Advanced’ Purchase Order), you can see a list of unsupported features for each purchase order. Because these features are not supported in the SAP Fiori app Manage Purchase Orders, you can only edit or display the purchase order using the classic apps (Create Purchase Order – Advanced and Change Purchase Order – Advanced). You can click on each unsupported feature to see which database entries are filled and therefore prevent you from using the SAP Fiori app. However, you can jump directly from the list in the Manage Purchase Orders app to the relevant purchase order that is then opened automatically in the classic Create Purchase Order - Advanced app.

  • Delete purchase orders that have not yet been saved (the system has not yet generated a purchase order number).
  • Copy single items as well as entire purchase orders
  • On the list screen, you can select purchase orders according to their status. Following are the possible values of statuses:
    • Draft: Purchase orders that are not yet completed, on hold, or not ordered have the status Draft. Such purchase orders can be used later to order goods. Note that this status is different from the Editing Status: Draft.
    • Purchase orders that are deleted have the status Deleted. Such purchase orders still appear in the list for your reference.
    • In Approval: Purchase orders that are sent for approval have the status In Approval. This means that the approver needs to approve or reject the purchase order from their inbox.
    • Rejected: Purchase orders that have been rejected by the approver(s) have the status Rejected. You can send the rejected purchase orders again for approval after you edit and save the purchase order. The purchase order will go for approval even if no changes are made to the purchase order after clicking on Edit and then Order.
    • Not Yet Sent: Purchase orders that have been approved but are not yet sent for output have the status as Not Yet Sent.
    • Output Error: Purchase orders for whom the output was not generated due to some errors have the status Output Error. You can check the Logs in the Output Management section of the purchase order for details about the output error. Use the option Retry after fixing the errors in an output to generate it again.
    • Sent: Purchase orders for whom the output was sent successfully will have status as Sent. It is possible to edit a purchase order that is in status Sent. Editing such a purchase order might lead to regeneration of the output (if applicable).
    • Follow-On Documents: Purchase orders for which follow-on documents like goods receipt or service entry sheet are created have the status Follow-On Documents.
  • View comments regarding necessary rework

    Find the comment from the approver explaining the required rework in relation to a purchase order on the Rework tab in the header section of the purchase order. The approver can request a rework and herewith return the purchase order to the purchaser. In the list report, the purchase order status changes to Awaiting Approval - Rework Required. The new Rework facet will appear on header level of the purchase order and show the information given by the approver (only if rework is requested.). The new field Comments to Approver is enabled for editing when the purchase order is in edit mode. It is a mandatory field and the purchase order cannot be saved unless a text is entered.

  • View, assign, or unassign partners, for example, suppliers and their associated partner functions, such as ordering address and invoicing party, to a purchase order on the partner tab on header level of a purchase order.

    If the Partner tab is activated and a supplier is maintained in the header of the purchase order:

    • A partner with partner function (for example: BA = Ordering Address, LF = Supplier, RS = Invoicing Party), is entered automatically, if maintained in the supplier master data.
    • A default partner with partner function (for example: BA = Ordering Address, LF = Supplier, RS = Invoicing Party), is entered automatically, if more than one partner with the same partner function exists in the supplier master data and one partner is marked as the default partner.
    • If multiple partners exist for the same partner function and no default partner is maintained in the supplier master data, a partner for the specific partner function can be selected manually. (Business functions are, for example, BA = Ordering Address, LF = Supplier, RS = Invoicing Party)


      You, as a configuration expert, need to enable the Partner tab in the app Manage Purchase Orders. In your configuration environment, use the search function to open the following activity: Maintain Partner Functions in Manage Purchase Orders Application (Sourcing and Procurement General Settings). Then, turn the switch on by configuring the step Enable Partner Functions in Manage Purchase Orders Application. In a standard system setting this configuration step is switched off by default. Once the switch is on, you cannot turn it off.

  • Display carbon footprint of material in value helps

    The carbon footprint (CO2 e/carbon dioxide equivalent) of a material is displayed per unit quantity in the following value helps of the app Manage Purchase Orders

    • In the list report when searching for a material
    • On the object page of a purchase order, when searching for a material while entering or changing an item (standard and limit items)
    • On the detail page of a purchase order item, when searching for a material while entering or changing an item (standard and limit items)

    To be able to filter on the columns CO2e Footprint and CO2e Footprint Unit, make sure that Material is selected in the settings. Go to the field MaterialValue helpShow FiltersAll Filters . You are now able to scroll to the columns CO2e Footprint and CO2e Footprint Unit.

  • Make use of the new Output Preview button on the header of the purchase order, with this option you can preview the purchase order output while working with the purchase order.


    The output preview feature is available only to customers who have latest BRF+ rule for purchase order output.

    Follow the below steps to view output preview for the purchase order:

    • Open the app Manage Purchase Orders.
    • Open the purchase order for which you want to preview the output. Depending on the status of the purchase order the Output Preview button is available for selection, or it is greyed out and not selectable. The following applies to the availability of the button:

      Availability of the Button

      Purchase order statusOutput Preview button visible & selectable
      Follow-On DocumentsNo
      In ApprovalYes
      Not Yet SentYes
      Output ErrorYes
    • Click on the Output Preview button. You can see the output request items listed here as setup in the app Output Parameter Determination. These output request items are same as what you configure for the actual purchase order output.
    • Choose the output option as needed. On selecting the option, the output preview is generated.


      • If you do not see the output request items, or you are unable to generate the output preview, then ensure that the configurations done in Output Parameter Determination are correct.
      • EDI channel is not supported for output preview of purchase orders.
      • Supplier and ship-to address cannot be previewed in a purchase order output preview while a purchase order is being edited.
      • The generated previews are opened in new tabs and can be checked simultaneously in different tabs. The generated output is just a preview, do not use the output preview as the original purchase order output.
  • Track the changes that occurred on header and item level. The Display Change Log button is located in the header section of a purchase order. It allows you to track changes made at header and item level since the time of creation of the purchase order . You can go to Settings to add and remove fields that you want to display. You can go to the Settings to filter and sort or use Group by Table Key to view changes made to a specific position.


    To display the change log, the business catalog SAP_MM_BC_PO_MANAGE_ADD_PC (Materials Management - Purchase Orders - Additions) must be assigned to your user.
  • Add purchase order items from document

    You can create purchase order items with reference to one of the following purchasing documents that already exist:

    • a purchase order item
    • an info record
    • a purchase contract item
    • a purchase requisition

    If the field Supplier is not filled in the header of the purchase order, then all the data from the referenced purchasing document is taken over.

  • Create, edit, and display additional information to your suppliers in the form of texts in the Notes section.


    You cannot edit texts containing formatting (SAPscript) using the SAP Fiori app. Changing formatted texts that were created using the classic UI technology (SAP GUI for HTML) is not possible with the SAP Fiori app.
  • Create purchase order items for materials or lean services

    You can enter the ID of a product master data in the Material field or you create a free-text item for the required materials or services by entering a short text.

    The Product Type Group defines whether the product master data(*) or the free-text item is a service or a material:

    • Product type group 1: Material
    • Product type group 2: Service

    (*The product type group is assigned to a product master data via the material type.)

  • Block and Unblock items

    Depending on the status of the purchase order a selected item (standard, limit, and hierarchy item) can be blocked/unblocked. For example,

    • if no item is selected, the buttons Block and Unblock are inactive
    • if an item with the status Blocked is selected, the button Block is inactive and the Unblock button is active
    • When an item with Marked for Deletion status is selected, the buttons Delete and Unblock are inactive
    • For a purchase order that is ordered with several and one blocked item, the blocked item is not sent to the supplier
    • if a purchase order has the status Sent, it can still be edited and a selected item blocked or later unblocked


      For compliance reasons you can order a purchase order with all items blocked.
  • Work with item hierarchies as a means of grouping items (services or materials) in purchase orders. For more details see, Work with Item Hierarchies below.
  • Make use of rounding profiles for purchase order items. Rounding profiles are part of the quantity optimization functionality which allows you to automatically round item quantities to values which you can specify in the rounding profile. For more details see Optimizing the Order Quantity
  • Maintain the shipping instruction for each item.


    If material or plant are filled after maintaining the shipping instruction, the shipping instruction is overwritten by the respective master data as it takes precedence over manual entry.
  • Directly request a specific service performer
  • Specify a performance period when ordering a service
  • Work with Enhanced Limits

    The Enhanced Limit is an item category in a purchase order that can be used to order unplanned services and that is defined by a maximum amount (Overall Limit).

    The Overall Limit specifies the upper limit (maximum amount) that the Expected Value of the limit item must not exceed.


    The Overall Limit is always greater or equal than the Expected Value.

    The Expected Value is the price expected by the purchaser in purchase orders with a price limit. For orders with a price limit, this is the estimated value of the product expected by the buyer.


    The Expected Value is always lower than the Overall Limit.

    When a purchase order is sent to the supplier, only the Expected Value is visible to the supplier and its value is checked during the posting of the Service Entry Sheet, prohibiting spend above the Overall Limit value of the purchase order.

    • Create limit items for lean services

      You can define a value limit for unplanned services, that is, services that cannot be specified in detail at the time of ordering. This also applies to services that are of such low value that you want to reduce the administrative efforts involved in processing purchase orders and follow-on documents. You can define both an expected value and an overall limit. For a limit item, you must enter a time period. The services can be specified later in the service entry sheet where the exact services and their price and quantity can be recorded. Otherwise, you post the invoice directly with reference to the purchase order.


      When creating a purchase order with limit items for lean services, you can flag the Allow Price Change checkbox. This checkbox specifies for a lean service item that the price can be changed during the service entry sheet creation. This indicator can be set for each lean service item (procuct type group 2 = service), if the respective item is a standard item, the item is not linked to a contract, and customizing for tolerance limit is active.
    • Create limit items for lean services without service entry sheet

      You can create limit items for lean services without service entry sheet by unchecking the flags for Goods Receipt and Goods-Receipt-Based Invoice Verification.


      In case a contract for limit is entered at a later point in time this contract for limit will not be considered during invoice creation.
    • Create limit items for materials

      You can also create limit items when ordering unplanned materials (using free-text entries). For a limit item, you must enter a time period. Goods receipts are not possible in this case (limit item for materials). The invoices are posted directly with reference to the purchase order, provided that the specified value limit is not exceeded. Please note that you cannot create limit items for materials with master data records.

App Extensibility: Manage Purchase Orders

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields and Logic app using the following business contexts:

  • Procurement: Purchasing Document

  • Procurement: Purchasing Document Item

You have the following options:

  • Add additional fields to forms and tables

  • Change the order of fields

  • Add groups

  • Regroup and rename fields

  • Save the current layout

  • Make settings to exclude fields.

Within the UIs and Reports section of the Custom Logic app, you can specify a logic to control the visibility of your custom field dynamically in the respective UI and you can specify whether your custom field on this UI is mandatory or read only. In the Custom Logic app, you can implement logic for the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

You can implement logic for the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) for Purchase Orders

Change of Field Control for Purchase Order Header (MM_PUR_S4_PO_FLDCNTRL_SIMPLE_H)

With this BAdI, you can

Change the field control in purchase order apps by modifying the properties of specific fields on header level. These fields can be made hidden, read-only, mandatory, or optional.

Change of Field Control for Purchase Order Item (MM_PUR_S4_PO_FLDCNTRL_SIMPLE)

With this BAdI, you can

Change the field control in purchase order apps by modifying the properties of specific fields on item level. These fields can be made hidden, read-only, mandatory, or optional.

Close Purchase Order (MM_PUR_S4_PO_CLOSE)

With this BAdI, you can

Reset your own programs.

Final Check before Saving Purchase Order (BD_MMPUR_FINAL_CHECK_PO)

With this BAdI, you can

Implement own checks before a purchase order is saved.

Control of Pricing Type: Additional Fields (MM_PUR_S4_PO_DEFINE_CNDNCTRL)

With this BAdI, you can

Control the price determination process when creating or changing a purchase order. When a purchase order is created or changed, the system carries out a price determination process at various points in the process. The type of price determination (pricing type) depends on the relevant status of the ordering transcations. Among others, the following types are possible:

  • Pricing type B (Carry out new pricing): Always invoked when you create a new PO item
  • Pricing type C (Copy manual pricing elements and redetermine the others): Invoked when you change data that can influence the price determination process at item level, for example when you change the account assignment category)

Using this BAdI, you can define the conditions for triggering a price determination process that differ from those of the standard system. You can specify the pricing type in this case. This is of interest, when you determine prices via conditions and, in the process, make use of fields that are not taken into account in the condition tables supplied.

