Creating Territory Programs and Territories


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Create a new territory program.
  • Configure territory program options.
  • Create territories in the territory program.
  • Assign positions to a territory.

Creating Territory Programs and Territories

Creating a territory program is the first step to setting up parent and child level territories (the branches and leaves of your tree). When creating a new territory program, you can use the Wizard that takes you through the process.

Create a Territory Program


  1. Choose Create (+) from the Territory Programs workspace.

  2. Required: Enter a Name for your territory program.

  3. Required: Select the processing Calendar for use with the territory program. The calendar determines the structure of the periods that are available and how they map to real world dates. Once the territory program is saved, this option cannot be changed.

  4. Required: Select the top-level Period Type. The selected period determines the period for the primary quota managed by the territory program.

  5. Required: Select the actual Period that the territory program will cover and for which the quotas will be assigned.

  6. Select any Business Units for the territory program if they apply.

  7. Select the Quota Setting Methodology – top-down or bottom-up. This can be changed later. Based on the methodology chosen, additional options will be displayed. We will cover details on each methodology in Unit 7.

    1. Top Down

      Top-Down quota setting starts with a Quota value assigned to the root territory in the territory program. The Quota is then allocated and distributed to the lower-level territories, one level at a time, by the director or manager at each level. This process repeats until the Quotas are assigned all the way to the rep level territories.

      1. Uplift allowed: Select if uplifts are allowed within this territory program.
      2. Baseline Calculation: Define a baseline period for calculating the year-over-year growth percentages for pending prospective quota values based on historical performance in a territory over the specified baseline period.
      3. Sub-Period: You can view the monthly and quarterly historical performance over the specified baseline period.
    2. Bottom-Up

      In contrast to top-down, the bottom-up quota setting methodology starts with a quota assigned at the representative level of the hierarchy, and rolls up to managers, departments, and other higher levels.

      1. Baseline Periods: Enter the number of baseline periods.
      2. Sub-Period: This is the granularity level used to determine the start and end of the baseline period.
      3. Growth Target %: Set the default growth target for the program.
      4. Attrition Relief %: The attrition relief percentage is applied to the result of the sum of the baseline and growth rate.
      5. Quota Reduction Factor %: The quota reduction factor is aggregated from subordinate territories and reflects the reduction in the roll-ups of quotas.

  8. Quota Allocation Dimensions: You can further break down quotas by account, period, and product dimensions. Managers can select any of the Accounts, Product, and Period as a primary parameter that defines the quotas, considering seasonality, account performance, and product performance targets. You must distribute the Quota Target Type to view the allocated territory program’s quota breakdown in a New or Classic layout.

  9. Set the Program Options. Additional information is available in the Program Options section below.

  10. Select the Geography Hierarchy from the dropdown list. Any geography that has already been added to the Geography workspace is available for selection in this step. This field cannot be edited later, and a Geography Hierarchy is necessary, so be sure to select one.

  11. Enter the territory program's Effective Dates. The Effective Start Date is the date for which the territory program becomes effective, or active, and the Effective End Date is the date on which it is no longer active. Sales managers and representatives can view the effective dates only after the quota has been distributed.

  12. Review the territory program Summary.

  13. Select Finish to save the new Territory Program. The Territory Tree tab will be shown so you can begin building the territory hierarchies.


Create a Territory Program

Business Example

In this exercise, you'll learn how to create a Territory Program - the first step in configuring territories.

Territory Program Options

When creating a territory program, use the Program Options section to fine tune settings related to alignments, quotas, and manager permissions. These include the following options:

