Describing SAP S/4HANA


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Explain landscape of SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA.
  • Explain SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics.
  • Explain SAP HANA Enterprise Search.


In SAP R/2, SAP started to deliver screens to specialists in order to enter information into the system. These users were experts in their fields, highly-skilled, and well-trained to use the system. Today, even the operation of an MRP Run is more like controlling a machine or using an interface to a business function than an intuitive and self-explaining UI.

With SAP S/4HANA, SAP is executing the vision to empower every customer employee to use SAP business software. The "S" in S/4HANA stands for Suite, the "4" stands for fourth generation. The complete name is SAP Business Suite 4 (for) SAP HANA (S/4HANA).


SAP S/4HANA is the next-generation business suite to help lines of business and industries to run simply, with all that only SAP HANA can do. SAP S/4HANA combines recent innovations (SAP HANA platform and SAP Fiori UX) with over 40 years of experience in mastering complex industry challenges in a new suite that caters to a digital, networked economy. The first part of SAP S/4HANA that was available was SAP Simple Finance, the first optimized solution.

Let's look at the journey from SAP HANA to SAP S/4HANA.

SAP S/4HANA Simplicity

SAP S/4HANA delivers the simplicity that users need to succeed. 

From an IT value perspective, SAP S/4HANA creates unique opportunities to dramatically simplify the landscape and reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO), with SAP HANA as the great simplifier. Business users can leverage a simple and role-based user experience based on modern design principles, minimizing training efforts while increasing productivity. Rapid activation ease the creation of settings in areas from system administration to application customizing. Enterprises can now significantly reduce their data footprint and work with larger data sets in one system to reduce hardware and operational costs and save time.

SAP S/4HANA Key Facts

The following are key facts about SAP S/4HANA:

  • Faster analytics and reporting

  • Fewer process steps

  • ERP, CRM, SRM, SCM, and PLM co-deployed

  • All data: social, text, geo, graph, and processing

  • No locking, parallelism

  • Actual data (25%) and historical (75%)

  • Smaller total data footprint

  • SAP Fiori UX for any device

Data Footprint Reduction

One of the key feature of SAP S/4HANA include smaller total data footprint. Watch the video to understand how SAP HANA reduces data footprint.

Landscape of SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA

The general system roles in the SAP Fiori system landscape do not change when moving to SAP S/4HANA. The SAP Fiori launchpad running in a client still connects to the FES via the SAP Web Dispatcher. What changes are the capabilities of the BES, which now has optimized code for SAP HANA as an SAP S/4HANA. General information about the FES can be found in the SAP Note 2590653SAP Fiori front-end server deployment for SAP S/4HANA.

All application types are available for SAP S/4HANA (S4H). The important difference to the SAP Business Suite is that there is only one architecture type for all application types. All applications act like transactional apps communicating via SAP Gateway over the FES with the BES now an S4H. Only the classic applications and in some scenarios the SAP Fiori search connect directly to the S4H.

The recommended deployment option for SAP S/4HANA is very dependent on the customer scenario. In most cases, SAP recommends the embedded deployment for SAP S/4HANA. The main reason is that with SAP S/4HANA all data and functions reside in one system. A hub system for routing requests to certain back-ends is no longer needed. In addition many configuration steps for SAP Fiori get easier when having everything in one system.


For more details please check the document "SAP Fiori Deployment Options and System Landscape Recommendations":

SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics

The UIs for analytical apps are part of the same product-specific UI add-ons that provide transactional apps. SAP Gateway manages again the OData services for the apps, but the source is now different. ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) Views are the basis for all analytical applications in S4H. ABAP CDS Views are able to integrate with SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics, which originated from SAP Business Warehouse (BW).


When using ABAP CDS Views, there is no need to access data views via the SAP HANA Extended Application Services (XS) like in the SAP Business Suite.

The area of business analytics specifically used in SAP Fiori is called SAP Smart Business. The core element there is the Key Performance Indicator (KPI). A KPI is build on top of ABAP CDS Views and define evaluations, tiles, and drill-downs. A drill-down is the visualization of a KPI offering predefined ways for the user to interact with the data – to drill-down.

Since SAP S/4HANA 1511, the KPI Workspace [F0818] is the central app for managing KPIs. Many other apps were created in each new release around this central app offering features such as defining KPI associations or reports. Since SAP S/4HANA 1909, Manage KPIs and Reports [F2814] is in place as the next generation of a central app in SAP Smart Business.


A predecessor of the KPI Workspace having the same name was already available in SAP Business Suite. The main difference is that not ABAP CDS Views but SAP HANA XS OData services are used as data source. This results in different and additional steps in managing KPIs such as authorizations.

