Mapping a territory can help you gain insights that can assist with territory planning. You can use the mapping functionality to do the following:
- View the physical distribution of accounts and geographies within a map.
- Transfer an account or geography to another territory.
- Transfer an account or geography to another territory as a scenario.
- Compare drive times.
- View the heatmap concentration of accounts or revenue.
- View summary details for a selected geography or account, or a summary of accounts for a selected area.
- Color-code accounts and geographies from different territories.
- Enable or disable visual features like highways, bodies of water, and so on, on the maps.
Map Functionality Requirements.
To use the map functionality, data for accounts and geographies must be geocoded. An API service must be enabled to calculate the longitude and latitude. Contact SAP Support to enable map functionality for your environment.
Once maps are enabled for your environment, a cron job runs automatically on a regular basis according to the schedule. The cron job populates the latitude and longitude coordinates for accounts that have a valid address or postal code. The address is a combination of the following fields: Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Country, and Postal Code.
A cron job is a back-end process that runs at a specific time.When an account has a valid address associated with it:
- Users can view the account within the maps based on the latitude/longitude coordinates determined using the address.
- Drive time can be calculated and can be used for analysis within the map.
- Users can view accounts aligned to overlay territories on the map.
Map Tab vs. Mapping App
Mapping functionality is available via the Map tab and the Mapping App.
The Map tab is only accessible to super admins. The Map tab includes all mapping functionality and can be used for the entire territory program.
The Mapping App is accessible to territory managers and sales representatives. The Mapping App enables users to access the mapping functionality for only the specific territories to which they have access. To access the Mapping App, choose Mapping App () for a specific territory on the Territory Tree tab. In the Mapping App, you can select more than one territory to include in the map display.
Mapping a Territory
Superadmin users can access mapping functionality for an entire territory tree via the Map tab. Territory managers and sales representatives can access mapping functionality via the Mapping App for selected territories.