Watch the following video to learn how to maintain additional master data.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to adapt additional master data
Watch the following video to learn how to maintain additional master data.
At ABC Corporation, you’ve completed the setup of consolidation groups, consolidation units, and FS items. However, you need to adapt other dimensions to meet your business requirements. Fortunately, you can maintain additional master data types for consolidation use, such as business area, segment, profit center, and customer group. The additional master data types are also referred to as dimensions and characteristics.
In group reporting, you can control the master data, hierarchy, aggregation, matrix consolidation, and reporting behavior of the additional dimensions.
You can make the following settings in the Define Consolidation Master Data Fields configuration activity:
Dimension values are released into group reporting even if none of the six options are selected in the Configuration of Additional Characteristics screen.Log in to track your progress & complete quizzes