APM Add-On Applications


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • SAP Agent Connection.
  • APM Onboarding.
  • APM Compliance.

SAP Agent Connection

SAP Agent Connection is a SaaS add-on to APM that provides an integrated user experience for a company’s agent sales team. This includes access to producer lifecycle management, sales tools, and service tools.

Once logged in, agents and managers can access a variety of applications from the side navigation bar. Depending on who is logged in, the default screen is the Individual Overview, Manager Overview, or Carrier Overview page. Overview pages contain cards with various types of metrics in the form of charts, tables, and KPIs. Interacting with cards launches a more detailed breakdown of the information, with options to filter, group, sort, and export the data. Depending on system configuration, reporting hierarchy, payee hierarchy, and commission statements are also available through the side navigation bar.

Managers or other users with a reporting downline can also view overview pages and hierarchies from the perspectives of anyone who reports to them.

System administrators can access apps in the side navigation bar that enable them to change certain settings for all users, connect to downstream systems, and customize content.

Features of SAP Agent Connection

The following features are available in SAP Agent Connection using the SAP Fiori UI:

  • Single Sign-On
  • Overview Pages
  • Agent Sales Metrics
  • Agent Customer Metrics
  • Manager Sales Metrics
  • Manager Customer Metrics
  • Administrative Metrics
  • Compensation Metrics
  • Performance Metrics
  • Premium Metrics
  • Onboarding
  • Quick Links
  • Agent Profile
  • Reporting Hierarchy
  • Payee Hierarchy

APM Onboarding

APM Onboarding is a SaaS add-on to APM that provides a way to onboard sales agents and other users at your company. Once onboarded, users can work with the applications that are part of the Agent Performance Management (APM) solution.

Primary users of APM Onboarding are:

  • Administrators are the people administering the Onboarding application on the customer side.
  • Users are the sales agents or producers who use the Onboarding application on the customer side.
  • SAP Field Services and Support are the SAP internal employees who deploy and support the applications for customers.

APM Compliance

APM Compliance is a SaaS add-on to APM designed for providing a user interface for processing transactions and configurations between NIPR, National Insurance Producer Registry and industry. The industry refers to companies that conduct business with NIPR such as ABPs, Authorized Business Partners, and the insurance companies.

In this documentation, NIPR, National Insurance Producer Registry, refers to the gateway for electronic exchange and electronic processing between industry and the states.

This document depicts the format and syntax in which Compliance expects to receive data from industry and states, in order to be transmitted to the NIPR Gateway. Compliance allows you to configure, add and edit state business rules, mandatory fields, license classes, lines of authority, as well as the termination reasons for the transaction to be successfully submitted through the NIPR Gateway.

What Is NIPR?

The NIPR is a unique public and private partnership that supports the work of the states and the NAIC, National Association of Insurance Commissioners, in making the producer-licensing process more cost-effective, streamlined, and uniform for the benefit of regulators, the insurance industry, and the consumers they protect and serve.

NIPR developed and implemented the national repository for producer license information, PDB, and established a network to facilitate the electronic exchange of producer information, NIPR Gateway.

The following information is maintained in the producer database, PDB, and is updated daily by participating state insurance departments:

· General demographic information relating to all producers, for example names and addresses.

· License information, for example state of license, license numbers, authorized lines, and license status.

· Appointment information, for example company appointments, effective date, termination date, and termination reason.

· Regulatory actions, if taken.

The NIPR Gateway is an electronic communication network that links state insurance regulators with the entities they regulate. The goal is to simplify communications and to distribute information electronically, including licensing applications, appointments, and terminations.

Compliance Primary Roles

The following are three primary roles within the Compliance application:

  • System Administrators can create tenants, users, set and edit Validations, License Class LOA and Termination Reasons through Compliance Admin UI.
  • Administrators can create users for single tenant, edit configuration data and alerts data and read and submit NIPR transaction data through Compliance Client UI.
  • Users can view NIPR transaction, Alert and Configuration data for a given tenant.

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