Final Check before Saving Purchase Order (BD_MMPUR_FINAL_CHECK_PO)

With this BAdI, you can

Implement own checks before a purchase order is saved.

Initialize Purchase Order (MM_PUR_S4_PO_INITIALIZE)

With this BAdI, you can

Initialize data when starting to work with a purchase order.

Modify Purchase Order Account Assignment Data (MM_PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_ACCOUNT)

With this BAdI, you can

  • Implement own checks and raise messages by filling the changing parameter table MESSAGES.
  • Make changes to fields on account assignment level. Changes to the following fields are possible:


Modify Purchase Order Header (MM_PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_HEADER)

With this BAdI, you can

Set or change values of custom fields in purchase orders on header level.

Modify Purchase Order Item (MM_PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_ITEM)

With this BAdI, you can

Set or change values of custom fields in purchase orders on item level and make changes to the following fields:



PURCHASINGINFORECORDUPDATECODE is an optional parameter and the available values are:

  • empty = No update
  • A = Update with our without plant
  • B = Update with plant (if no plant ban)
  • C = Update without plant (if no plant requirement)
  • Use the optional importing parameter: PURCHASEORDERITEM_OLD. This parameter contains the item data of the previous roundtrip, for example, the data before the last change was done.
  • Raise messages by filling the changing parameter table MESSAGES.
Modify Purchase Order Item Delivery Address (MM_PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_DELIV_ADDR)

With this BAdI, you can

  • Influence the delivery address on item level by setting the delivery address number.

    You can change the following field: REFERENCEDELIVERYADDRESSID.

  • Use the optional importing parameter: PURCHASEORDERITEM_OLD. This parameter contains the item data of the previous roundtrip, for example, the data before the last change was done.
Modify Purchase Order Schedule Line Data ( MM_PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_SCHEDULE)

With this BAdI, you can

  • Implement own checks and raise messages by filling the changing parameter table MESSAGES.
  • Make changes to the following fields:


Modify Tax Jurisdiction Code of Purchase Order Item (MM_PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_TAXJURCODE)

With this BAdI, you can

Determine the tax jurisdiction code in purchase order items and use it, for example, on item level for tax calculation purposes if the tax jurisdiction code is maintained in the delivery address. In the standard, the system takes the following sources into account for the jurisdiction code: reference documents (RFQ, contract), plant table, manual user input, account assignment object (if a tax jurisdiction code is maintained here). In the process, the system overwrites the previous value in this list in each case. If, for example, you have maintained a tax jurisdiction code for a purchase order item with account assignment object, this entry wins over the entry in the plant table.

If you implement the BAdI MM_PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_TAXJURCODE and a purchase order is created, the tax jurisdiction codes previously determined by the system will be overwritten with the value provided by the BAdI implementation.

The checks provided in the system (for example, whether the combination of tax code and tax jurisdiction code in the system is valid) continue to be run. If you implement the BAdI you must ensure that a valid tax jurisdiction code is returned. In addition to returning the tax jurisdiction code of the delivery address, another option is to use an external system for tax calculation purposes here. Manual input of the tax jurisdiction code by the user is taken into account in all cases.

Use the optional importing parameter: PURCHASEORDERITEM_OLD. This parameter contains the item data of the previous roundtrip, for example, the data before the last change was done.

If you implement the BAdI MM-PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_TAXJURCODE the following data is available to control the system behavior in determining the tax jurisdiction code:

  • Purchasing document header (PURCHASEORDER)
  • Purchasing document item (PURCHASEORDERITEM/PURCHASEORDERITEM_OLD) - old and new status
  • Account assignment data for the item (PURORDERACCTASSIGNMT_TABLE)
  • Tax jurisdiction code from plant table (TAXJURISDICTION_PLANT)
  • Tax jurisdiction code from delivery address (TAXJURISDICTION_DEL_ADDRESS)

In the example implementation supplied for BAdI MM_PUR_S4_PO_MODIFY_TAXJURCODE the following system behavior is defined:

  • The tax jurisdiction code from the delivery address is set.
  • If no value is maintained in the delivery address: The value for the jurisdiction code previously determined by the system is inserted again.

For the country/region belonging to the plant/company code of the purchase order item, tax handling with tax jurisdiction codes must be activated.

Open Purchase Order (MM_PUR_S4_PO_OPEN)

With this BAdI, you can

Put a purchase order in display mode and so prevent processing of the purchase order.


With this BAdI, you can

Check the entire docurment.

Post Purchase Order (MM_PUR_S4_PO_POST)

With this BAdI, you can

Post your own data.

Purchase Order Hold Allowed (MM_PUR_S4_PO_HOLD_ALLOWED)

With this BAdI, you can

Specify if a purchase order can be put on hold.


If neither BAdI Modification of Purchase Order Header nor BAdI Modification of Purchase Order Item is implemented, the custom fields are open for input when creating or changing purchase orders and are in read-only mode when displaying purchase orders.

List / Create Supplier Invoice

The figure displays the Create Supplier Invoices app.


With this app you can create and display a supplier invoice based on the received document. You can specify the purchase order items to which your supplier invoice relates, and you can reference documents to which multiple accounts are assigned. If you select the Simulate or Post function, the system compares the quantity and amount data of each supplier invoice item with the data of the related purchase order item. If goods-receipt-based invoice verification has been defined for a purchase order item, the system compares the supplier invoice data with the related goods receipt data. If the deviation is outside defined tolerances, the invoice is posted, but the invoice is automatically blocked for payment. If the system determines the responsible person, an approval process is initiated. You can use the Supplier Invoices List app to display supplier invoices. In the detail view, you can release or reverse a blocked supplier invoice.

Key Features

Starting with the Create Supplier Invoice tile, you can, for example, do the following:

  • Create a supplier invoice. You can also create credit memos, subsequent credits and subsequent debits.
  • Choose See More in the General Information section to edit, for example, the Assignment, Item Text, and Header Text fields. After posting, the system transfers these texts into the corresponding Financial Accounting document.

    In addition, you can change the exchange rate that is displayed according to the customizing settings. You can change the exchange rate until you create an invoice item. If you specify a purchase order reference with fixed exchange rate and you create the invoice item, the exchange rate is created automatically for the invoice.

  • Create all relevant items for one or multiple purchase order references for which the invoice was received. You can define retentions during procurement for warehouse and consumption in the purchase order. These retentions can be taken into account for your supplier invoice.

    You can deselect items that are not relevant. In addition, you can create a supplier invoice without a purchase order reference. In this case, complete missing data for the invoicing party, currency, and baseline date.

    • You can display consignment items that you have created in the app Create Logistics Consignment and Pipeline Settlement in the app Manage Supplier Invoices. For this, you can search for corresponding invoices using the entry type Consignment in the app Supplier Invoices List. From here you can check the detailed invoice data in the section Consignment Items. In the section Output, the output form Consignment_Settlement is available, and you can display the consignment document (pdf format).
    • If Public Sector Management is activated in your system, you can create invoices with reference to purchase orders that contain data for the Funds Management. In the detail data for corresponding invoice items, you can select the specific fields in the Account Assignment section under Settings. Specific fields are available, for example, FM Area, Functional Area, Fund, Funded Program, Funds Center, and Grant. You can enter information for purchase orders without an account assignment category or change account assignments proposed in the purchase order in case of non-valuated goods receipt.
    • The integration of Transportation Management enables you to use the reference document category Freight Order in the supplier invoice. The freight order refers to a purchase order with lean service items. Specific fields are available, for example, Freight Order (freight order document number for the transportation of goods), Source Location (source location of the goods to be transported), Destination Location (destination location for the transport of goods), Arrival Date (planned date for the delivery of goods to a specified destination), and Departure Date (date on which the goods are to be picked up for transportation).
  • Add G/L account items
    • You can also create a supplier invoice with account assignment to a service order. If you add a G/L account and expand the item, specific fields are available, if they are configured as ready for input in the G/L account, for example, Tax Code, Service Document Type, Service Document, and Service Document Item.
    • In addition, the field Company Code is available, so that cross company code postings are possible.
  • Enter and check the tax data

    If you have activated time-dependent taxes, you can define several periods with individual tax rates for one tax code. As a result, you can use one tax code for different tax rates. Please note, that the real tax percentage rates are displayed. The company code to which the invoice is assigned defines whether the system uses the posting date or the document date as the default tax date. You can change the default date in the Tax date field manually, if necessary. The Tax date field is implemented in the invoice header, so that all invoice items have the same tax rate. If you have any variances, you must correct this subsequently by making manual postings in Accounting. You can enter different tax dates for individual invoice items when creating supplier invoices with reference to a purchase order.

  • Edit payment terms


    Once the payment terms have been adopted by the system they are no longer changed automatically. If you change the payment terms or the supplier while creating a supplier invoice, you must check the payment terms and reset them manually if required.
  • Enter unplanned delivery costs
  • Add multiple attachments
  • Simulate, hold, or post the supplier invoice

    The Simulate function allows you to display the account movements before posting the document. On the Simulation view, you can also switch the simulation currency, and post the supplier invoice.

  • One clerk can park the invoice document and another clerk can complete the process and post it.
  • Reduce the invoice

    If you receive a supplier invoice with a deviation either in the amount, or quantity, or both, you can document this difference in the detail data of the invoice item by choosing the Reduce Invoice function. For a reduced invoice, the app posts an invoice and a credit memo at the same time, and creates a letter of complaint.

  • Display the purchase order history

    You can display the purchase order history, that means the details of good receipts effected or invoices received in respect of a referenced purchase order item.

  • Use Advanced Edit to continue editing your supplier invoice within the Create Supplier Invoice – Advanced app.
  • Select invoices to be displayed within the Display Supplier Invoice – Advanced app with the Advanced Display option.


    As a prerequisite for using the Advanced Display and Advanced Edit functions, you must set the indicator for Display Buttons for Navigating to Advanced Apps within the Edit Supplier Invoice Settings app.

  • Output specific business documents

    You can output specific business documents that are created when supplier invoices are created.

Using the Supplier Invoices List app, you can search for supplier invoices by using the filter bar. The Supplier Invoices List view contains supplier invoices that have been created with or without the Business Network.

Depending on the status, you can, for example, do the following:

  • Status Posted: You can navigate to the supplier invoice. You can review the detail data and reverse or release the supplier invoice.
  • Status Held: You can navigate to the supplier invoice. You can choose the Edit function, and you can change the data and simulate, hold, or post the supplier invoice.
  • Status Draft: You can navigate to the supplier invoice. You can complete the detail data and simulate, hold, post, or discard the supplier invoice. Supplier invoices with the status Draft are sent out by suppliers using the Business Network or external applications.
  • Status Draft (Personal): Supplier invoices with the status Draft (Personal) are created whenever you start entering an invoice with the Create Supplier Invoice tile. In the supplier invoice list, the supplier invoices with status Draft (Personal) are only displayed for your user. The status Draft (Personal) allows you to open the invoice draft in several views at the same time.
  • Status With Errors


If supplier invoices are posted in the Manage Supplier Invoices app, journal entries are posted in Finance as a result. You can display the journal entries in the Manage Supplier Line Items app. Please note that supplier invoices and journal entries have different document numbers.

For invoices that are Blocked for Payment, the following information is displayed in the Payment Block tab of the invoice detail view:

  • You can view the contact details for the purchaser and supplier.
  • You can see the timeline for the invoice, including the creation date, posting date, cash discount dates, and payment due date.
  • You can see payment block statistics related to that specific supplier and company code, including the amount of blocked invoices by block reason, the number of blocked invoices by block reason, and the total number of payment blocks by block reasons.
  • You can view the prediction for critical cash discount situations.

    In case of blocked invoice items that are relevant for a cash discount, the system makes a prediction in the Payment Block section. Based on data records of past goods receipts from the supplier, the system indicates whether the goods receipt can probably be expected on time in relation to the cash discount due date. The prediction may help you to take the appropriate measures if the cash discount is at risk. In this case you can, for example, send a reminder to your supplier.


