Mapping Territories


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Map a territory using the Mapping app.
  • Recognize the Mapping app features.
  • Use the Lasso tool.
  • View and customize the Account summary and Geography summary on the map.
  • Utilize Heatmaps.

Mapping Territories

Mapping a territory can help you gain insights that can assist with territory planning. You can use the mapping functionality to do the following:

  • View the physical distribution of accounts and geographies within a map.
  • Transfer an account or geography to another territory.
  • Transfer an account or geography to another territory as a scenario.
  • Compare drive times.
  • View the heatmap concentration of accounts or revenue.
  • View summary details for a selected geography or account, or a summary of accounts for a selected area.
  • Color-code accounts and geographies from different territories.
  • Enable or disable visual features like highways, bodies of water, and so on, on the maps.

Map Functionality Requirements.

To use the map functionality, data for accounts and geographies must be geocoded. An API service must be enabled to calculate the longitude and latitude. Contact SAP Support to enable map functionality for your environment.

Once maps are enabled for your environment, a cron job runs automatically on a regular basis according to the schedule. The cron job populates the latitude and longitude coordinates for accounts that have a valid address or postal code. The address is a combination of the following fields: Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Country, and Postal Code.


A cron job is a back-end process that runs at a specific time.

When an account has a valid address associated with it:

  • Users can view the account within the maps based on the latitude/longitude coordinates determined using the address.
  • Drive time can be calculated and can be used for analysis within the map.
  • Users can view accounts aligned to overlay territories on the map.

Map Tab vs. Mapping App

Mapping functionality is available via the Map tab and the Mapping App.

The Map tab is only accessible to super admins. The Map tab includes all mapping functionality and can be used for the entire territory program.

The Mapping App is accessible to territory managers and sales representatives. The Mapping App enables users to access the mapping functionality for only the specific territories to which they have access. To access the Mapping App, choose Mapping App () for a specific territory on the Territory Tree tab. In the Mapping App, you can select more than one territory to include in the map display.

Mapping a Territory

Superadmin users can access mapping functionality for an entire territory tree via the Map tab. Territory managers and sales representatives can access mapping functionality via the Mapping App for selected territories.

Use the Mapping App


  1. Navigate to Territory AdminTerritory Programs and open the territory program to which the territory belongs. The territory program opens, and the Territory Tree tab is displayed.

  2. Navigate to the territory that you want to open in maps and choose Mapping App (). The Mapping App opens with the territory information on the left and the map on the right. By default, the Accounts and Geographies section is expanded in the left pane and displays a list of the accounts currently included in the map. The map is zoomed out, and can be zoomed in using the mouse scroll bar or the "+" icon on the map screen.

  3. In the top of the left pane, choose Filters () to expand the Filters section and select what is included in the map.

    1. To change the View Date, select the toggle next to the date field and enter a date. If the slider is on, the map only includes account and geography data that is valid for the date selected. If the slider is off, the data included in the maps is considered according to the territory program’s effective dates.

  4. Select the accounts and geographies you want to include in the map:

    1. All Assigned Accounts: includes all assigned customer and prospect accounts. When this option is selected, the Customer - Assigned and Prospect - Assigned checkboxes are automatically selected.

    2. Customer - Assigned: includes only assigned customer accounts.

    3. Prospect - Assigned: includes only assigned prospect accounts.

    4. All Unassigned Accounts: includes all unassigned customer and prospect accounts. When this option is selected, the Customer - Unassigned and Prospect - Unassigned checkboxes are automatically selected.

    5. Customer - Unassigned: includes only unassigned customer accounts.

    6. Prospect - Unassigned: includes only unassigned prospect accounts.

    7. Geographies: includes all assigned geographies.

    8. Geographies Unassigned: includes all unassigned geographies.

  5. Choose Apply to apply the filter options selected.

  6. Select each Territory you want to include in the map. When you make a selection, the Accounts and Geographies section is updated to reflect the new list of accounts and geographies. The map is updated to reflect the new selections.

  7. To see only specific Accounts or Geographies in the map, select the accounts or geographies from their associated tabs. You can also assign accounts and geographies from these screens.

  8. The map is updated as your selections are made.


The Mapping a Territory page is displayed.

Mapping App Features

The Mapping App has many features available, outlined in the table below.

Account markers. Color-coded for assigned and non-assigned accounts.
Geography markers. Color-coded for assigned and non-assigned geographies.

