Robert, our new consolidation consultant, wants to get an overview of content input forms including environmental, social, and corporate (ESG) sample forms.

You can use pre-delivered input forms, including the following forms:
- Balance sheet accounts detailed by transaction types, for example, financial assets, fixed assets, current assets, non-current assets, financial liabilities, provisions, or equity
- Profit and loss
- Inventory profit, for example, internal margin rate at seller or internal inventory detailed by partners at buyer
- Consolidation of investments
A starter content package of sample data entry forms for ESG governance metrics enables quick and easy data collection from entities, based on requirements of global reporting initiative (GRI) and World Economic Forum stakeholder capitalism metrics (WEF SCM).

ESG sample forms include the following forms:
- Greenhouse gas emissions
- Energy consumption
- Water consumption and withdrawal
- Personnel - diversity and inclusion
- Personnel - discrimination cases
- Anti-corruption training
- Research and development projects description
The ESG starter content helps you increase efficiency in building your own ESG data collection forms by making use of the example forms as a reference. You can easily collect ESG data from entities together with consolidation figures, and extend data entry forms for additional ESG metrics.
You can use the sample data entry forms as they are provided or, if required, configure your own ESG data entry forms, including ESG metrics (statistical Financial Statement Items), comments, questions and answers, and visual control formulas.