If an SAP Ariba invoice is too complex, you cannot use the Create Supplier Invoice app to post the invoice. If the Create Supplier Invoice - Advanced app is available, you can create and post the invoice in this advanced app. Then, you can use the Create Supplier Invoice app to confirm that the SAP Ariba invoice already exists. To do this, choose the Confirm function and enter the invoice number of the previously posted invoice.

Monitor Purchase Order Items

The figure displays the app, Monitor Purchase Order Items.


With this app, you can display purchase order items and monitor their status, using filter criteria such as purchase order, material group, material, supplier, plant, and delivery forecast. You can also choose a purchase order item to view its item level information. You can enable your business users to predict the delivery date of purchase order items, as proposed by SAP Predictive Analytics integrator. The regression algorithm in SAP Predictive Analytics integrator is used to predict whether delivery of purchase order items will happen earlier than scheduled, on time or with a delay. Based on the predicted delivery date, your business users can take necessary decisions.


The predicted date is based on training, which is in turn based on the historical data available in the system.

Key Features

You can use this app to:

  • View purchase order items based on filter criteria
  • Click on a purchase order item to view its item level information
  • Predict the delivery date of purchase orders using the Predict Delivery Date link
  • View details of the predicted delivery date in a popup showing a chart of the supplier's delivery reliability for the selected material and plant over the past 180 days
  • Navigate to view contextual information related to a material
  • Navigate to view contextual information related to a supplier


To optimize performance of this app enable peformance optimization.

Key Fields

Below are few of the key fields available in the app for display:

  • Quantity Still to be Invoiced: Provides quantity of the purchase order items that are still to be invoiced.
  • Quantity Still to be Delivered: Provides quantity of the purchase order items that are still to be delivered.
  • Value Still to be Invoiced: Provides value of the purchase order items that are still to be invoiced.
  • Value Still to be Delivered: Provides value of the purchase order items that are still to be delivered.
  • Next Order Acknowledgment Date: Provides the next order acknowledgment confirmation date by when the supplier can deliver the partial or complete order.
  • Next Order Acknowledgment Quantity: Provides the next order acknowledgment quantity from the supplier based on the confirmation receipt date..
  • Next Inbound Delivery Date: Provides the next inbound delivery confirmation date by when the supplier can deliver the partial or complete order.
  • Next Inbound Delivery Quantity: Provides the next inbound delivery quantity from the supplier based on confirmation receipt date.

Manage Workflows for Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services

The figure displays the app, Manage Workflows for Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services.


With this app, you can configure workflows to optimize the approval process for service entry sheets. You can customize automatic, one-step, and multi-step approval processes. If a workflow with one or more steps is activated and the configured start conditions are fulfilled, the approval process is initiated. The app also provides several options for determining the approver, such as assigning specific users or teams, or determining an approver by using a role.

Key Features

With this app, you can do the following:

  • Add a new workflow or copy an existing workflow and modify it according to your needs. For a detailed description of how to customize a workflow.
  • Activate or Deactivate a workflow

    Once you have activated the workflow, you can copy, deactivate or delete it, but you can no longer edit and change it.

  • Define the Order in which the start preconditions of the existing workflows are checked

    If you have defined several workflows, the start preconditions are checked in the order you have defined. As soon as the start preconditions for a workflow are met, this workflow is used. This ensures that only one workflow in the list of your defined workflows is started, even if several workflows have matching preconditions.

    Use the feature Automatic Release of Service Entry Sheet delivered by SAP as a fallback option. By default, this workflow is activated.


    We recommend to define the workflow Automatic Release of Service Entry Sheet as the last one in the order. So, it is started if none of the other workflows applies. You can also configure your own workflow that is to be used as a fallback option.

  • Delete a workflow if it is no longer required

Additional Information

Below, you can find further details that are relevant when using the app Manage Workflows for Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services.

  • You can search for specific users to be assigned as approvers; only such users are found by the system which have the authorization for using the app My Inbox - Approve Service Entry Sheets and for updating service entry sheets.
  • You can also assign specific teams as approvers, defined for example by a material group, by a purchasing group, or by a plant. You can define these teams along with tasks and functions using the app Manage Teams and Responsibilities.
  • The workflow is neither started for externally approved service entry sheets, nor for timesheets. These documents are released independently of the workflow process.
  • Behavior if no workflow is configured or if none of the active workflows meet the defined preconditions.
    • No workflow is configured or none of the active workflows meet the defined start preconditions.

      An error occurs in the following cases:

      • if you have not configured any workflow at all
      • if all workflows have been deactivated (including the Automatic Release of Service Entry Sheet)
      • if the service entry sheet to be approved does not match any of the start preconditions

      In these cases, no workflow process is triggered, even though the service entry sheet that needs to be approved has the status In Approval.

    • None of the step-specific preconditions are met.

      As soon as the start preconditions for a workflow are met, this workflow is used. The steps are processed in the order you have defined. However, if none of the step-specific preconditions apply for a service entry sheet and consequently the steps do not apply, the service entry sheet is released automatically. To avoid this, you must ensure that the start preconditions you define match the step sequences you define.

  • Agent Determination by BAdI

    You can implement your own BAdI in SAP S/4HANA Cloud to define rules for the agent determination.

    To do so, proceed as follows:

    1. Open the app Custom Fields and Logic. To do so, you require the role Administrator ( SAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR).
    2. Go to the tab Custom Logic and create a new implementation. Use the business context Procurement: Flexible Workflow, the BAdI description Determination of Workflow Agents for Purchasing Documents, and define your own implementation description. The implementation ID is then generated automatically. Then choose Create.
    3. As the filter condition, use businessobject = ServiceEntrySheet.
    4. Under Draft Logic, implement your code containing your own rules for the agent determination.

      The following input parameters are available:

      • PURCHASINGDOCUMENT - Purchasing Document Number
      • PURCHASINGDOCUMENTITEM - Item Number of Purchasing Document
      • WORKFLOWSCENARIO - Workflow Scenario (Task ID)
      • PREVIOUSAPPROVERLIST - Approvers of the Previous Approval steps

      As the output parameter, use the following parameter to which the user IDs should be appended.

      APPROVERLIST - Actual Agent of Work Item

    5. Choose Save Draft and then choose Publish so that the implementation can be actively used.

      Note that you can create only one implementation for each filter.


  • If a workflow contains several steps where the recipients are determined using a BAdI, you have to consider the preconditions associated with these steps in the BAdI implementation as well.
  • The number of steps defined in the workflow configuration should be equal to or smaller than the number of approval levels that are implemented in the agent determination rules of the BAdI.
  • If you need to prevent an authorization check when performing selects from CDS views in BAdIs, you can use the clause

Code Syntax



To activate the flexible workflow functionality, you must make the required settings using the configuration app Activate Flexible Workflow for Service Entry Sheets under Manage Your SolutionConfigure Your Solution.

Effects on Existing Data

Once the flexible workflow has been activated, the approver of the service entry sheet is no longer maintained in the app Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services. After the activation of the flexible workflow, the following cases may occur depending on the approval status of the service entry sheets at the time of activation of the flexible workflow:

  • The service entry sheet is in approval status Workflow Not Yet Started: You must remove the input from the field Personnel Number before you can send the service entry sheet for approval.
  • The service entry sheet is in approval status In Approval: The person responsible (as defined in the field Personnel Number) can approve or reject the service entry sheet using the app My Inbox.
  • The service entry sheet is in approval status Approved: The person responsible is no longer displayed in the app Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services.

Monitor Log for Service Entry Sheet Generation

The figure displays the Monitor Log for Service Entry Sheet Generation app.


With this app you can view the errors that occurred, for example, during the generation of service entry sheets from approved timesheets or during the import from Microsoft Excel sheets. The log lists both the errors that prevented the creation of service entry sheets and the errors that prevented the posting of goods receipts for successfully created service entry sheets.

Additional Information

  • If an error has occurred during thegeneration of service entry sheets from timesheets:

    As soon as the errors have been eliminated, the documents are created on the next run of the application job Automatic Creation of Service Entry Sheets from Time Recording that is available in the app Schedule Purchasing Jobs - Advanced.


    Use this application job only if an error occurred during the automatic generation of service entry sheets from timesheets and you want to restart the creation of failed service entry sheets or goods receipts.
  • If an error has occurred during the import of service entry sheets from Excel sheets:

    If a service entry could have been created, but it could not be set in status In Approval due to errors, you can edit it in the app Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services and correct the errors.

Schedule Purchasing Jobs - Advanced

The figure displays the app, Schedule Purchasing Jobs - Advanced.


With this app you can schedule and monitor recurring, purchasing related activities as a background job.

Key Features

You can choose from the following job templates:

  • Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions

  • Automatic Creation of Service Entry Sheets from Time Recording


    Please use this application job only if an error occurred during the automatic generation of service entry sheets from timesheets and you want to restart the creation of failed service entry sheets or goods receipts.
  • Create Scheduling Agreement Releases

  • Renumbering of Schedule Lines

    To renumber schedule lines for an item in a purchase scheduling agreement, you need to schedule a background job using the job template Renumbering of Schedule Lines in the app Schedule Purchasing Jobs - Advanced. Here you can define the threshold, which is 50% to 100% of its maximum limit: 9999 schedule lines. During the creation of schedule lines, if the defined threshold value is reached, the scheduled background job triggers the renumbering of the schedule lines so that you can continue creating new lines.

  • Resend RFQ Output

    To resend RFQs to Ariba Sourcing if no success confirmation has been received for it from Ariba, you need to schedule a background job using the job template Resend RFQ Output. Under Scheduling Options, you can define whether you want to start the job immediately or schedule it for a specific period. Further, you can specify the recurrence pattern and other parameters for the job.

The following features are available for these job templates:

  • Create and schedule the job according to your requirements.

    Choose the New button. The system navigates to the New Job screen. Here, you can either start the job immediately or you can plan it to start at a later date. The job is then carried out in background mode. You can define whether the job should recur, and set up a recurrence schedule. Once you have defined all relevant parameters, you can check if the specified data is ok and schedule the job. The new job will appear in the Application Jobs list.

  • View the result of the scheduled jobs in the Application Jobs list on the initial screen.

    You can filter the list by date, by job ID, run ID, time from, time to, description, name, or ID of the creator. You can save your filtering options as a variant and manage the saved filter variants. If you would like to schedule a job that is similar to an existing job, you can copy this existing job and edit the copy as required. All content including the recurrence will be copied. You can call up the Log/Result for every scheduled job directly from the Application Jobs list on the initial screen.


You can enable fixed release date and dynamic date selection in automatic creation of purchase order from requisitions. This is available for the fields: Release Date, Delivery Date, Period. Note that you cannot maintain the fixed release date, dynamic release date, delivery date or period at one instance.

Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional

The figure displays the Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional app.


With this app, you can create, view and maintain purchase requisitions. The app ensures the availability of requested items on time, at the required location, and in the required quantity.

Key Features

With this app you can do the following:

  • Create a purchase requisition by selecting a Document Type, view the same, edit and delete a purchase requisition based on its status at the header and item level.


    The list of purchase requisition document types is maintained by the configuration expert in the configuration Define Document Types for Purchase Requisitions in the Manage Your Solution app under Sourcing and ProcurementOperational ProcurementRequirements Processing.


    In case of self-service purchase requisitions, you can only edit existing items. You cannot add, delete or copy items within the purchase requisition.

  • Create purchase requisitions with the document type Outl. Agmt Requisn for creation of outline agreements as follow-on documents.


    The delivery date is not considered for such purchase requisitions.
  • Add items in either the flat list or the hierarchy list.
    • A flat list is a linear view of items in a purchase requisition. A flat list can only consist of functional items that need not be arranged in any structured order. It cannot contain groups of items; therefore item sets cannot be added to flat lists.
    • A hierarchy list is a hierarchical view of items in a purchase requisition. A hierarchy list can contain item sets and functional items arranged in a structured order.