In this example from the SAP Fiori apps reference library, you see the SAP S/4HANA 2021 as the product solution. Generic drill-down apps like this one need the /SSB/SMART_BUSINESS_RUNTIME_SRVOData service for generating the visualization. In addition, there is an OData service for the actual app data containing "CDS" in its name.


SAP Gateway services ending in "_CDS" are based directly on an ABAP CDS View. Omitting "_CDS" leaves the view name behind.

The entry points for users to create their own evaluations are the Query Browser [F1068] available since SAP S/4HANA 1511 and the View Browser [2170] available since SAP S/4HANA 1610. Both show a list of ABAP CDS Views, which are available in the system. The difference is that the Query Browser limits the list on pure analytical views whereas the View Browser is used by more advanced users offering a list of all ABAP CDS Views. Not only the consumption views providing data for applications but all views of the whole virtual data model (VDM) are visible. This enables a more detailed view on the data source but also demands more knowledge of the topic.

No matter which browser is used, after selecting an ABAP CDS View as data source, the Custom Analytical Queries [F1572] app can be started to actually define a query handling dimension, tables, and charts. The result can be saved as a tile to access the query directly in the SAP Fiori launchpad.


More information about this topic can be found in S4H400 (SAP S/4HANA Embedded Analytics Foundation):

How to Find Apps for Managing Embedded Analytics

Business Example

You want to analyze apps managing embedded analytics in the SAP Fiori apps reference library and SAP Fiori launchpad.

Watch the video to see how to find apps for managing Embedded Analytics.

Open a Query for Analysis

Business Scenario

You want to search for views as source for analytical queries and create an analysis in the View Browser app.


This exercise requires an SAP Learning system. Login information are provided by your system setup guide.


  1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad of your SAP S/4HANA (S4H) system, check in the View Browser if the consumption view UX100_C_FlightByAirportQry can be used for analytical queries.

    1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad of your S4H, open the Cross TopicAnalytics page.

    2. Choose the View Browser tile.

    3. In the Search field, enter ux100 and choose Enter.

    4. Choose Consumption at the top.

    5. Choose the view UX100_C_FlightByAirportQry.

    6. Choose the Annotation anchor.

    7. Check that the value for ANALYTICS.QUERY is true.

  2. In the View Browser, show the content of the UX100_C_FlightByAirportQry view. Change the graphical display to show the seats information per airline and plane type.

    1. In the View Browser, choose Show Content in the upper right.

    2. Choose Navigation Panel in the upper left.

    3. Drag and drop Airline and Plane Type from Available Fields to Rows.

    4. Drag and drop Departure Airport and Destination Airport from Rows to Available Fields.

    5. Examine the Graphical Display.

  3. In the View Browser, save a suitable visualization as tile in your My Home page.

    1. In the View Browser, choose ShareSave as Tile in the upper right corner.

    2. In the Save as Tile popup, in the Title field, enter Flight Seats.

    3. In the Subtitle field, enter Airline / Plane Type.

    4. For the Pages dropdown, select My Home.

    5. Choose OK.

    6. Choose Navigate to Home Page.

    7. Choose the Flight Seats tile.

    8. Continue to operate the app as you wish.

SAP HANA Enterprise Search

When users want to search for data in the SAP Fiori launchpad, the SAP Fiori search accesses the SAP HANA enterprise search, a successor of the SAP NetWeaver enterprise search. The protocol used for a direct network communication is the SAP proprietary Information Access (InA) protocol, which has some parallels to OData but is specialized for search requests and responses. Since SAP S/4HANA 1809, you can also use the SAP Gateway service ESH_SEARCH_SRV instead. So both, InA and OData are suitable ways accessing the SAP HANA enterprise search depending on the network landscape.


Just by registering ESH_SEARCH_SRV, all search requests of the SAP Fiori search are routed through this service.

Fact sheet apps use search models developed for SAP HANA enterprise search. These search models use search capabilities of SAP HANA and, therefore, do not run on a SAP Search and Classification (TREX) used by SAP NetWeaver enterprise search. The administration and handling is mainly the same when using SAP HANA or TREX. The following important transactions and applications work for both search engines:

Connector Administration Cockpit (ESH_COCKPIT)
Connector administration cockpit for connectors of search models to the search engine
Search and Analytics Modeler (ESH_MODELER)
Modeler for search and analytic for managing search object connector models
Enterprise Search Test (ESH_TEST_SEARCH)
Test environment for enterprise search checking consistency of connectors and search results
Search and Operational Analytics Implementation Guide (ESH_IMG)
Area of the Implementation Guide (IMG) containing administration and configuration of the enterprise search

Search models are shipped by SAP and are the basis for search connectors used by apps. Search connectors are indexed (generated) once the search models are available in a system. Therefore, the search connector ID contains the system and client in which it was generated.