Show Layers Menu. Features including:

  • Hide account and/or geography markers
  • Filter accounts
  • Enable or disable map features like roads, water, and so on.
Drawing ToolsOpen the Drawing Tools. Depending on the areas you have selected, you’ll see different tools on the map.
Drive TimeCalculate Drive Time.
Pan ToolPan or move the map.
Lasso ToolDraw an outline around a set of accounts or geographies.
Polygon ToolDraw a polygon outline to define the boundary of the geography.
Rectangle ToolDraw a rectangular outline.
Upload KML/KMZUpload a KML/KMZ file that has a predefined outline for a geography. You must provide your own KML/KMZ files.
Delete ItemDelete the selected outline.
Account ClustersEnables the account view which shows the location of accounts on the map.
HeatmapsEnables heatmaps which visualize the concentration of accounts on the map.

Using the Lasso Tool

The Lasso tool in maps enables you to draw an outline around a set of accounts or geographies and then further analyze the selected set of data. You can also transfer an account or geography from the lassoed area to another territory or calculate the drive time between accounts within the lassoed area.

When you draw a lasso polygon around a group of accounts and geographies, you can view a summary of all the accounts or geographies inside the polygon.

Draw a Lasso


  1. Navigate to Territory AdminTerritory Programs and open the territory program to which the territory belongs.

    The territory program opens, and the Territory Tree tab is displayed.

  2. Navigate to the territory that you want to open in maps and choose Mapping App (). The Mapping App opens with the territory information on the left and the map on the right.

  3. Use the Zoom In (+) and Zoom Out (-) tools to adjust the perspective of the map.

  4. In the bottom right corner of the map, choose Show Drawing Tools ().

  5. Choose Lasso Tool ().

  6. Create the Polygon outline. Click on points in the map that you want to include in the lasso.

    Every click becomes a marker in your outline. Connect the last point to the first point to create the polygon outline. Once the lasso is complete, the application adjusts the outline to ensure that the outline isn't going into water.

  7. Once you've completed drawing the lasso, the application displays a summary for the accounts and geographies included in the lasso boundary. You can edit the boundaries of the lasso by moving the points.

  8. Choose Update Summary to update the summary details.

  9. To view a list of the lassoed accounts and geographies, select Show/Hide Lasso Data.

    The Accounts and Geographies section gets updated based on the lasso. Additionally, when you enable the Show/Hide Lasso Data option, the icons that enable you to transfer lassoed accounts and geographies become available.

  10. Choose Calculate Drive Time () to have the drive time calculated between the accounts within the polygon.

  11. Choose Transfer Accounts () in the Territories section to transfer the accounts within the lasso to another territory.


The transfer accounts and transfer geographies actions for Lassoed accounts are displayed.

Territory Map Visualization

To learn more about Territory Map Visualization, watch this video:

Viewing and Customizing the Account Summary on the Map

The application provides summary information for accounts and geographies within the map.

The summaries provide key details that enable you to preview and manage the impact of changes made to territory boundaries. The summaries can include details such as revenue, drive time, account ID, account name, alignment methodology, account firmographic attributes, and so on.

If any accounts fall within the geography you’re viewing, you’ll see a number listed in the "Total Qualified Accounts" window and the accounts are indicated with a star ().

To view a summary for an account, choose the Account Marker () and the account summary will open. To ensure quality performance, the application only retrieves and displays the summary details after you've selected the account.

To customize the account summary, choose Select Columns (). Select the data you’d like to appear in the account summary and Save your changes. A maximum of seven properties can be chosen.

The Account Fields page for the Account Summary is displayed.

Viewing and Customizing the Geography Summary on the Map

To view a summary for a geography, click on the geography polygon or a location marker () within the geography and the geography summary will open. To ensure quality performance, the application only retrieves, and displays the summary details after you've selected the geography.

To customize the geography summary, choose Select Columns ().

Select the data you’d like to appear in the geography summary and Save your changes. A maximum of seven properties can be chosen.

The Standard Fields to Geography Summary are displayed.

Using Heatmaps

Heatmaps are visual enhancements of the high and low volume of accounts. Administrators and managers can view the "heat maps" to reflect information about large numbers of accounts or geographies at high map zoom factors.

Turn on Heatmaps


  1. Navigate to a map view of a Geography or Territory.

  2. Open the Map Menu () located in the top left of the map view.

  3. Toggle the view from Account Clusters () to Heatmap ().

  4. Select the field to use for the heatmap, that is, Volume, Revenue. Add more fields by choosing Select Columns ().

  5. Optional: Create filters for the heatmaps that are shown on the screen. Select your filter options by choosing Select Columns ().

  6. Change the features shown on the map (roads, points of interest) in the Map Features section.

  7. Save your changes if necessary.


    Heatmaps reflect the account volume (count), account value (addressable market), account sales history, or account pipeline. You have the options to choose and geofence the required account/geos within the heatmap. It honors the other validations within the application.


The Heatmap for accounts is displayed.

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