      In the standard system, the item hierarchy function is switched off by default. The configuration expert can activate the item hierarchy function for purchase requisitions using the configuration step Activate Item Hierarchies in Purchasing present under Sourcing and ProcurementGeneral SettingsItem Hierarchy. Note that once the item hierarchy function is switched on, it cannot be turned off.
  • Create items with item category as Standard, Third-party and Enhanced Limits, and product type group Material or Service.
  • Limit Items are unplanned services and materials that cannot be specified in detail at the time of ordering. You can define an expected value and an overall limit for these items. Expected Value is the amount that is expected to be spent on the item. It must not exceed the Overall Limit. Overall Limit is the maximum amount that can be spent on the limit item. The services and materials may be specified later in the service entry sheet and goods receipt when their price and quantity are recorded.
    • Create limit items for lean services

      You can define a value limit for unplanned services, that is, services that cannot be specified in detail at the time of ordering. This also applies to services that are of such low value that you want to reduce the administrative efforts involved in processing purchase orders and follow-on documents. You can define both an expected value and an overall limit. For a limit item, you must also enter a time period. The services can be specified later in the service entry sheet where the exact services and their price and quantity can be recorded. Otherwise, you post the invoice directly with reference to the purchase order.

    • Create limit items for lean services without service entry sheet

      You can create limit items for lean services without service entry sheet by unchecking the flag for Goods Receipt is Expected.

    • Create limit items for materials

      You can also create limit items when ordering unplanned materials (using free-text entries). For a limit item, you must enter a time period. Goods receipts are not possible in this case (limit item for materials). The invoices are posted directly with reference to the purchase order, provided that the specified value limit is not exceeded. Please note that you cannot create limit items for materials with master data records.

  • Add items from catalog using cross-catalog search or by navigating to an external catalog. You can now view the Price Scale, if any, for cross-catalog search items where different prices are maintained based on the quantity of the item. On adding such items to the cart, the price of the item gets determined by its quantity and gets automatically updated whenever there is a change in quantity.
  • Use the Update Price button while adding an item from an external catalog, in order to update its price. This helps you to ensure the item is updated with the latest price. The price of the item may have changed during the process of creation of purchase requisition.
  • Copy an existing purchase requisition and create a new purchase requisition.


    Header level attachments are not copied.
  • Add items to a purchase requisition by copying one or more existing items.


    Item attachments are copied. However, draft attachments in items are not copied.

  • Search for a purchase requisition based on Purchase Requisition ID and Document Type.
  • Filter the list of purchase requisitions using various filter criteria.


    • It is not recommended to use filters if there are more than one million purchase requisition items in the system.
    • It is not recommended to use filters with "Exclude" options as filter criteria.
  • Navigate to related apps by choosing the description of the requisitions on the list screen. If a requisition is in draft state, then navigation to certain applications might not be relevant.
  • Maintain information such as Purchase Requisition Description, Document Type, and Header Note at the header level of a purchase requisition.
  • Maintain information such as Quantity and Date, Valuation, Account Assignment, Source of Supply, Contact Information, Delivery Address, Notes, Attachment, Process Flow and Approval Details for items in a purchase requisition.
  • Maintain Delivery Address of a purchase requisition item based on the Address Type. The Address Type can be Plant, Storage Location or User Entry. The default Address Type and Delivery Address is maintained based on the details provided in the purchase requisition item such as Plant, Storage Location and Item Category. The user can also choose the Address Type as per their requirement.
    • Address Type - Plant, Storage Location

      The delivery address is auto-populated with the address of the Plant or Storage Location as maintained in the master data. The delivery address is NOT editable and gets automatically updated when the Plant or Storage Location is updated.

    • Address Type - User Entry

      User can enter the delivery address manually

    • Address Type - Reference

      User can choose an address from a list of stored addresses available via the value help.

  • Maintain a reference purchase contract number in purchase requisition limit items of product type Service, using Contract for Limit. The contract number, if any, that is maintained here flows into the purchase order that is created from the purchase requisition item.
  • View the Carbon Footprint of a purchase requisition item. The carbon footprint is displayed in the item details page only for non-limit items of type Material, and of origin Realtime (R) or Self-Service Procurement (S), created post SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2111. This value is available while selecting the source of supply for a purchase requisition item. The carbon footprint of a material for a source of supply is calculated based on the value maintained in Product Footprint Management. Whenever a purchase requisition item (even those created before SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2111) is edited, the carbon footprint is updated in the Product Footprint Management and displayed. If the carbon footprint of a material is not maintained in Product Footprint Management, then the value is displayed as 0.
  • View the Change Log of a purchase requisition item. The change log lists the changes that have been made to the item since the time of its creation.
  • Edit Rejected purchase requisitions and purchase requisition items. You can edit a requisition that has its workflow configured at the header level and has been rejected at the header level, by choosing the Edit button on the top-right of the header page. If the workflow has been configured at item level, you can edit a rejected item by choosing the Edit button on the top-right of the header page, and then selecting the Rejected item in the table and choosing the Edit Rejected Item button. The requisition or item then moves out of the Rejected status and enables resubmission. You can make the required changes and choose Save. If the changes made are restart-relevant, then the relevant workflow is triggered. Note that if you start editing a rejected requisition or item, and then cancel the draft, the status is set back to Rejected.
  • View the Approval Details in header or item object page of the purchase requisition, based on whether the workflow is configured at header or item level. When you create or edit a purchase requisition, you can view a preview of the possible workflow steps. The preview is based on the workflow configuration maintained in the app Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions. The preview is updated dynamically as you edit the various fields of the purchase requisition, and is available even before you save the changes. Once, the purchase requisition is created or the changes in the purchase requisition are saved, the approval details show the actual workflow steps with the current status. It also shows the review steps, if any. The review steps contain the list of reviewers or people responsible for monitoring the progress of the workflow. You can also view the decision reason and comments, if any, that had been entered by the approver while making a decision on the requisition. If the purchase requisition or item has been through multiple workflows, then you can view the history of the workflow instances.


    In the case of Central Purchasing, if an item is relevant for central approval in the hub system, the workflow configured in the connected system is not considered. In such cases, the Approval Details section is not available in the draft mode. In the display mode, the approval details section indicates that the item has been sent to the central system for approval. If the item is not relevant for central approval, the workflow configured in the connected system is considered, and the workflow steps are shown in the approval details.
  • Add new approval steps using the Edit button in the Approval Details section. The new steps can be added only at the end of the workflow or after a Planned step. The new steps thus added will be in status New until the changes are saved. Such steps with status New can be further edited or deleted.


    To view the Edit button in the Approval Details section, you must add the business catalog SAP_MM_BC_PR_ADHOCAPPROVE_PC to the existing custom roles, if any, that you have created with reference to the business role templates SAP_BR_MANAGER_PROCUREMENT and SAP_BR_PURCHASER. The Edit button in the Approval Details section is available only in the display mode of the purchase requisition item.


    It is recommended not to use Agent Determination by BAdI as Role in Recipients tab while adding the steps.

  • View a table of commitments of purchase requisition items, whose account assignment is commitment-relevant, by choosing Display Commitments. Commitment is the budget reserved in anticipation of a consumption. The table displays one line for each combination of purchase requisition item and account assignment line. If the commitment has been reduced, for example by a purchase order, the system displays the residual commitment in the corresponding line. The commitment table considers standard items as well as limit items with commitment-relevant account assignment. By default, the commitment is displayed in transaction currency. In the Settings of the commitment table, you can also select amounts in other currencies, for example, the Amount in Company Code Currency. (Select only the required amount in the settings. The corresponding currency is automatically displayed.)
  • View Consumption Value for limit items. In the case of limit items, when a purchase order is created from a purchase requisition item, the expected value of the purchase order is maintained as the consumption value in the purchase requisition item. If the account assignment of the limit item is commitment-relevant, the commitment will be adjusted based on this consumption value.
  • Choose the PO Price Type. PO Price Type determines the adoption of the price of a purchase requisition item in the purchase order item created from it. It can take one of the following values:
    • Do not adopt: The price of the purchase requisition item is not adopted in the purchase order item.
    • As gross price: The price of the purchase requisition item is adopted in the purchase order item as the gross price.
    • As net price: The price of the purchase requisition item is adopted in the purchase order item as the net price.

    The default value of <PO Price Type> is derived from the user default settings maintained in the Default Settings for Users app.


    The PO Price Type feature is available only if you have enabled the required configuration in Define Configurations based on Purchase Requisition Origin under Manage Your SolutionConfigure Your SolutionOperational ProcurementRequirements Processing.

  • Maintain the Tax Code for the purchase requisition item. Tax code is only supported for the item categories Standard and Third-party. The tax code entered is validated with the country provided in the plant address. There is no tax country or date maintained in the purchase requisition. The tax code is maintained at the item level and is not taken into consideration for any price calculation in the requisition. The value entered is just taken over by the purchase order created from it.
  • Assign sources of supply, such as info records, contracts, scheduling agreements, or fixed suppliers, to the items in a purchase requisition.
  • Enter the purchasing group. For the material groups that have been maintained in the configuration Define Mapping of Material Groups to Purchasing Group, the purchasing group that you enter is validated against the various purchasing groups mapped to the material group. If there is only one purchasing group mapped to the material group in the configuration, then the same is auto populated.
  • Add GOS (Generic Object Services) attachments at the header level of a purchase requisition.
  • Add attachments to purchase requisition items. While adding the attachments, you can only choose the document type as internal (SL9) or external (SL1) based on whether the communication is intended for internal or external stakeholders.
  • Validation messages are displayed while entering values in the fields.


    There could be a small delay in the display of certain validation messages after field updates as they are consolidated in a way such that the UI performance is not impacted. Also, use the Enter key in place of the Tab key to view the field validations.

  • A Trade Compliance check is triggered on saving an item by choosing Save. If the trade compliance check returns an error, then a purchase requisition item is created in a blocked state. In this case, a workflow can be initiated but no follow-on document can be created. The error also triggers the generation of a Trade Compliance document with reference to the purchase requisition item. The trade compliance officer can view and work on the compliance document. Once the trade compliance issues are resolved by the compliance officer, the item is saved and if there are no further issues in trade compliance, then the item is unblocked so that all follow-on processes continue as usual.


    Trade compliance checks are not triggerred for items of origin Self-Service Procurement (S).

  • Use the scenario-based workflow. The approval of purchase requisitions is done using the My Inbox app. If the workflow for limit items is not configured, the item is approved automatically.


    Critical changes made to a purchase requisition will restart the approval process for the purchase requisition.
  • View the Status of the purchase requisition. A purchase requisition can be in one of the following statuses:
    In Process ExternallyAt least one item in the PR is currently in process in an external system.
    Awaiting ApprovalAt least one item in the PR has entered the workflow process and is awaiting approval. There is no item in the PR that is In Process Externally.
    BlockedAt least one item in the PR is blocked, that is, it should not be converted into a follow-on purchasing document. There is no item in the PR that is either In Process Externally or Awaiting Approval.
    ApprovedAt least one item in the PR has been approved in the workflow process. There is no item in the PR that is In Process Externally, Awaiting Approval or Blocked.
    Follow on Document CreatedAt least one item in the PR has been processed, and follow on documents, for example purchase orders and purchase contracts have been created. There is no item in the PR that is In Process Externally, Awaiting Approval, Blocked or Approved.
    RejectedAt least one item in the PR has been rejected in the workflow. There is no item in the PR that is In Process Externally, Awaiting Approval, Blocked, Approved or Follow on Document Created.
    SavedThe purchase requisition is in Create mode, and is still a draft.
  • The editability of the purchase requisition, and the items in it is as follows:
    • Item level Release - All items in the PR apart from those in status In Process Externally can be edited.
    • Overall Release - The editability of the PR depends on the status of the items present in the PR. The PR as a whole can be edited provided no item in the PR has the status In Process Externally.
  • View total value of purchase requisitions in a preferred currency that is based on the Total Value Currency. Total Value Currency is maintained by the configuration expert in the Default Settings for Users app.
  • View the Rework Required indicator on purchase requisitions that have been sent back by the approver for rework. When choosing these requisitions, you can view the Rework section that contains the Comments from Approver. You can read the comments and make the required changes in the requisition. You can then enter your Comments to Approver and resubmit.


    You will also receive a notification that a purchase requisition has been sent back to you for rework. On choosing this, you will be taken to the My Inbox app where you can view the details and take the required action. Please note that you can use the My Inbox app only if you have the required roles and authorizations.