  • Enforce Uniqueness of Account Alignments: prevents duplicate account alignments to multiple territories for the same period. When this feature is enabled, the option Peer Territories Only is enabled by default. If you disable the Peer Territories Only option, it will apply uniqueness to the entire territory hierarchy.
  • Enforce Uniqueness of Product Alignments: prevents duplicate product alignments to multiple territories for the same period. When this feature is enabled, the option Peer Territories Only is enabled by default. If you disable the Peer Territories Only option, it will apply uniqueness to the entire territory hierarchy.
  • Preserve Alignments: this can be enabled for accounts and/or products, and it prevents new alignments from overriding the current alignment for the same account/product or territory and period. You can create the new alignments manually or through rules.
  • Enforce Uniqueness of Geography Alignments: prevents duplicate geography alignments to multiple territories for the same period. Uniqueness is applicable to peer territories only.
  • Sync Alignments with Account Hierarchy: the execution of the Allocation Process at the territory program level will first identify existing account alignments for all territories (including territories with no alignment rules) and create any new alignments for the children accounts – to reflect current state of account hierarchy. This option will have no impact if Remove Accounts First is enabled in the allocation process.
  • Utilize All to Qualify in Alignment Rule Execution: controls the execution of account/product alignment rules of all territories of the Territory Program. When enabled, all the applicable rules are executed to set up the alignment properties for each territory account alignment. When disabled, Any to Qualify is implied for the rules. According to rule priority, the first application rule controls alignment and alignment properties are created.
  • Enable Notifications for Automated Alignment Updates: when enabled, any users who are assigned a territory position will receive email notifications when there are any functional updates on territory alignments, for example functions like Create, Update, and Delete.

Territory Manager Permissions

  • Allow Managers to Create a New Version to Distributed Territories: allows managers to manipulate the effective dates of territories and territory alignments. When the manager edits distributed territories and territory alignments, they can save the changes as a new version that allows them to specify a new set of effective dates. However, if they want to edit distributed territories, they can select this option to save the edited distributed territory as a new version.
  • Allow Managers To Edit Rules: allows managers to modify their subordinate territory rules, apply the rules to reflect the change, and review the summary of rule execution.
  • Allow Managers to Create Scenario: allows managers to create new territory scenarios for their subordinate territories. This permission doesn't apply to a manager's own territory.
  • Allow Managers To Assign Any Account: allows managers to assign any account of the territory. When disabled, this option limits the manager from assigning accounts to their territory.
  • Allow Managers to change the Alignment Type: allows managers to modify their subordinates' territory alignment types.
  • Allow Managers To Assign Any User: allows managers to assign any active positions within the specified territory program's business unit on the territory's Teams tab.

Creating Territories in the Territory Program

Territories are the basic building blocks of a territory program.

A territory is a geographic region, business industry, or account type that is assigned to a specific salesperson or sales team. A well-designed sales territory helps to increase sales volume and market coverage and provides better services to customers. Sales territories are often defined by geographical divisions such as cities, countries or regions; or by customer accounts.

For example, let’s say that Bikes in Motion has sales teams in various parts of North America and Europe. Each Sales Representative’s territory includes a set of customer accounts and a geographic region. In some cases, the territory may also include products or product categories.

Terry Callahan is a Sales Representative for the East region of the US. His territory, US East, is aligned with several customer accounts in the East geography. When we create his territory, we define it by selecting his aligned customer accounts, products and geographies. The territory can then be assigned to Terry’s position.

Create Territories


  1. Navigate to Territory AdminTerritory Programs.

  2. Select the territory program to which you wish to add territories. The Territory Tree view will open.

  3. Select the row of the territory that you want to be the parent of the new territory and choose Create (+) to add the new territory.

    1. If this is a newly created territory program, choose Create Root Node to create the root node first.

  4. The Create New Territory panel opens on the right, with the Effective Dates entered based on the Effective Dates of the territory program.

  5. Required: enter a unique Name for the territory.

  6. Territory Type: select Roll Up or Rep Level. The Territory Type determines if the territory is a parent or a child. A roll-up territory can be both a parent and child territory, but the root or parent territory must be a roll-up type. Roll-up territories are typically assigned to sales leaders. A rep-level territory is a child territory that is typically assigned to individual contributors. The default value is Roll Up Territory.

  7. Select the Parent territory.

  8. To associate an Overlay Territory, select an Overlay Type. Additional information about Overlay Territories is available in Lesson 8.

