Creating Reporting Rules


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create reporting rules for complex reports.

Configuring Reporting Rules

At ABC Corporation, you need a statement of equity report. Because this is a complex reporting requirement, you need to create a reporting rule.

  • Use reporting rules when you need flexible structures to analyze data based on groupings of FS items and other dimensions.

  • In a report, you can analyze comprehensive income, cash flow, changes in equity for example.

  • Reporting rules use report items. Report items are statistical FS items that are calculated on the fly.

  • A report rule is made up of multiple report items.

  • Each report item contains a range of FS item roles and possibly subitems, document types, and consolidation units.

  • The report items are grouped into hierarchy nodes.

  • How to Maintain Reporting Rules:

    1. Create a reporting item hierarchy with logical roll-ups of reporting items.
    2. Create a reporting rule that is based on:
      • Consolidation COA
      • Reporting Item Hierarchy
      • Reporting Rule Variant
      • Assign to each reporting item, combinations of the following dimensions:
        • FS item attributes including:
          • Role
          • Scope
          • Cash flow
          • Elimination
          • Data collection
          • Customer specific
          • Currency translation
        • FS item hierarchy nodes
        • FS item member id’s
        • Subitem
        • Document type
        • Consolidation unit
    3. Replicate the reporting rule.
    4. Assign the reporting rule to a version.

Creating Reporting Item Hierarchies

To maintain reporting item hierarchies, go to the Manage Global Accounting Hierarchies app.

  1. Create a new reporting item hierarchy.
  2. Add nodes and statistical FS items.
The Reporting Item Hierarchy contains several nodes and reporting items

Only statistical FS items can be used in Consolidation Reporting Item hierarchies. In the above example, SCE000 is a node. SCE010 however is a report item.

Create a Reporting Item Hierarchy

Business Scenario

At ABC Corporation, you need to create your own statement of equity report. To be able to do this, you'll need to create a reporting item hierarchy.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • Create a reporting item hierarchy
  • Create the nodes
  • Add the reporting items
  • Save and activate the hierarchy

Create Reporting Rules

Creating Reporting Rules

  1. Create a new reporting rule based on the COA | Reporting Item Hierarchy | Reporting Rule Variant.
  2. Import statistical FS items and restrictions.
  3. Replicate the reporting rule.
Create a Reporting Rule for the reporting item hierarchy and reporting rule variant

In the following image, you can see the reporting rule after the reporting items have been imported.

In this example, the reporting rules include several rows of reporting items related to the statement of equity

For a large reporting rule, using the upload file is recommended.

Reporting Rule Structure

Reporting ItemSelect a statistical FS item.
Attribute NameUsed to restrict by one of the FS item attribute values.
Attribute DescriptionDescription of the Attribute Name.
Attribute Value NameIf restricting by an attribute, use the dropdown to select the value by which to restrict.
Value DescriptionDescription of the value.
Item HierarchyUsed to restrict by a Global Accounting Hierarchy. Choose from the dropdown.
FS Item Hierarchy NodeIf restricting by a hierarchy, use the dropdown to select the hierarchy node.
Fin. Statement Item FromUsed to restrict by an FS item (single value or start of a value range)
Fin. Statement Item ToUsed to restrict by an FS item (single value or end of a value range).
SI Cat.If restricting by subitem, select the subitem category (SI) from the dropdown.
Subitem FromUsed to restrict by a subitem. The dropdown shown depends on the SI category selected.
Subitem ToUsed to restrict by a subitem. The dropdown shown depends on the SI category selected.
DT FromUsed to restrict by a document type (from value).
DT ToUsed to restrict by a document type (to value).
CU FromUsed to restrict by a consolidation unit (from value).
CU ToUsed to restrict by a consolidation unit (to value).
Reverse Sign Indicator (X)Flag for the sign to be reversed on the displayed amount.


A from/to range must always be completed for FS Items even if the selection is a single value. Otherwise, the reporting rule won't return data.
The source file contains the reporting items


To determine the file structure, download an existing rule first.

Assign Reporting Rules to Versions

After you create and replicate reporting rules, assign them to versions. The assignment is also time-dependent.

Once the reporting rule variant is assigned to a reporting rule version, it can't be changed. If needed, assign a temporary reporting rule variant, make necessary changes, and then re-assign.

Create a Reporting Rule

Business Scenario

At ABC Corporation, you need to create your own statement of equity report. To be able to do this, you'll need to create a reporting rule.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • Create a reporting rule
  • Import the reporting rule definition
  • Replicate a reporting rule
  • Assign your reporting rule to a version

Use Reporting Rules in a Report

Reporting Rule Prompts

The key prompts for reporting rules:

  • Year / period
  • Reporting item hierarchy
  • Reporting item variant

In the Prompts window, you can select filter criteria to display reports. The reporting rule variant is derived from the version, fiscal year, and posting period. You can also specify a different reporting rule variant in the Reporting Rule Variant filter.

The report contains reporting items in the rows and the filter include the reporting rule variant and reporting item hierarchy

Use Reporting Rules in a Report

Business Scenario

Now that you’ve created a reporting item hierarchy and rule, you can use it in a report.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • Run the Group Data Analysis - With Reporting Rules report
  • Use the Reporting Rule Hierarchy and Reporting Rule Variant prompts.

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