  • View the follow-on documents created for a purchase requisition
  • View the purchase requisitions created with the app My Purchase Requisitions - New . In certain scenarios, when you click on this type of purchase requisitions, you will be directed to the My Purchase Requisitions - New app where these purchase requisitions can be edited.


    You can modify the properties of different fields that appear on the user interface of purchase requisitions. You can make the fields hidden, read-only, mandatory, or optional as per your requirement. To modify the properties, create an implementation for the BAdI Manage Field Controls for Purchase Requisitions in the Custom Fields and Logic app.

This app uses Situation Handling, which automatically informs users responsible about matters that require their attention. For more information, see Situation Handling.

Operational purchasers usually do not have any information about new or updated contracts, so they might assign open purchase requisition items to outdated contracts. To benefit from newly negotiated conditions, purchasers receive notifications about new or updated contracts, so that they can assign them to open purchase requisition items directly.

  • From the notification, you can navigate to the item object page of the purchase requisition to view details of the contract under the Situations facet. You can now assign this contract as a source of supply for your purchase requisition, by using the option Assign Contract.
  • You will receive the notification only if the parameters of the purchase requisition match the attributes of the team that is defined in the app Manage Teams and Responsibilities.

Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services

The figure displays the app, Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services.


With this app, you can create service entry sheets to record that the ordered services have been performed. You can change these service entry sheets and send them for approval. You can also search for service entry sheets and sort, filter, and group the list: for example, by supplier or by reference purchase order. Lean services are a type of service that can be purchased in the same way as materials using SAP Fiori apps such as Manage Purchase Orders, Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services, and Create Supplier Invoice. These apps enable a lean process of service procurement that is equivalent to the procurement of materials.

Key Features

  • Create or change a service entry sheet with reference to a purchase order

    Each service entry sheet references one purchase order. This purchase order can consist of standard items for planned services or limit items for unplanned services. After you enter the purchase order number, the system displays the list of purchase order items for lean services. You then select the ones you wish to add as service entry sheet items. You can also add multiple service entry sheet items based on one purchase order item at once.

  • Record consumable materials

    You can record consumable materials (product type group Material (1)), which were used during the execution of a service, in a service entry sheet. However, you have to maintain at least one item of the product type group Service (2) in a service entry sheet.


    Please be aware of several restrictions regarding the type of material item that you can add to a service entry.
  • Maintain the account assignment in service entry sheets

    You can define the account assignment for an item in the purchase order or in the service entry sheet. Even if it’s already defined in the purchase order item, you can change the account assignment in the service entry sheet - with few restrictions. If the purchase order has no account assignment, you can copy the account assignment from the contract.

  • Import and export service entry sheets

    Authorized users can import service entry sheets from Microsoft Excel files. You can import up to 100 service entry sheet items. Note that you can't import limit items to service entry sheet using this feature. You can also export service entry sheet items to spreadsheets. To do so, open a service entry sheet, go to the Items tab and choose Export.


    If you export a service entry sheet and the Performance End Date is not filled in the exported spreadsheet, the performance end date is considered to be the same as the performance start date. That means that the service was performed on one day.

  • Add and maintain notes and texts for service entry sheets

    On both header and item level, you can add and maintain internal notes to provide additional information about the service entry sheet or a specific item. You can use the Header Note or Item Note field to leave an internal note for other people in your organization. Alternatively, you can use the Header Text or Item Text field to write a note for external parties in the process flow, for example, the supplier. Only one note and one text can exist for each header and item.

  • Attach documents and add links on header and item level of service entry sheets

    You can upload files, add links, and view existing attachments on both header and item level of a service entry sheet. If they are no longer required, you can delete existing attachments.

  • Initiate or cancel the approval process

    When you've recorded all services and consumable materials, you can send the service entry sheet for approval. The service entry sheet then gets assigned In Approval status and is automatically displayed in the approver’s My Inbox. If you want to edit the service entry sheet again, you can choose Withdraw from Approval as long as it is in status In Approval. If the service entry sheet has been approved and no follow-on documents exist other than the goods receipt document, you can choose Revoke Approval and edit it again. Once the service entry sheet has been approved by an authorized person, a goods receipt document is created by the system and a corresponding invoice can be created, checked, and posted.

  • View process flow diagram for service entry sheets

    Once the service entry sheet is posted, you can view the process flow diagram under the Process Flow facet. The process flow diagram displays the preceding as well as follow-on documents of the service entry sheet. Here you can also find links to the referenced documents.

  • Display and edit taxes in service entry sheets

    You can display and edit tax information that was defined in the reference purchase order in a service entry sheet.

  • Display and edit pricing information in service entry sheet items

    You can display and edit detailed pricing information for planned services with reference to purchase order standard items as well as for unplanned services with reference to purchase order limit items without a purchase contract as source of supply. You can also display pricing information for unplanned services with reference to purchase order limit items with a purchase contract as source of supply.

  • Set the Final Entry indicator for service entry sheet items

    To indicate that a service entry sheet item is the last service entry sheet item for the referenced purchase order item, you can set the Final Entry indicator. After the service entry sheet has been approved, the Delivery Completed indicator is set automatically in the purchase order item.

App Extensibility: Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app and the Custom Logic app using the following business contexts:

  • Procurement: Service Entry Sheet Header

  • Procurement: Service Entry Sheet Item

Custom Field Maintenance

You can enable usage of your custom fields for the data sources Service Entry Sheet Extensibility Model and Service Entry Sheet with Draft in the UIs and Reports section of the custom field maintenance and publish the custom fields.

You can add fields to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

UI Element

UI ElementBusiness Context
Service Entry Sheet General InformationProcurement: Service Entry Sheet Header
Service Entry Sheet ItemsProcurement: Service Entry Sheet Item

You can implement logic for the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

Business Add-Ins (BADls)Business ContextDescription
Check of Service Entry Sheet HeaderProcurement: Service Entry Sheet HeaderCheck or validate values of standard and custom fields in service entry sheets on header level.
Change of Service Entry Sheet HeaderProcurement: Service Entry Sheet HeaderSet or change values of standard and custom fields in service entry sheets on header level.
Check of Service Entry Sheet ItemProcurement: Service Entry Sheet ItemCheck or validate values of standard and custom fields in service entry sheets on item level.
Change of Service Entry Sheet ItemProcurement: Service Entry Sheet Item

Set or change values of standard and custom fields in service entry sheets on item level.


If BAdI Change of Service Entry Sheet Item is not enabled, the custom fields will be open for input when creating or changing service entry sheets and will be in read-only mode when displaying service entry sheets
Determination of Account Assignment for Commitment ReductionProcurement: Service Entry Sheet Account Assignment

If you change or add an account assignment in a service entry sheet, you can use this BAdI to define for which account assignment of the referenced purchase order item the commitment should be reduced when the goods receipt is posted. For this, multiple account assignment must be defined in the reference purchase order.

The BAdI is called when you change the multiple account assignment in a service entry sheet. For example, if multiple account assignment is defined in the referenced purchase order and you add a new account assignment in the service entry sheet, you can use this BAdI to define for which account assignment of the referenced purchase order item the commitment is to be reduced.

If multiple account assignment is defined in the referenced purchase order but you define a single account assignment in the service entry sheet, you can also change for which account assignment of the referenced purchase order item the commitment is to be reduced.

Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document

The figure displays the app, Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document.

With this app, you can post the receipt of goods with reference to the different types of purchasing documents, for example:

  • Standard purchase order
  • Stock transfer order
  • Scheduling agreement

For example, if a material is delivered for a purchasing document with which you ordered the goods, it is important for all the departments involved that the goods receipt entry in the system references this purchasing document.

This app supports you, for example, as a warehouse clerk or inventory manager in your daily work.

Key Features

Central Use

  • Post the receipt of goods with reference to a purchasing document, for example, purchase order, which contains order items for stock material (procurement for stock).
  • Post the receipt of goods with reference to a purchasing document, for example, purchase order, which contains order items that display single or multiple account assignments (procurement for direct consumption). With multiple account assignments, you can distribute the purchasing cost among different cost centers or projects, for example.


    You define the account assignment distribution together with the accounting information and ordered quantity in the purchase order. You can make these settings for valuated and non-valuated goods receipt. Note that the app only displays the account assignments as further information. In the case of partial goods receipt, the app does not recalculate the distributed quantity.
  • Post the receipt of goods with reference to vendor consignment stock.
  • Post goods receipt of goods with reference to a scheduling agreement.


    Scheduling agreements with the procurement type Stock Transfer are not supported.
  • Post the receipt of goods with reference to a purchasing document, for example, purchase order to the goods receipt (GR) blocked stock. Depending on your role, you can release items from GR blocked stock into the unrestricted-use stock, for example.


    GR blocked stock is not supported for items using goods-receipt-based invoice verification.
  • Post the goods receipts for items (or return items), for example, create more than one material document. If an attachment is enclosed in a purchasing document, for example, purchase order, it is, in general, tied to the material document of the standard goods receipt process.
  • Post the goods receipt for order items with shelf life expiration date and production date. Before you post the goods receipt, the app supports a check of the shelf life expiration date.


    If the shelf life expiration date check is active and at least one of the fields Minimum Remaining Shelf Life or Total Shelf Life is maintained in the material master, you have to enter the shelf life expiration date or the production date of the material at the time of the goods receipt. The app then checks whether the remaining shelf life is sufficient. Note that the minimum remaining shelf life is a minimum amount of time up to which the material must be in good condition so that the system accepts the goods receipt. Depending on your settings, the fields are displayed and/or are ready for input. Note that you can only enter the shelf life expiration date of a material if the shelf life expiration date check is active for the plant, active for the used movement type, and the minimum remaining shelf life is maintained in the material master record or in the purchase order item.
  • Post the receipt of goods with reference to a purchasing document, for example, stock transfer order, which contains order items for stock material to another storage location.
  • Create and edit batches out of the post goods receipt processing.


    Depending on your role, you need to assign the dependent business catalog Batch Management - Batches (SAP_SCM_BC_BATCH_MGMT_MC) to the app-specific business catalogs Materials Management - Warehouse Processing (SAP_MM_BC_IM_PROCESS) and Materials Management - Goods Receipt Processing (SAP_MM_BC_IM_GR_PROCESS_PC). Based on this assignment, the app shows a further button for creating and editing batches.

  • Post the receipt of goods with reference to a reason code. You can store a text that gives a reason for the movement (for example, reason for return delivery).


If you encounter issues when posting goods receipt for a purchase order with a confirmation control, see KBA 3122713 (Cannot post Goods Receipt for a Purchase Order with Confirmation Control 0001 within the app 'Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document').

Split Valuation

The app supports materials with split valuation. It is possible to either select a valuation type or show the assigned valuation type for the split valuated material.


In your configuration environment, use the search function to open the following activities: Activate Split Valuation for Global Data and Activate Split Valuation for Valuation Area.


For subcontracting, the app is enhanced with a component information area.

  • The app has a component information area for the subcontracting process for the purchasing documents types purchase order and scheduling agreement with item category L (subcontracting).
  • The app displays for each material whether components exist.
  • By default, all components are considered for posting.
  • A quantity change on material header level on the main screen leads to a proportional adaption of the quantity of the component materials (item level).
  • You can decide if you want to go further with posting of the goods receipt for the complete material (header level) or to navigate to the detailed page and edit each component individually (item level).
  • You can make changes for all components of a material. You can change the quantity or the unit of measure for each component separately or deselect components for posting. Note that a quantity change on material header level on the detail screen does not trigger proportional adaption for component materials.
  • Serial numbers are supported at both header and component level.
  • Support different process variants that can occur at the component level such as shelf life expiration date and reason code.


Posting of subcontracting with special stock E (Sales Order Stock) and Q (Project Stock) are not supported in the cloud environment.

Serial Numbers

Assign, change, or remove serial numbers for materials and components serialized at document level.

Integration of Mobile Scanner and Barcode Scanning

  • Support different options for barcode processing to scan purchasing document numbers with internal and external scanner devices. Ensure fast and reliable data collection and mapping to the appropriate purchasing documents.
  • Depending on your chosen scanning options for barcodes, you can scan the following barcodes:
    • Simple barcode: You can scan a purchasing document number.
    • Composite barcode: You can scan a GS1-standard-conform barcode with a purchasing document number.
  • Support manual barcode entry if necessary.


