The APM Integration Portal


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Navigate the Integration Portal in APM.
  • Identify the components of the Integration Portal.

The APM Integration Portal

The Integration Portal is the interface through which you can configure data transfer to and from from other applications. The Integration Portal can be accessed by clicking the Menu item on the Navigation Bar on the left side of the screen.

Data is imported into Staging Entities. A staging entity is a table with the specific purpose of holding data that has been imported before it is moved to the configuration, or production tables. Each entity that has integration capability has a corresponding staging entity. For most types of data, the staging entities have the same name as production entities, with the prefix In. For example, the Broker table has an equivalent staging entity called InBroker, and the Customer table has an equivalent staging entity called InCustomer.

A full list of InFiles can be found in the data dictionary.

Inbound or outbound data files can populate the staging entities in several ways: they can be dropped into an SFTP location, dropped manually through the user interface, or sent through an API call. As the staging tables are populated, the data is validated to ensure that required fields are populated and that data fields are the correct format.

When the staging table is populated and validated, the data is posted. The posting process pushes clean data from staging entities into corresponding production entities, where additional validation is performed to ensure data integrity.

The File Sweep process can be set to automatically transfer the data into the application from the SFTP, or invoked from an API call outside the system.

Components of the Integration Portal

The Integration Portal consists of the following components:

Inbound Data Menu

The Inbound Data menu in the Integration Portal allows you to manually import data into the system. This includes:

  • Adding data to staging entities (InFiles)
  • Upload files from a local drive or from an FTP server
  • Post imported data from staging entities into product
  • Undo previous posting processes

When you undo the previous posting process, all posted records are reverted to Ready status. You can then purge the previous import from the staging entity and add a new one.

Record Search

The Record Search menu allows you to search for previously imported and/or posted records by entity. This screen is helpful if you are searching for the posting history of a specific record.


The Configuration menu allows you to access components used in importing or exporting data from APM. This includes Import Format, Extracts and File Sweep configurations.

Extracts Reports

The Extracts Reports menu allows you to access components used to report data in APM. Outfiles, Reports and Statements can be located under their respective menu items. Users with access can also execute QBQueries that have been created from this menu.


The Processing menu allows you to access processing items such as Payout, Finalize Payout or File Sweep. Additionally, processes can be scheduled using the Process Scheduler menu item.

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