Statements, Reporting, and Extracts


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Differentiate Statements, Reporting, and Extracts.
  • List and define the options for AP/Payroll Extract..

Statements and Reports


Statements are static reports in PDF format that can be delivered to payees once the payouts are finalized. While these are optional, they are an ideal way to communicate payout details.

When statements are published, each payee receives a communication with a PDF document. The document format is fully customizable by the implementation team to keep all documents in compliance with your corporate branding.

APM statements are created using Jasper iReports. If you’d like to learn more about using iReports, visit

Statements can be viewed in the Manager portal under the Statements menu.


Reports have a different role in APM than statements. While statements are designed to return payout data for a single payee, reports are optimal for returning historical sales, process, and other high-level data that is useful for administrators, brokers, financial analysts and other non-payee entities. Another difference is the way reports are created. While statements are created during implementation and are static by design, reports can be configured either in Jasper iReports, on an ad hoc basis by the administrator as a QBQuery report.

Process Reports

Process Reports are stock reports that are run after the payout to display an overview of the payout results.

The image below shows a Process Report called Summary for Payout that is configured to run after the payout process. Note the Payout Type is set to CLIENT Payout, which is what we selected when we ran the payout process.

Also note the amount released for payment. This is the total commission payout for both Max and Deborah combined.

QB Query Reports

If the Process Reports do not display the information you need, you can create an ad hoc report using a QB Query. While SQL statements are the most efficient way to select data for the report, you can also use a drag-and-drop interface or a stored procedure. Queries can be created in the Manager portal under Reporting – QB Query Search.

Because QB Query Reports are not formatted using a reporting tool like statements and process reports are, the data is displayed in a simple table layout as shown in the image below. To extract the data to a CSV, PDF, or Excel format, select the Save link.

AP/Payroll Extracts

The final type of extract is the AP/Payroll Extract, which is used to retrieve payment information for each payee from the vouchers.

In the previous lesson, we saw that the primary purpose of vouchers is to summarize payments for each payee, which the carrier can use to send commission payments from any Accounts Payable (AP) or payroll system.

In our example, SafeCare Insurance is the carrier, while Max and Deborah are the payees. Now that we have run the Payout process, SafeCare can retrieve the information on the voucher and send it to their AP system to process the payments. Because this process moves data to another system, we need a way to customize the format of extracted data to meet the needs of the target system. This is done by creating an Extract. An Extract is similar to an Import File, but it is used to extract data from the system rather than import data into the system.

Before we create an extract, we need to create a SQL query that selects only the payouts that are appropriate for the carrier. For example, a carrier may want to generate only vouchers for commissions that are greater than 0, while another may want to generate vouchers for any commission amount.

Queries can be created in the Integration portal under Configuration – QB Query Search. The image below shows a very simple query that retrieves the Product Code, Broker Name, and Amount of the Payout if the commission amount is greater than 0.

To create an Extract:

  1. From the Integration portal, select Configuration – Extracts Search.
  2. Select New (+)
  3. Enter a unique ID, such as EXT_Payout.
  4. Select a format. Formats can be delimited or use a standard such as MS Excel/.xlsx.
  5. Select the query.
  6. Set the Process Type to Manual, Automatic, or Both.
  7. Select Save.
  8. Select Generate Extracts Fields. This will populate the Extracts Display section with the default fields.
  9. Select Activate.

These extracts should be created as part of the Payout Finalization Process to ensure accuracy of the extract. Once Payout is finalized, the payment details in BrokerHistory and Voucher are locked in.

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