  9. Enter a Territory Label that best describes the territory, if needed.

  10. If needed, a Territory Number can be entered.

  11. Enter a Head Count, if necessary. For example, the number of active employees in the territory.

  12. Override All To Qualify in Account Rule Execution and Override All To Qualify in Product Rule Execution: these two options will only be available if the territory program option Utilize All to Qualify in Alignment Rule Execution has been enabled.

  13. Choose Save to create the territory. Repeat the steps to create additional territories, or you can create copies of territories.


Copying an Existing Territory

If the new territory you’re creating is similar to an existing territory, you can copy an existing territory or an entire territory program. The copy feature copies all entities and the following objects of the selected territory or territory program:

  • Territory Rules
  • Territory Positions
  • Territory Quotas

Copy an Existing Territory

  1. Select the row of the territory or territory program that you want to copy and choose Copy () to create the new territory.
  2. The new territory has been created, with _copy appended to the name. Highlight the territory and in the territory panel choose Edit ().
  3. Make any necessary changes to the territory or territory program.
  4. Save your changes.

Now that the territory program and territories have been created, select the Detail tab to see the data that has been entered through the Create Territory Program Wizard. Much of the data, other than the required fields, can be edited at any point.

From the Territory Tree, you can also highlight any individual territory and a pane on the right will open with additional options for that territory, including a Details tab to edit the information added during the creation of the territory.

Create Territories

Business Example

In this exercise, you will add Territories to a Territory Program that was created in a previous exercise.

Assigning Territory Positions

Once Participants have been added to the application, administrators can assign those participants to a territory and specify an access level. Managers can also assign positions to territories if the option has been enabled under that territory program’s options. In our example, we would assign the US East Territory to Terry Callahan’s position.

Assign Territory Positions


  1. Navigate to Territory AdminTerritory Programs.

  2. Select the territory program to which you wish to associate positions.

  3. Starting with the root territory, navigate to the Territory Team tab.

  4. Choose Create (). The Add Positions screen opens.

  5. Select the position(s) you want to add to this territory. Global Search () and Column Search () options are available to help find positions.

  6. Choose Next.

  7. Enter the Position to Territory Alignment Dates. The default dates will be the territory dates, but it can be changed.

  8. Select the Access Level. Default is Full access. Definitions of the access levels follow these procedures.

    1. Territory Access (Full, Read, None)
    2. Quota Access (Full, Read, None)

  9. Optionally, select an Assignment Type.

  10. Choose Next.

  11. You can set or update any Custom Attributes that exist for the positions. Choose Select Attributes to select which custom attributes you want to display on the screen.

  12. Choose Save Changes.

  13. Choose Save on the Territory Team screen. A banner confirming the position has been saved will show.

Defining Territory Access

Territory Access Level Definitions

  • Full Access: The user can see territory Detail, Alignment, Team, and History tabs, and can update child territories subject to the Territory Program options that impact managers.


This does not give the participant write access to the territory they have been assigned - only to the child territories.
  • Read Access: The user can see territory Detail, Alignment, Team, History tabs and the child territories in a read-only mode. The user cannot perform any action other than launching ad-hoc workflows.
  • None: If users have quota access, users can see the territory Details, Team, and History tabs. The same applies to the users' access to children of the assigned territory. They cannot see the Alignments tab.


If the participant does not have some level of quota access, Territory data will not be visible.

Quota Access Level Definitions

  • Full Access: The user can see Territory Detail, Team, Quota, and History tabs. Users can only update quotas on child territories unless they have full access to the territory.


This does not give the participants write access to their own quotas for the territory to which they are assigned - only to their children.
  • Read Access: The user can see Territory Detail, Team, Quota and History tabs, and can view the same on child territories but cannot perform any action other than launching ad-hoc workflows. Users can access the Quota Allocation screen, but they cannot change any values. Users do not receive a workflow task on distribution.
  • None: The user can see Territory Details, Team, and History tabs, but only if they have some form of territory access. The same applies to the users' access to children of the assigned territory. They cannot see the Quota tab. If the participant does not have some level of territory access, they cannot see the Territory data. Users do not receive a workflow task on distribution.

Assign Territory Positions

Business Example

In this exercise, you'll learn how to assign a Position to a Territory so that the Teams for the territories are set up.

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