  • Print slips and labels during the entry of a goods receipt manually or automatically.
  • Extend the app according to your business needs (app extensibility).
  • Display detailed information about the level on which a material is stored: plant, storage location, or storage bin. Note that the availability of these fields depends on your configuration settings.
  • Synchronous goods receipt posting of MM-IM and EWM-processes in the background

    When all required EWM data is available, the system automatically process the necessary EWM data in the MM-IM goods receipt posting process.


A prerequisite is the existence of the following EWN data: EWM indicator, warehouse number, and warehouse storage bin. If the required EWM data is not (completely) available in the system, the system cannot automatically process any EWM data in the MM-IM process and issues an error message. In the error message, the user is referred to transaction code MIGO (Post Goods Movement) to then complete the posting process manually.

Purchasing document items, which fulfill at least one of the following conditions, are not visible:

  • Delivery Completed indicator is set
  • Account assignment categories that are not supported

If all items of a purchasing document fulfill at least one of these conditions, the purchasing document is not selectable.

This app supports the following account assignment categories:

Account Assignment Category

Account Assignment CategoryDescription
CSales order
KCost center
MIndividual customer requirements without KD-CO
QProject make-to-order
RService order
SThird party
XAll auxiliary account assignments


The app supports several movement types for different business processes. The app offers you authorization-dependent movement types. You have different authorizations depending on your business role. If movement types are missing for your task or you have restricted authorizations for a movement type, contact your administrator.

In addition, the app supports the following technical features and options:

  • This app supports the output management and attachment service.


    SAP provides predefined output forms in output management, such as collection slips. You can copy and adapt these forms for your needs. Note that your settings can affect the formatting of the output forms and can lead, for example, to unwanted line breaks. SAP recommends that you check your settings and adjust them if necessary.

  • This app includes SAP CoPilot. This digital assistant in the SAP S/4HANA system supports you with features like business context awareness or quick actions to manage follow-on activities directly from the app.
  • This app supports barcode scanning of purchasing documents with mobile devices.


    Prerequisite for barcode scanning is a mobile device with touch-sensitive display and a camera.

App Extensibility: Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document

As a key user, you can extend the Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing Document app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields

With the Custom Fields app, you can create and maintain custom fields that you can use to enhance applications. You can add fields to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Custom Fields

Business ContextUI Element TypeUI TechnologyNavigation Path
Accounting: Coding BlockCustom Field--
Material Document ItemCustom FieldSAP FioriPurchasing Document → Purchasing Document Item Detail Page → Custom Fields tab

Custom Logic

With the Custom Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

Custom Logic

BAdl NameBAdl DescriptionBusiness Context 
MMIM_GR4XY_PROVIDE_DATAChange Header and Item Data in Goods ReceiptsInventory Management: Goods Receipt for ProdnOrd, PurOrd, InbDeliv

Change the data in the document header, item, stocktype, and serial number fields of goods receipts for purchase orders, production orders, and goods receipts for inbound delivery processes. Change the data in the subitem and stock type in subcontracting process.


With this Business Add-In (BAdI) you cannot change a custom movement type for a return purchase order item.
MMIM_GR4XY_CHECK_DATACheck Header and Item Data in Goods ReceiptsInventory Management: Goods Receipt for ProdnOrd, PurOrd, NoRef, InbDelivCheck the data in the document header, document item, and serial number fields of goods receipts for purchase orders, production orders, goods receipts without reference, and goods receipts for inbound delivery processes. Check the data in the subitem and stock type in subcontracting process.
BADI_MMIM_CHECK_MATDOC_ITEMCheck Item Data in Material DocumentMaterial Document Item (MATERIALDOCUMENTITEM)You can use this BAdI to check the data in the material document header and material document item for different processes. You can then create corresponding custom messages.

Supplier Invoices List

The figure displays the Supplier Invoices List app.


With this app you can search for supplier invoices and use the search result as a supplier invoice worklist. The supplier invoices have been created with or without using the Business Network.

Key Features

In the header section of the worklist, you can do the following:

  • Filter the number of supplier invoices by entering a value in one or more selection fields
  • Create your own filter variant
  • Hide the filter bar

In the worklist header row, you can do the following by using the Settings icon:

  • Sort supplier invoices by different criteria
  • Hide or show columns in the worklist

In addition, you can export the search result data to a spreadsheet. In the worklist, you can navigate to the details of a specific supplier invoice.

Depending on the status, you can, for example, do the following:

  • Status Posted: You can navigate to the supplier invoice. You can review the detail data and reverse or release the supplier invoice.
  • Status Held: You can navigate to the supplier invoice. You can choose the Edit function, and you can change the data and simulate, hold, or post the supplier invoice.
  • Status Draft: You can navigate to the supplier invoice. You can complete the detail data and simulate, hold, post, or discard the supplier invoice. Supplier invoices with the status Draft are sent out by suppliers using the Business Network or external applications.
  • Status Draft (Personal): Supplier invoices with the status Draft (Personal) are created whenever you start entering an invoice with the Create Supplier Invoice tile. In the supplier invoice list, the supplier invoices with status Draft (Personal) are only displayed for your user. The status Draft (Personal) allows you to open the invoice draft in several views at the same time.
  • Status With Errors


If supplier invoices are posted in the Manage Supplier Invoices app, journal entries are posted in Finance as a result. You can display the journal entries in the Manage Supplier Line Items app. Please note that supplier invoices and journal entries have different document numbers.


If an SAP Ariba invoice is too complex, you cannot use the Create Supplier Invoice app to post the invoice. If the Create Supplier Invoice - Advanced app is available, you can create and post the invoice in this advanced app. Then, you can use the Create Supplier Invoice app to confirm that the SAP Ariba invoice already exists. To do this, choose the Confirm function and enter the invoice number of the previously posted invoice.


The Supplier Invoice views belong to the Manage Supplier Invoices app.

App Extensibility: Supplier Invoices List (F1060)

Key users extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the following business context: Procurement: Supplier Invoice.

You have the following options:

  • Add previously created fields to the table
  • Change the order of fields
  • Rename fields
  • Save the current layout

You can make settings to exclude fields.

You can add fields to the following UI elements:

UI Elements

UI ElementBusiness Context

Supplier Invoices List (Header)

Data source under UIs and Reports in Custom Fields app: MM_SUPPLIER_INVOICE_LIST_ENH_SRV

Procurement: Supplier Invoice (MM_SI_HEADER)

My Purchase Requisition - New

The figure displays the My Purchase Requisition - New app.


The new self-service procurement app serves to offer the employees or casual users a consolidated one-stop solution that provides a quick, intuitive, and efficient shopping experience. The well laid out sections in the app provide a seamless experience with reduced clicks and navigation. The reduction in redundancy and improved usability targets to make this new app an effective replacement to the existing Create Purchase Requisition and My Purchase Requisitions applications.


This app is the successor of the Create Purchase Requisition and My Purchase Requisitions apps. The Create Purchase Requisition and My Purchase Requisitions apps are deprecated as of SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2308. We recommend that you switch to this successor app as soon as possible.

Key Features

With this app, you, as an employee or casual user can do the following:

  • Create, view, edit, and process flow of your purchase requisitions
  • Track the status and process flow of your purchase requisitions
  • Confirm the receipt of goods
  • Return the received goods on case of any issues or defects

Create Purchase Requisition

While creating a purchase requisition, you can do the following:

  • Default Settings:

    View and edit selected default settings of the purchase requisitions created by you.

    • You can do this using the My User Defaults section in the home page of the app.
    • You can also navigate to the Default Settings for Users app (choose from the dropdown in the profile icon on the right corner) and edit the settings.
  • Add items to shopping cart:
    • Catalog Items
      • Cross-Catalog Search - You can search for an item using the cross-catalog search bar and add it to the cart.
      • My Catalogs - You can add items from your assigned catalogs.
      • If price validation has been set up for your purchasing organization, the system updates the price with the latest catalog price and informs you accordingly.
    • Free Text Items
      • You can create free text, material and service items using the Create Item button
      • You can create limit items using the Create Limit Item button. Limit Items are unplanned services and materials that cannot be specified in detail at the time of ordering. You can define an expected value and an overall limit for these items. Expected Value is the amount that is expected to be spent on the item. It must not exceed the Overall Limit. Overall Limit is the maximum amount that can be spent on the limit item. The services and materials may be specified later in the service entry sheet and goods receipt when their price and quantity are recorded.
      • You can maintain the details of the free text items, such as delivery address, source of supply, and accounting details. You can also add notes and attachments.
      • The details that have been maintained in the Default Settings for Users app are prepopulated for you in the item details.
      • Delivery Address: You can maintain Delivery Address of a purchase requisition item based on the Address Type. The Address Type can be Plant, Storage Location or User Entry. The default Address Type and Delivery Address is maintained based on the details provided in the purchase requisition item such as Plant, Storage Location and Item Category. The user can also choose the Address Type as per their requirement.
        • Address Type - Plant, Storage Location

          The delivery address is auto-populated with the address of the Plant or Storage Location as maintained in the master data. The delivery address is NOT editable and gets automatically updated when the Plant or Storage Location is updated.

        • Address Type - User Entry

          User can enter the delivery address manually

        • You can also define your own custom logic using the BAdI Setting of Default Delivery Address of Self-Service Purchase Requisition (MM_PUR_SSP_DEF_DEL_ADRS_SIMPLE) to maintain the default delivery address and address type.

      • Account Assignment: You can add single or multiple account assignments. You can distribute the accounting information to different accounting elements based on the quantity or percentage by adding or deleting accounting lines.


        You can define a new account assignment category using the configuration step Maintain Account Assignment Categories. In order to view this newly added account assignment category in the app, you must also map it to a standard item category using the configuration step Define Combination of Item Categories/Account Assignment Categories under Manage Your SolutionConfigure Your SolutionOperational ProcurementAccount Assignment.
      • Attachments: You can add attachments to purchase requisition items. While adding the attachments, you can choose the document type as internal or external based on whether the communication is intended for internal or external stakeholders.


        When you add a link as an attachment, you must make sure that the URL is part of the Trusted Network Zones maintained by the administrator in the Maintain Trusted Network Zone app.
      • Notes: You can maintain any notes related to the requisition or item using the notes section that is available at both the header level and the item level.


        You can view and maintain all the comments that have been entered in the purchase requisition.

      • The PO Price Type of an item determines the adoption of price of purchase requisition item in the purchase order item created from it. For more details, please refer to Default Settings for Users app.
      • The Purchasing Group of an item is automatically updated based on the Material Group and Plant configuration. You can define the mapping of material group and plant to a purchasing group using the configuration step Define Mapping of Material Groups to Purchasing Group in Manage Your Solution app.
  • Save a draft of the purchase requisition to complete it at a later point in time. You can have multiple drafts at a time. If you do not want to continue working on an existing draft, and want to create a new draft, you can choose the Clear Cart option in the mini cart.
  • Place an order: Once you have finalized the items in the cart, you can place an order. Errors and warnings, if any, are shown to the user. The user can decide to either proceed with or cancel the order. Once the order is placed, a purchase requisition is created.
  • Shop on Behalf

    Using this feature, you can create purchase requisitions on behalf of other users. For example, an assistant can create purchase requisitions for a manager. To do this, you can assign a requestor (other than yourself) to purchase requisitions during creation. When creating purchase requisitions on behalf of others, consider the following:

    • You can change the default requestor in the header object page. By default, the person creating the purchase requisition is the requestor.
    • You can assign a requestor based on the Shop on Behalf Type and Requisitioning Group assigned to you in the Default Settings for Users app.

Approval Details and Follow-on Documents

  • Once an order is placed, the requisition is either auto-approved or sent for the approval process. This depends on the workflow configuration that has been maintained by the configuration expert using the Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions app.
  • You can view the approval steps and other approval related details of the purchase requisition or item in the Approval Details section.
  • You can rework on purchase requisitions that have been sent to you for rework by the approver. You can see a Rework Required indicator on such purchase requisitions. You can then check the Comments from Approver and make the changes, if required, in the requisition and submit it.