If you encounter duplicates of search connectors in the SAP Fiori launchpad search, please read SAP note 3007113Connector name in Fiori search shows word 'Duplicate' for possible solutions.

The UIs for object pages are part of the same product-specific UI add-ons that provide transactional and analytical apps. SAP Gateway manages again the OData services for the apps. ABAP Core Data Services (CDS) Views are the basis for all object pages in S4H. ABAP CDS Views utilize the search capabilities of the SAP HANA database by integrating with the SAP HANA enterprise search. That results in generated so-called CDS-based enterprise search (ES) connectors. Similar to the search connectors based on search models, they can be managed in the Connector Administration Cockpit. But the details about the source tables, views, and fields are not visible.


When using ABAP CDS Views, there is no need to access search connectors directly via InA such as in the SAP Business Suite.

These details are available in the Manage Search Models [F3036] app since SAP S/4HANA 1909. There everything concerning a CDS-based ES-connector can be viewed such as fields, filters, relations, or even the source code of the ABAP CDS View. Since SAP S/4HANA 2020 it is also possible to de-/activate search connectors in the app, which is still possible in the Connector Administration Cockpit.


For more information about CDS-based ES-connectors, please read SAP note 2399860ES: Behavior of CDS-based search connectors.

Processing CDS-based Enterprise Search Connectors

Since SAP S/4HANA 1809, additional SAP Fiori apps are available for managing the processing of CDS-based ES-connectors:

Analyze Query Log [F2571]
Define Search Behavior (Synonyms) [F2700]
Fine-Tune (Search) Ranking [F2777]

Let's look at an example of SAP Fiori object page based on CDS view.

In this example from the SAP Fiori apps reference library, you see the SAP S/4HANA 2021 as a product solution. In addition, there is an OData service but without "CDS" in its name. Not every OData service using ABAP CDS Views is showing this in its name.


SAP Gateway services ending in "_SRV" are based on SAP Gateway projects. Omitting "_SRV" leaves the project name behind – in most cases. Developers may break this rule.

Users of the SAP Fiori launchpad may activate a personalized search in the FLP settings by selecting Track Search Activities under Search. In addition, it is possible to limit the personalized search scope to a selectable number of search connectors.

After activation, all search requests of the user in the SAP Fiori search are logged and made available via the My Queries [F3719] app. Users can view and evaluate their search activities and search terms either graphically in a bar chart or as a table. By default, the personalized search is deactivated and the history can be cleared at any time. These defaults for collecting user-specific data can be managed via the Configure Personalized Search [F2800] app.


More information about this topic can be found in UX200 (SAP Fiori – System Administration):

How to Find Apps for Managing Enterprise Search

Business Example

You want to analyze apps managing enterprise search in the SAP Fiori apps reference library and SAP Fiori launchpad.

Watch the video to see how to find apps for managing Enterprise Search.

Activate and Examine Personalized Search Queries

Business Scenario

You want to activate the Personalized Search for your user in the SAP Fiori launchpad and examine the search queries in the My Queries app.


This exercise requires an SAP Learning system. Login information are provided by your system setup guide.


  1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad of your SAP S/4HANA (S4H) system, activate the tracking of search activities for your user.

    1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad of your S4H, choose your user in the upper right corner.

    2. Choose Settings.

    3. Choose Search.

    4. Select the Track Search Activities checkbox.

    5. Choose Save.

  2. Perform multiple searches in the SAP Fiori search. Examples are cost centers with 1010, material BOM with pump, or G/L accounts with building.

    1. Choose Search at the top.

    2. In the Search In dropdown, choose Cost Centers.

    3. In the Search field, enter 1010 and choose Enter.

    4. In the Search In dropdown, choose Material BOM.

    5. In the Search field, enter pump and choose Enter.

    6. In the Search In dropdown, choose GL Account.

    7. In the Search field, enter building and choose Enter.

    8. Choose Navigate to Home Page.

  3. In the My Queries app, examine the search history of your user for today. Use the options Drill In and Display Log Details in the diagrams.

    1. Open the Cross TopicGeneral page.

    2. Choose the My Queries tile.

    3. In the Date and Time dropdown, choose Today.

    4. In the diagram, click the largest bar.

    5. Choose Drill In.

    6. In the diagram, click a bar of your choice.

    7. Choose Display Log Details.

    8. Continue to operate the SAP Fiori search and My Queries as you wish.

Configuration Parameters for SAP Fiori Search

These customizing parameters can be used to configure the SAP Fiori search in the SAP Fiori launchpad:


Specify the default search scope as "Apps" (true) or "All" (false).

true/false (default)


Specify whether the search option is displayed in the launchpad shell header bar.

true (default)/false


Specify if business objects are included in the search scope.

true (default)/false


Specify whether the "All" connector is removed from the search bar.

true/false (default)

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