Managing SAP Fiori Catalogs


After completing this lesson, you will be able to manage SAP Fiori catalogs

Content Model for SAP S/4HANA

In personalization, groups and catalogs just visualize tiles or links for calling an application. In customizing and configuration, catalogs define app descriptors consisting of tiles and target mappings. Target Mappings hold all the information needed to actually start an application.

The following table outlines the elements that can be distinguished in the content model since SAP S/4HANA 2020:

ElementShortNaming SchemaDescription
Business RoleBRSAP_BR_<role>Role for topic
SpaceSPSAP_<area>_SP_<topic>Tiles for topic
PagePGSAP_<area>_PG_<task>Tiles for daily task
Business CatalogGroupBCGSAP_<area>_BCG_<subtopic>Tiles for subtopic
Business CatalogBCSAP_<area>_BC_<duty>Tiles for duty
Technical CatalogTCSAP_TC_<area>_<subarea>_COMMONApp descriptors for area
Back-End CatalogBECSAP_TC_<area>_<subarea>_BE_APPSApp descriptors for area

Watch the video explaining the content model since SAP S/4HANA 2020.


In the content model for SAP Business Suite, technical catalog roles (TCR) and business catalog roles (BCR) existed. The business roles (BR) replaced both.

Content Model – SAP S/4HANA Example

Time to look at an example of the content model from the SAP Fiori apps reference library.

In this example from the SAP Fiori apps reference library, you see content model elements under Technical Configuration, starting with TC and continuing with BC, BCG, and BR. The name of the BC describes the duty, the name of the BCG describes the topic, and the name of the BR is the end users role.

Catalog Management

Standard, replicable and back-end catalogs are visible as read-only catalogs in the SAP Fiori launchpad designer (FLPD) and SAP Fiori launchpad content manager (FLPCM). Both tools can only display the app descriptors defined inside these catalogs as tiles and target mappings. That is the task of the SAP Fiori launchpad application manager (FLPAM).

Replicable and back-end catalogs are available in the back-end server (BES). In a system scenario where there is a separated front-end server (FES), these are extracted by an administrator from the BESs to the FES as remote catalog. A remote catalog is used in other systems as the source system they are defined in and can only be changed in the source system.

Remote catalogs can be used to load additional tiles from a remote system, but not for adding additional applications and target mappings to an SAP Fiori installation. A remote catalog can only provide new tile configurations, not new application implementations. The application code must be installed in the system to which the target mapping is pointing.

The remote catalog feature was mainly intended to support integration of smart business content from an SAP HANA XS. In this scenario, the code for the smart business app has to be installed on the FES. However, the KPI tile definitions are created using the KPI modeler on the SAP HANA XS. Another use case is the integration of SAP Jam tiles from the SAP Business Technology Platform or having multiple FESs pointing to one central FES with custom catalogs.


Defining remote catalogs manually in the FLPD is deprecated since the introduction of back-end catalogs.

Catalogs can be referenced in the FLPD to create a copy of the catalog consisting of references to tiles and target mappings of the source catalog. It is a good starting point when defining own catalogs to start with referencing a catalog shipped by SAP. If SAP ships a new version of a catalog, all references immediately use the new version.

SAP Fiori Launchpad Content Manager

In SAP S/4HANA 1809 SPS03, the SAP Fiori launchpad content manager (FLPCM) was introduced to ease mass-administration of catalogs. You can show the catalogs and their content, the tiles and target mappings for all catalogs, or roles and their catalogs. There are easy ways to copy complete catalogs or reference certain tiles and target mappings in other catalogs. Similar to the SAP Fiori launchpad designer (FLPD), you can use the FLPCM for configuration (transaction /UI2/FLPCM_CONF) or customizing (transaction /UI2/FLPCM_CUST).

Whereas the FLPD focuses on single catalogs or groups, the FLPCM has all catalogs in a system or client in its focus. The administrative work around catalogs, such as transport or role-assignment, is quite easy compared to the FLPD. However, it is not possible to create groups, tiles, or target mappings. Standard and replicable catalogs can only be created in the SAP Fiori launchpad application manager (FLPAM).

ElementSAP Fiori Launchpad Content ManagerSAP Fiori Launchpad Designer
Target MappingReferenceCreate/Reference

The FLPCM, FLPD, and FLPAM can also be used in combination. For example, after a copying a catalog in the FLPCM, the new catalog can be opened directly in the FLPD (business catalog) or FLPAM (standard catalog) in order to adapt the tiles and target mappings. Combined with the ability to also jump from the FLPCM to the Role Maintenance (PFCG), the FLPCM acts as the center for maintaining SAP Fiori catalogs.

Copy SAP Fiori Catalogs

Business Scenario

You want to create an SAP Fiori business catalog by copying an existing one using the SAP Fiori launchpad designer and SAP Fiori launchpad content manager.