    You will also receive a notification that a purchase requisition has been sent back to you for rework. On choosing this, you will be taken to the My Inbox app where you can view the details and take the required action. Please note that you can use the My Inbox app only if you have the required roles and authorizations.
  • You can edit existing purchase requisitions and items by choosing the Edit button.
    • Whenever a change is made to a requisition or item, further processing is based on the configuration maintained in the Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions app and the Manage Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow configuration.
    • You cannot add items to a purchase requisition if your user settings have been changed in the Default Settings for Users app.
    • You cannot edit purchase requisitions that have follow on documents created.
  • If automatic creation of reservation has been configured for a purchasing group and material group combination, then a reservation is created as a follow-on document. For more details, please refer to Settings for Creation of Reservation app.
  • View the process flow once follow-on documents are created. You can view this by choosing the Number of Items in the list view. Along with the process flow, you can also view the purchase order status, source of supply and the approver with whom the document is pending approval.

View and Manage Purchase Requisitions

  • View a list of your most recent purchase requisitions in the home page of the app. You can first see the list of drafts that you are currently working on, followed by the ordered purchase requisitions. The most recently modified requisitions are listed first. The list also shows the status, number of items and total value of the purchase requisition. The total value is displayed in the Total Value Currency. Total Value Currency is maintained by the configuration expert in the Default Settings for Users app. For more details on Total Value Currency, please refer to Default Settings for Users app.
  • Choose View All to see the list of all your purchase requisitions.
  • Filter and sort the list of purchase requisitions based on various criteria. You can choose the required filters by using the Adapt Filters option.
  • Personalize the lists as per your requirements and save as variants. You can personalize the item list, purchase requisition list, and account assignment list view.
  • Get a quick overview of the important details, status, and process flow of the items in a requisition by choosing the Number of Items column in the list page. The process flow also contains the purchase order status, current approver of purchase order if the purchase order is awaiting approval, and the supplier. In the case of central requisitioning, the purchase order status will be displayed only if flexible workflow has been configured in the connected system. The purchase order status will not be displayed if release strategy has been configured in the connected system.
  • Copy, edit, and delete existing purchase requisitions or items based on their current status.
  • Copy the details of one item to other items in the purchase requisition by choosing Copy to Other Items.
  • Navigate into the purchase requisition header and item page in a split screen view to allow easy navigation between screens.

Confirm Receipt and Return Delivery

  • Confirm receipt of goods by choosing the Confirm option. This takes you to the Confirm Receipt of Goods application. For more details, please refer to Confirm Receipt of Goods - New app.
  • Return the goods in case they are defective or there are any other issues, by choosing the Return option. This takes you to the Return Delivery application. For more details, please refer to Return Delivery app.

Central Requisitioning

  • You can create purchase requisitions in the context of central requisitioning. For this, the central requisitioning scenario has to be activated in the configuration Activate SAP S/4HANA Procurement Hub and Scenarios.
  • Based on the plant, company code and the connected system that is maintained, the purchase requisition that is created in the hub (central) system is replicated to the connected system.
  • The replication can happen either before or after approval. The configuration expert can make use of the configuration Define Settings for Central Requisitioning to define if the replication of the purchase requisition to the connected system must happen before it is approved in the hub system. By default, the replication always happens after the requisition is approved in the hub system.


    It is recommended that you do not use the configuration Define Settings for Central Requisitioning to define replication to happen before approval in the context of Guided Buying with SAP Ariba Buying in Central Procurement (3EN) integration scenario.
  • Replication After Approval: After the purchase requisition is approved in the hub system, it is replicated to the connected system and processed there. Once the purchase requisition is successfully replicated, you cannot edit the requisition in the hub system. The connected system will notify the hub system of the processing state of the purchase requisition. You can view the status of the purchase requisition, and create follow-on documents such as goods receipts and return deliveries in the hub system.
  • Replication Before Approval: In this case, the purchase requisition is immediately replicated to the connected system, without waiting for it to be approved in the hub system. You can edit the purchase requisition in the hub system. In the connected system, a request for quotation or assignment of source of supply can happen via the Central Request for Quotation. These sourcing details are notified back to the hub system. No other changes can be made to the requisition in the connected system at this point in time.


    • Replication before approval is supported only for purchase requisitions created using the self-service procurement applications.
    • The connected system can be an SAP S/4HANA Cloud, SAP S/4HANA (release 2021 or higher) or SAP ERP (HUBERPI FPS21 or higher) system.


When the replicated purchase requisition is opened in the connected system, then saving or ordering of purchase requisition throws the following error in the hub system : Service provider did not get any business data. In such cases, please close the purchase requisition in the connected system and retry saving or ordering the requisition in the hub system.

Once the purchase requisition is approved in the hub system, the same is notified to the connected system and further processing happens. Now, you can no longer edit this requisition in the hub system, but you can edit it in the connected system. In case a reservation exists for the item, you can no longer edit it.

If the purchase requisitions or items are rejected in the hub system, they are deleted in both the hub and the connected system. The deleted requisitions and items cannot be undeleted in the connected system.

After the processing of the purchase requisition is complete, you can create follow-on documents such as goods receipts and return deliveries in the hub system.


After the processing of the purchase requisition is complete, you can create follow-on documents such as goods receipts and return deliveries in the hub system.

  • Limit Items:
    • When a purchase requisition is replicated to SAP ERP , it is replicated as an external service, that is, item type "D" is created.
    • When a purchase requisition is replicated to SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud connected systems, then purchase requisition items are replicated as lean service items.
  • PO Price Type:

    To replicate the PO Price Type from the hub system to the connected system, you must maintain the required configuration in the hub system and connected system as follows:

    • In the case of an SAP ERP system, in the configuration Function authorizations: Purchase order, create a function authorization with Adopt PO Price parameter selected. Add this function authorization object to the communication user parameters in the connected system using the SU3 transaction. Here, in the Parameters section, set the parameter EFB to the function authorization object.
    • In the case of an SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA system, set Order Price Adoption for Self-Service Procurement in the configuration Define Configurations based on Purchase Requisition Origin under Manage Your Solution → Configure Your Solution → Operational Procurement → Requirements Processing.
  • Attachments:

    Attachments are replicated along with the attachment document type from the hub system to the connected system.


    Attachment document type is replicated only when SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP ERP acts as the connected system.


  • This app is available under the new catalog SAP_MM_BC_SSPPR_MANAGE_PC. It is recommended that you do not use the old and new apps in parallel. Please remove the old catalog after you add the new catalog (SAP_MM_BC_SSPPR_MANAGE_PC) to your role.
  • The BADIS MM_PUR_S4_SSPPR_CHK_DRAFT_ITEM (Check of Draft Item of a Self-Service Purchase Requisition) and MM_PUR_S4_SSPPR_MOD_DRAFT_ITEM (Change of Draft Item of a Self-Service Purchase Requisition) are not invoked in the context of this app.
  • Expert mode is not supported in this app.

App Extensibility: My Purchase Requisitions - New

As a key user, you can extend the My Purchase Requisitions - New app according to your business needs.

Custom Fields

With the Custom Fields app, you can create and maintain custom fields that you can use to enhance applications. You can add fields to the following UI elements using key user adaptation:

Custom Fields

Business ContextUI TechnologyNavigation Path
Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemSAP FioriPurchase Requisition Item → General Information

Custom Logic

With the Custom Logic app, you can create and maintain implementations of custom logic that can be used to enhance applications and change application behavior. You can implement custom logic for the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs):

Custom Logic

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)Business ContextBusiness Use
Check of Purchase Requisition Item (MM_PUR_S4_PR_CHECK)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemCheck or validate values of standard and extension fields in purchase requisitions at item level.
Change of Purchase Requisition Item (MM_PUR_S4_PR_MODIFY_ITEM)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemSet or change values of standard and extension fields in purchase requisitions at item level.
Change of OCI 4.0 Outbound Parameters (MMPUR_OCI_OUTBOUND_PARAMETERS)Procurement: Purchasing Catalogs and Catalog InterfacesModify the outbound parameters that are sent to the catalog provider using the open catalog web service.
Change of Field Control for Purchase Requisitions (MM_PUR_S4_PR_FLDCNTRL_SIMPLE)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemModify the properties of different fields that appear on the user interface of purchase requisition apps.
Change of Self Service Purchase Requisition in Central Procurement (MM_PUR_S4_SSP_HUB_PR_MODIFY)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemModify extension fields and check header and item level information of self-service purchase requisitions during simulation and replication from hub system to connected system.
Specification of Proxy Server During OCI Validation (MMPUR_CAT_PROXY_INFO)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemSpecify proxy server settings to access internet during catalog extraction.
Define Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow in Purchase Requisitions (MM_PUR_S4_PR_WFL_RESTART)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemEnable or disable the restart of the approval workflow in purchase requisitions. Also, overwrite the configurations defined in configuration step Manage Conditions to Restart Flexible Workflow.
Determination of Workflow Agents for Purchasing Documents (MMPUR_WORKFLOW_AGENTS_V2)Procurement: Flexible WorkflowImplement your own workflow agent determination. Based on the document data, you can define a list of approvers.
Determination of Factory Calendar for Workflow Deadline (MMPUR_PROC_WF_FACTORY_CALENDAR)Procurement: Flexible WorkflowDetermine the factory calendar that can be used for deadline calculation in flexible workflows.
Enhancement of Flexible Workflow Properties (MMPUR_WFL_CONTEXT_ENHANCE)Procurement: Flexible Workflow

Based on the context in which it is invoked, you can use this BAdI for the following purposes:

  • Set agents that need to be excluded
  • Set a maximum of five custom attributes
  • Set the priority of a workflow step or task
Setting of Default Delivery Address of Self-Service Purchase Requisition (MM_PUR_SSP_DEF_DEL_ADRS_SIMPLE)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemMaintain the default delivery address of a self-service purchase requisition item.
Change of OCI 4.0 Data When Mapping to Draft Item of Self-Service Purchase Requisition (MMPUR_OCI_TO_DRAFT_ITM_MAPPING)Procurement: Purchasing Catalogs and Catalog InterfacesModify data when mapping OCI 4.0 data to draft items in self-service purchase requisition.
Change of OCI 4.0 Data When Mapping to a Purchase Requisition Item (MMPUR_OCI_ITEM_TRANSFER_DATA)Procurement: Purchasing Catalogs and Catalog InterfacesAccess the master data of a catalog provider, and add or remove items automatically from a catalog during the transfer of data.
Change of Header of a Purchase Requisition (MM_PUR_S4_PR_MODIFY_HEADER)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemSet or change values of standard and extension fields in purchase requisitions at header level.
Calculation of Transient Custom Fields in 'Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional' (MMPUR_SSPPR_ITM_CALC_FIELDS)Procurement: Purchase Requisition ItemCalculate transient custom fields using the values of the standard fields and custom fields in a purchase requisition item.

My Purchasing Document Items - Professional

The figure displays the app, My Purchasing Document Items - Professional.


With this app, you can quickly gain an overview of the items in your purchasing documents for each supplier and keep track of those purchasing documents for which you, as a purchaser, are responsible. Besides the count of purchasing document items, the app provides separate tabs for purchase requisitions, purchase orders, good receipts, and supplier invoices. The clear and customizable views let you monitor your purchasing document items for each supplier at the level of detail you require.

Key Features

You can use this app to:

  • Monitor your purchasing document items based on filter criteria such as material group, purchasing group, plant, status, and purchase order.
  • Search by one or more purchase orders, and in the results you can see the corresponding purchase orders, as well as any related purchase requisitions, goods receipts, and supplier invoices in their respective tabs.
  • Search using the status for specific document types and in the results you can see the corresponding purchasing document items in their respective tabs. The statuses you can select in the value help corresponds to the statuses available for each document type in their respective manage apps, for example, Manage Purchase Orders. The only exception is for goods receipts where the statuses are specifically Canceled and Completed.
  • Get an overview of all documents for which a difference exists between the supplier invoice value and the ordered value.
  • Display detailed data of the items in purchase requisitions, purchase orders, goods receipts, and supplier invoices.
  • Display purchase requisition items and their distribution (in terms of quantity, value, and percentage) over one or more of their account assignments. So, a purchase requisition item may be listed more than once depending on the number of accounts it's assigned to.
  • Display purchase order items and their distribution (in terms of quantity, value, and percentage) over one or more of their account assignments. So, a purchase order item may be listed more than once depending on the number of accounts it's assigned to.
  • Display and compare item data for one or more suppliers.
  • Adapt the views to display precisely the data you need.
  • Navigate to the Purchase Requisition object page.
  • Navigate to the Manage Purchase Orders app.
  • Navigate to the Material Document details page (only if you have access to the Material Document Overview app).
  • Navigate to the Supplier Invoice app (only if you have access to this app).
  • Post a goods receipt for a selected purchase order item on the Purchase Orders tab (only if you have the Inventory Manager role).
  • Create purchase orders on the Purchase Orders tab.


