Navigating the User Interface


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Navigate the user interface
  • Name the key workspaces in SAP SuccessFactors Incentive Management
  • Set user preferences

The Incentive Management Interface

SAP SuccessFactors Incentive Management is a web-based application that is accessed from any web browser. Once you receive access, you can perform the following login instructions. 

To Login:

  • Click on the URL link located in your system-generated email.
  • Enter the provided Username and Password from the e-mail. For security measures, it is recommended that you change the password after the initial login.
  • Select Incentive Management Admin from the Apps icon.

This is the Home Page. Here, you can access different workspaces, as well as Performance Metrics data and Latest Activity.

The tiles on the home page are:

  • Manage Organization contains workspaces that you use to manage your sales reps, job roles, and sales hierarchies.
  • Manage Plans is where you’ll manage your plans, rules, and classification hierarchies.
  • Review Calculations contains the workspaces that you’ll use to run calculations and review calculation results.
  • Manage Setup contains the workspaces you’ll use to get started setting up your system, including list data, system preferences, and security settings.
  • Performance Metrics details your Calculation Runs Metrics and Calculation Summary data
  • Latest Activity details the latest activity such as user logins.

Navigating the Workspaces

Alternately, all workspaces can also be accessed using the navigator on the left side.

You can view records in the user interface through a series of Workspaces.

Organization Data

Participants: A Participant is the person or entity that is compensated in a plan. While generally a participant is an individual, this can also be a team or group. Participants can be internal or external to the organization.

Positions: The Position contains information about the unique job that is being compensated.

Titles:Titles group similar positions across the organization, usually related to job functions.


Plan Data - Plans Wizard: Use the Plans Wizard workspace to create, edit, and copy plans, and to add or remove rules from plans. You can also create rules dynamically in the Plans Wizard workspace.

Rules Wizard: Use the Rules Wizard to create, modify, copy, and delete rules.

Compensation Elements:Compensation Elements are reusable objects that contain an expression or value that can be used in one or more compensation rules.

Global Values

Global Values are used to allow manual settings of specific plan, rules, elements, and values data types. 

Calendar:Calendars are used to structure the fiscal pay periods.

Credit Types:Credit Types are labels used to identify types of credits. They are used to populate the output of a credit rule.

Event Types:Event Types are labels used to identify types of transactions. They define the type of sales activity a transaction represents, such as booking, invoicing, billing, and shipping.


Customization: The Customizations workspace is used to customize the user interface. In this workspace, new fields may be added, and names of existing fields and workspaces may be customized.

System Preferences:System Preferences allow the administrator to apply system-wide settings such as pipeline settings, locales and communications. Unlike the User Preferences settings, System Preferences affect all users.

Calculation Run

Run – Calculation Run: The Calculation Run workspace allows user to run tasks that use the Pipeline, the engine that performs tasks to calculate compensation, import data, create payments and balances, and generate dashboards.

You can submit, view, and manage your calculation jobs this workspace. The queue displays submitted and scheduled runs, as well as the last completed run. Completed jobs are removed automatically as the queue cycles through the list.

Jobs added to the queue are automatically grouped by processing unit (if enabled) and priority. Jobs run based on their priority order in the queue, and not necessarily by the order in which you submitted them.

Plan Communicator

Using Plan Communicator, compensation administrators can manage communication with their payees. Plan Communicator includes two modules: Document Distribution and Dispute Management.

 Documents: By selecting Documents, compensation administrators can manage the creation and distribution process of plan related documents to your payees.

Disputes: Dispute Management allows the administrator to manage templates for compensation disputes. A workflow can be designed to enforce approvals and open communication between the payee and the compensation team. 

Common Workspace Elements

SAP SuccessFactors Incentive Management workspaces contain the following common elements:

  1. Search Field: Perform quick, simple, and advanced search for records in the workspace.
  2. Default Period: Each user selects the compensation period they wish to view
  3. Toolbar: Perform standard actions on workspace records, such as create, delete, and copy.
  4. Summary Pane: Displays all records for the related workspace and default period.
  5. Detail Pane: Displays the details of a record selected in the summary pane.

Edit: Edit the selected record.

User Preferences

User preferences allow each user to manage settings that affect their individual experience. 

  • Business Unit/Processing Unit Settings: Allows a user to select a default Business Unit. Setting this option causes new records created by this user to populate the Business Unit field.
  • Prompt Settings: Allows the user to select whether or not to prompt when a record is deleted or edited.
  • Default View Data: Selecting an option under Set my default view period to allows a user to specify the period that SAP SuccessFactors Incentive Management user interface opens to on each login. Choice are:
    • Current date period: The Default Period is set to correspond to the current system date.
    • Active period: Leaves the Default Period set to the value from the previous login.
    • First Non-Finalized period: The Default Period is set to the first period that has not been finalized.
  • Negative Value Color: Allows a user to select the color used for negative numeric values.
  • Load Default Records: Allows a user to select whether records are loaded when a workspace is opened. If this option is off, opening a workspace will display no records until the user performs a search. This option is on by default.
  • Set Default Record Display: Allows a user to select how many records are displayed in the summary pane by default. The default value is 10.

Exercise: Log in and Set Preferences

Business Example

In this exercise, you will log into the system and access the Titles workspace. Once in the Titles workspace, set the Default Period to January 2023. Finally, you will set a preference to retain the active default period.


  1. Log in to the system

    1. Open the URL provided by the trainer and enter your user name and password.

    2. Select the APPS icon and select Incentive Management Admin.

  2. Set the Default Period to January 2023.

    1. Click Titles in the Manage Organization tile.

    2. Select the Calendar icon next to the Default Period.

    3. Change the date to January 2023.

  3. Set the Default View Period to Active Period.

    1. Use the Home icon to return to the home page.

    2. Select Preferences →User Preferences on the Manage Setup tile .

    3. Under Default View Data, set the default view to Active Period.

    4. Click Save.

The Legal Moves Editor

When you are creating formulas and other plan data, you will use the Legal Moves Editor as the graphical interface that allows you to create expressions while enforcing correct input while creating formulas, building plans, and generating advanced searches. You will see this editor many times as we go through this course.

To see examples of the use of the legal moves editor, watch the video on 'Working with the Legal Moves Editor'.

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