SAP_UX100_BC_S_NEWS (Business Catalog)
SAP_UX100_BC_S_MIG_DATA (Business Catalog)


This exercise requires an SAP Learning system. Login information are provided by your system setup guide.


Whenever the values or object names in this exercise include ##, replace ## with the number of your user.


Role was created in exercise Create SAP Fiori Spaces and Pages.

Task 1: Copy a catalog in the SAP Fiori launchpad designer.


  1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad designer for customizing your SAP S/4HANA (S4H) system, create the catalog Z_##_BC_NEWS with the title Z## - News Tile by copying the /UI2/SAPNewsTile catalog with the title SAP News Tile.

    1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad designer for customizing of your S4H, choose Catalogs.

    2. In the Search for catalogs field, enter news and choose Enter.

    3. Click and hold the SAP News Tile (/UI2/SAPNewsTile) catalog.

    4. Drag and drop the catalog in the New Catalog with References area.

    5. In the Title field of the Copy Catalog dialog box, enter Z## - News Tile.

    6. In the ID field, enter Z_##_BC_NEWS.

    7. Choose Copy.

  2. Add /feed/ as feed to the News Tile of your Z## - News Tile catalog. Set to always use default image and extend its article cycle interval to 10 seconds.


    The SAP Web Dispatcher in the system landscape redirects /feed/ to the RSS feed to fulfill CORS-guidelines (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).
    1. Choose the News Tile showing the text No articles to display.

    2. Enable the Always Use Default Image checkbox.

    3. In the Article Cycle Interval (secs) field, enter 10.

    4. In the Feed #1 field, enter /feed/.

    5. Choose Save.

    6. In the dialog box to confirm the break of the reference, choose OK.

Task 2: Copy a catalog in the SAP Fiori Launchpad content manager.


  1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad content manager of your S4H for customizing, search for a business catalog having an app about managing data migration. Check its usage in roles.

    1. In the SAP Easy Access menu of your S4H, search for FLP Content Manager: Client-Specific or start transaction /UI2/FLPCM_CUST.

    2. Choose the Tiles/Target Mappings tab.

    3. In the Search Tiles/Target Mappings field, enter migration and choose Go.

    4. In the Tiles/Target Mappings Combinations table, select the Semantic ObjectDataMigration with Actionmanage.

    5. Choose Show Usage in Roles.

    6. In the Roles table, select the SAP_BR_CONFIG_EXPERT_DATA_MIG role.

    7. Choose Role View.

  2. Check the content of the SAP_CA_BC_MIG_DATA catalog and copy it using ID Z_##_BC_MIG_DATA and title Z## - Data Migration.

    1. In the Catalogs table, select the SAP_CA_BC_MIG_DATA catalog.

    2. Choose Catalog View.

    3. Choose Show Catalog Content.

    4. Choose Copy.

    5. In the New ID field, enter Z_##_BC_MIG_DATA.

    6. In the New Title field, enter Z## - Data Migration.

    7. Choose Continue.

    8. Choose the transport request provided to you.

Task 3: Assign the catalogs to a role and test it in the SAP Fiori launchpad.


  1. In the Role Maintenance (PFCG) of your S4H, add the Z_##_BC_NEWS and Z_##_BC_MIG_DATA catalogs to the menu of the Z_##_BR_TRAINING role.

    1. In the SAP Easy Access menu of your S4H, search for Role Maintenance or start transaction PFCG.

    2. In the Role field, enter Z_##_BR_TRAINING.

    3. Choose Change.

    4. Choose the Menu tab.

    5. Expand the Insert Node button.


      The initial value written on the Insert Node button is Transaction.
    6. Choose SAP Fiori LaunchpadLaunchpad Catalog.

    7. In the Catalog ID field, enter z_##* and use the value help.

    8. In the dialog box, double-click Z_##_BC_NEWS.

    9. Choose Continue.

    10. Choose the Insert Node button.


      The value written on the Insert Node button is Launchpad Catalog.
    11. In the Catalog ID field, enter z_##* and use the value help.

    12. In the dialog box, double-click Z_##_BC_MIG_DATA.

    13. Choose Continue.


      If Not all applications are available in system appears in a dialog box, choose Cancel to continue.
    14. Choose Save.

  2. In the SAP Fiori launchpad spaces of your S4H, add the tiles from the Z## - News Tile and Z## - Data Migration catalogs to the My Home page and test them.

    1. Start or reload the SAP Fiori launchpad spaces of your S4H in the client of your choice.

    2. Choose your user in the upper right corner.

    3. In the User Actions Menu, choose App Finder.

    4. In the list of catalogs on the left, choose Z## - News Tile.

    5. Choose the plus of the news tile.

    6. In the Add to Page popup, select My Home and choose Add.

    7. In the list of catalogs on the left, choose Z## - Data Migration.

    8. Choose the plus of the Migrate Your Data tile.

    9. In the Add to Page popup, select My Home and choose Add.

    10. Choose Navigate to Home Page.

    11. Operate the apps as you wish.

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