If the extended material number has been activated in your back-end system, it is automatically displayed in the Material field in this app.

Material Documents Overview

The figure displays the Material Documents Overview app.


With this app, you can display a list of material document items and display the material document details of a selected material document item. In addition, you can reverse a material document. This app supports you, for example, as a warehouse clerk or an inventory manager in your daily work.

Key Features

  • Get an overview of material documents such as goods issue, goods receipt, and material movements with the following information, for example:
    • Document date

    • Movement type, for example, goods issue for delivery

    • Document items


      With the stock change type (for example, stock decrease), you specify for which kind of material document on a specific organizational level you want to search. Depending on the stock change type you choose, you can select further filter criteria.
  • Display a list of material document items. You can search for accounting information (G/L account or cost center) in material documents with multiple account assignments of the valuated goods receipt.


    For non-valuated goods receipts the account assignment is not stored on material document item level. Therefore, neither the material document nor the material documents overview displays the account assignments for non-valuated postings.
  • Display a goods receipt (material document) that references a scheduling agreement.
  • Display the process flow for a material document with the relevant preceding document and follow-on document.
  • Display a list of the serial numbers, if any, that were assigned to materials during the relevant goods movement.
  • Displays material documents for batch-managed materials with a split valuation.
  • Add attachments to the material document.
  • Determine forms of output for a material document, such as print output or electronic data interchange (EDI)


    SAP provides predefined output forms in output management, such as collection slips. You can copy and adapt these forms for your needs. Note that your settings can affect the formatting of the output forms, and can lead, for example, to unwanted line breaks. SAP recommends that you check your settings and adjust them if necessary.
  • Reverse or partially reverse a selected material document.
  • Display the details of a selected material document item, for example, single or multiple account assignments.
  • Supports the filtering for material documents with item lines that are automatically generated from the stock transfer posting (Auto-Created Item).

    It is only in the case of a transfer posting that there are always two lines for each material in the corresponding material document (for the issuing and receiving plant). This means that you always have an overview of where a transferred material comes from and where the target plant is.


The app supports several movement types for different business processes. The app offers you authorization-dependent movement types. You have different authorizations depending on your business role. If movement types are missing for your task or you have restricted authorizations for a movement type, contact your administrator

In addition, the app supports the following technical features and options:

  • You can export the result list to a spreadsheet.
  • You can send a link to the material document details by e-mail.
  • To start a conversation and to share your comments on the material document, use chat in Microsoft Teams or Send Email.

How to Display or Reverse Material Documents

  1. To search for material documents, enter your filter criteria and choose Go.

    Depending on your filter criteria, the app displays a list of material document items. Note that maybe some columns of the results list are hidden. In the personalization area, you can specify the columns that the system displays in the results list.

  2. To display the details of a material document, choose the corresponding material document item.
  3. If required, you can reverse the material document.

    Note that you can execute full reversal of all materials or partial reversals of document items in a material document.

App Extensibility: Material Documents Overview

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the following Business Contexts: Coding Block

You can add fields to the following UI elements using UI adaptation at runtime:

UI Element

UI ElementBusiness Context
Filter criterion (item)Coding Block
Material Document ItemCoding Block

You can implement logic for the following enhancement options:

Enhancement Option

Enhancement OptionBusiness Context
Find Material Document ItemsCoding Block
Material Document ItemsCoding Block
Material Document Items (Display)Coding Block

Data Source Extension

Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app using the following business contexts:

  • Master Data: Product General
  • Master Data: Product Plant
  • Master Data: Batch

You can enable usage of standard fields for the data source Find Material Documents Overview Items in the UIs and Reports section of the custom field maintenance and publish the standard fields.

Business users can display fields that you have enabled in the Custom Fields app. The fields that you enable for this app are included in the personalization options for business users for the following UI elements:

UI Element

UI ElementBusiness Context
List of slow or non-moving materialsMaster Data: Product General
List of slow or non-moving materialsMaster Data: Product Plant
List of slow or non-moving materialsMaster Data: Batch


In the Custom Fields and Logic settings, you must add the data source extension Find Material Documents Overview Items.

Manage Profit Centers

The figure displays the Manage Profit Centers app.


Use this app to search for, create, view, and edit profit center master data. This app allows you to manage profit center master data in an easy-to-consume way.


In the Realize Phase, during the setup of your SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, you must create a default profit center and a default profit center group in your quality system. Since master data changes are not transported to your production system, you must create these objects again in your production system before you commence business. You create these master data objects in both systems using the Manage Profit Centers and Manage Profit Center Groups, respectively.

Key Features

Depending on the role assigned, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Search for profit centers.
  • View profit center master data.
  • Create, edit, copy, and delete a combination of a profit center and a validity period.

    To learn more about editing profit center master data, see Editing Profit Centers and Time-Based Fields.

  • Assign company codes to profit centers.
  • View all objects using this profit center by navigating to the app Where-Used List – Profit Centers.
  • See the changes that were made to a specific profit center. Please note that the app displays only a subset of changes. To see all changes, click or tap All Changes to navigate to the Change Log – Profit Centers app.


This app contains in-app help for key fields and concepts. To display the help while working in the app, press F1 or choose the question mark displayed in the app header.

App Extensibility: Manage Profit Centers

You can extend the Manage Profit Centers app according to your business needs. For this purpose, the following extensibility options are available.

You can add fields to the app using UI adaption at runtime:

  • Key users can extend the app in the Custom Fields app by creating new fields for the following business contexts:

    Profit Center Master Data

    You can use this business context to add custom fields to the Manage Profit Centers app.

  • You can add fields to the app using UI adaption at runtime:

    UI Element

    UI ElementBusiness Context
    Additional FieldsProfit Center Master Data FINS_PROFIT_CENTER
  • Developers can implement logic for the following Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) using the Custom Logic app:


    Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)Business Context
    Profit center determinationProfit Center Master Data
    Profit center on save actionProfit Center Master Data
    Profit center validationProfit Center Master Data

Extensibility Entities

Business Add-Ins (BAdls)

The following BAdIs are available for extensibility purposes and can be implemented using the Custom Logic app. These BAdIs use the enhancement spot FINS_PROFIT_CENTER.

  • Profit center determination (FIN_PROFIT_CENTER_DETERMINE)

    You can use this BAdI to define how a custom field should interact with other fields on a profit center master data record. It enables you to assign specific values to other fields when the user selects or modifies your custom field.

  • Profit center on save action (FIN_PROFIT_CENTER_ON_SAVE)

    You can use this BAdI to determine and validate field values before they are saved in the database.

  • Profit center validation (FIN_PROFIT_CENTER_VALIDATION)

    You can use this BAdI to set up validation checks for your custom fields on a profit center master data record.

My Inbox - All Items

The figure displays the My Inbox app with a purchase order approval request.


You can use this app to make important decisions via mobile or desktop devices anywhere and anytime. Using this app, you can process your workflow tasks based on the decision options defined in the back-end system.

Key Features

  • Process your workflow tasks.
  • Perform the standard actions (for example, claim, release, or forward a task), available by default.
  • Perform mass actions, that is, process several tasks of the same type at the same time.
  • View and add comments to an item using the Comments tab of the Detail view.
  • View custom attributes that provide additional information about the task instance.
  • View, upload, and delete attachments.
  • Create and manage substitution rules to manage the tasks in your absence.
  • Send emails or post tasks on a preconfigured JAM site.
  • View the business cards of the application users.
  • Browse, sort, filter, and group tasks requiring action.
  • Easily process all your tasks with the preconfigured All Items tile.
  • View the support information about a task instance.
  • View the task history for workflow tasks.
  • View the additional information provided in the related objects for workflow tasks.
  • View the completed tasks and suspended tasks from Outbox tile.
  • Filter the tasks based on substitute users.
  • Filter the tasks using the filter criterion My Tasks and Tasks on Behalf of.


Open task feature is not supported in mobile devices.

Clear GR/IR Clearing Account

The figure displays the app Clear GR/IR Clearing Account.


With this app you can clear the goods receipt and invoice receipt clearing account. If quantity differences exist between goods receipt and invoice receipt for a purchase order, then a balance results on the goods receipt and invoice receipt (GR/IR) clearing account. If the quantity invoiced is larger than the quantity received, the system expects further goods receipts for this purchase order to clear the balance. If the quantity received is larger than the quantity invoiced, the system expects further invoices for this purchase order to clear the balance. You can also clear differences for delivery costs.

Key Features

  • Select the transactions for which you want to post the differences.
  • Clear the balance manually, if no more goods or invoices are to be received. This can be done in different ways:
    • You can cancel the invoice and post a corrected invoice or a credit memo for the surplus posted quantity.
    • You can clear the GR/IR clearing account manually.
  • Maintain GR/IR Account Movements: The offsetting entry to clear the GR/IR account is the same as the posting made when you enter an invoice for a purchase order.
    • Material with Moving Average Price (MAP)

      The GR/IR account is cleared against the stock account, unless no stock coverage exists. If the material stock is smaller than the quantity to be cleared, only the actual stock quantity is debited or credited proportionally. The remaining amount is posted to a price difference account.

    • Material with Standard Price

      The offsetting entry is posted to a price difference account.

    • Purchase Orders Assigned to an Account

      The offsetting entry is made to the cost or fixed asset account shown in the account assignments in the purchase order.

Integration of Transportation Management

The integration of Transportation Management enables you to use the reference document category Freight Order in the supplier invoice. A freight order refers to a purchase order with lean service items. You can select the Transportation Management indicator in the Origin section.

For the Purchasing Document field, you can select the search view Service Purchasing Documents per Freight Order. This search view contains specific fields, for example, Supplier, Source Location, Destination Location, Departure Date, Arrival Date, and Freight Order.

On the hit list, you can choose Change Layout and then select specific columns, for example Source Location.

How to Maintain the GR/IR Clearing Account

The GR/IR clearing account is usually cleared at the end of a period or fiscal year for those order items that no further goods receipts or invoices are expected for.

  1. Choose various selection criteria for the transactions for which you want to post the differences.
  2. Choose Execute.
  3. On the selection screen, the individual purchase order items that have quantity variances are displayed.
  4. Select the order items that you want to clear.
  5. Clear the GR/IR clearing account for the selected purchase orders by choosing Post.

Display/Cancel Account Maintenance Document

The figure displays the app, Display/Cancel Account Maintenance Document.


With this app you can cancel the account maintenance document. If you clear quantity differences between the goods receipt (GR) and invoice receipt (IR) for a purchase order using account maintenance, the system produces an account maintenance document. The document displays the quantities of the debit or credit of a material in the GR/IR clearing account maintenance.

Key Features

  • Enter the document number or select the document number required.

  • Reverse the document.

    As a result, the original difference on the GR/IR clearing account is restored.

  • Correct the GR/IR clearing account again by means of more goods receipts or by clearing it manually.

How to Perform Service and Material Procurement

Learn the relevant service and material procurement processes in the following simulation:

Recommended Resources

Links to Recommended Resources


Please open links to standard websites in your regular desktop browser instead of the remote desktop browser used for the SAP S/4HANA Cloud training system. Use the remote desktop browser only for accessing the training system. In both SAP Activate Roadmap and SAP Best Practices Explorer, verify that you are logged into an active session before attempting to access or download accelerators. Active sessions time-out after approximately 10 minutes of inactivity. You must refresh the webpage to renew an active, logged-in session. In SAP Best Practices Explorer, also verify the "Version" of any solution package you access is set to the correct country localization. This dropdown menu is found at the top of the solution package information, next to the description.

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