Viewing Objects in the BI Platform


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • View objects in BI Launch Pad.
  • Navigate the Central Management Console.

Overview of BI Launch Pad Features

See the following scenario depicting how to access, view, organize and manage BI reports.

BI Launch Pad is a web-based interface that users access to view, schedule, and track published BI reports. BI Launch Pad can access, interact with, and export, any type of BI document.

BI Launch Pad enables you to manage the following:

  • Browse and search BI content.
  • Create, edit, and view BI content.
  • Schedule and publish BI content.
Home Tab
Use the Home tab to access Folders, Categories, Documents, BI Inbox, Instances, and Recycle Bin.
Favorites Tab
Use the Favorites tab to see objects marked as favorite.
Recent Documents Tab
Use the Documents tab to see recently viewed documents.
Recently Run Tab
Use the Recently Run tab to see the recently run documents.
Applications Tab
Use the Applications tab to access applications in the BI Launch Pad.

Central Management Console (CMC)

The Central Management Console (CMC) is a web-based tool that you use to do administrative tasks, in the areas of content and server management.

You must be a member of the Administrators group or granted permission to do these tasks.

BI Platform Content Types

You can add many different types of objects to the BI platform.

The following are examples of BI platform object types:

  • Crystal Reports
  • Web Intelligence
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

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