Configuring Global Application Settings


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Configure the calendar.
  • Configure unit types.

Calendar Overview

Calendars enable you to create or extend periods that define the fiscal structure used in the SAP SuccessFactors Territory and Quota program, and the initial calendar is established upon implementation. Administrators are able to:

  • Extend the calendar to create more fiscal periods, such as adding a fiscal year with the associated periods
  • Delete periods for calendars
  • Download and upload calendars

The most common calendar structure uses a month as the leaf-level period, three months as a quarter, and twelve months or four quarters as a year. In this case, the quarters and years are the higher-level periods. But calendar structures can be set up differently. The concept of applying the leaf-level and higher-level periods remains the same, even though the calendar structure may differ.

An infographic displaying the Common Calendar Period Structure.

Multiple calendars can be created, depending on the needs of the organization. For example, a calendar can be created that starts in April and ends in March. Any calendar that deviates from the Main Monthly Calendar that was established upon implementation is considered a Custom Calendar.


With SAP SuccessFactors Territory and Quota, the supported leaf-level period in the calendar is monthly. You cannot use a calendar with a leaf-level period of weekly or bi-weekly.

The data in the following workspaces is period-based, and it must be associated with a calendar:

  • Territory Programs
  • Historical Sales.
  • Opportunities Pipeline
  • Accounts
  • Account Classifier Hierarchy
  • Geographies
  • Overlays
  • Alignment Types

The data in the following workspaces is not period-based and is not associated with a calendar:

  • Custom Attributes
  • Quota Targets
  • Participants
  • Positions
  • Titles
  • Roles
  • Users
  • User Types
  • Business Units
  • Position Groups

Best practices for calendars:

  • Ensure your calendar structure is complete before you begin any territory development. Once a calendar is finalized it cannot be changed. For example, if you make changes to the calendar after quotas have been calculated (quarter one starts in June, not January), it will invalidate everything you’ve done up to date.
  • Ensure you have set your default period to the correct period, with the correct calendar (if there are more than one), before you begin rule development.
  • Object names must be unique despite the calendar they are associated with. For example, you cannot have two rules with the same name, with two different calendars.
  • The sequence used to build your calendar periods is critical. Use the UI template to ensure it is created in the appropriate order.
  • Leaf-level periods cannot overlap or contain gaps.

Create a Calendar and Calendar Periods


  1. From the Incentive Management Home Screen, choose Global Values from the Manage Setup Tile and then choose Calendars.

  2. Choose Create () in the calendar summary view and select Calendar. (If you do not see the choice on the New button, then you have not selected the root-level calendar). A new, empty calendar will be created.

  3. Enter a Name for the calendar, 50 characters or less.

  4. Optionally, enter a Description, 100 characters or less.

  5. Specify the Major Period Type. The major period type defines the largest calendar unit, for example Year, and is selected from the dropdown list.

  6. Specify the Minor Period Type or leaf-level period, for example Month, from the dropdown list.

  7. Choose Create.

    The initial calendar entry will be listed in the Calendar Summary. Now periods need to be added to the calendar, and they need to be added in hierarchical order. For example, to specify a standard calendar you must first specify the year, add four quarters to it, and then to each quarter, add three monthly periods.

  8. In the calendar summary view, highlight the calendar to which you wish to add a period. Choose Add () in the calendar summary view and select Period. A new, empty period screen opens below the calendar summary.

  9. Enter a Name for the period (not more than 50 characters), for example, "Quarter 1 2023."

  10. Enter a Short Name (not more than 20 characters). This short name is used in the calendar bar of effective version dialogs.

  11. Optionally, enter a Description of the period (not more than 100 characters).

  12. Specify the Start Date in the period. For example, if you are creating Quarter 1 2023 period, the start date is 1/1/23.

  13. Specify the End Date of the period. For example, if you are creating Quarter 1 2023, the end date is 3/31/23.


    Period Type and Finalized fields display but cannot be edited.
  14. Choose Create. The system adds the new period to the calendar you had highlighted in the summary view.

    To add lower-level periods to a period, select the period to which you want to add the lower-level period before choosing Add.


Add Calendar period details by selecting the plus icon from Calendar Summary.

Unit Types Overview

Unit types are used to identify the type of unit a numerical value represents. A base unit type specifies the data the unit type can store. Each unit type, whether one of the default unit types or one you’ve created, has a base unit type as its underlying structure. SAP SuccessFactors Territory & Quota provides the following base unit types:

  • Percent: Percent reflects a value as a percentage.
  • Integer: Integer stores no partial amount integers.
  • Quantity: Quantity stores any number, including partial amounts, for example 3.14.
  • Currency: Currency stores a currency value with appropriate placement of decimal points, commas, and currency symbols.

The system contains a number of predefined, commonly used unit types. These predefined unit types are listed in the following table.

The scale describes how precise the number is (the number of points to the right of the decimal place).

Unit TypeDescriptionBase Unit TypeScaleFormattingExample


United States Dollars






A counting system using integers (whole numbers without decimal parts)





Parts per hundred




1234.56789 (the same as 123456.789%)


A counting system using real numbers (whole numbers with or without decimal parts)





Creating Unit Types

As many unit types as necessary can be created. Unit types cannot be deleted.

Create Unit Types


  1. From the Incentive Management Home Screen, choose Global Values from the Manage Setup Tile and then choose Unit Types.

  2. Choose Create () in the unit type summary view. An empty unit type details screen will open below.

  3. Enter a Name for the unit type. This specifies the identified name of the unit type. For example, the ID for Deutsche Marks is DM.

  4. Enter a Description to describe the unit type in more detail. For example, Deutsche Mark.

  5. Enter the Scale, which specifies the number of spaces to the right of the decimal point. For example, if the base unit type is currency, then you can indicate a scale of 2. If the base unit type is Percentage, you can indicate a scale of 5; a percentage amount of 12.125% is stored as 0.12125.

  6. Enter the Base Unit Type to specify the unit type measures. The choices are quantity, currency, integer, and percent. The base unit type also enables the Locale field, for example if you select currency as the base unit type, you’ll need to select the Locale for the currency, the position of the symbol, and the type of symbol. If you create a Euro unit type and specify the locale as one of the European countries that use the Euro (such as France), the Euro symbol itself appears in its fields where you specify that currency.

  7. Enter a Pattern for currency or integer unit types.

  8. Enter a Locale to define a currency consistent with that locale’s currency format.

  9. Choose Create. The new unit type is listed in the Summary pane.


The standard fields of Unit Type Details are displayed.

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