Introducing the LSA Exercise Environment


After completing this lesson, you will be able to recognize necessary information to prepare and set up the exercise environment in the pre-configured SAP learning system.

The LSA Environment


This lesson is optional. You’ll need it only if you want to gain hands-on experience during the learning journey.

We have prepared a hands-on exercise for most of the units in this course (Composable Storefront, Personalization, Search, Promotions & Coupons, OCC, Accelerator, and Addons).

All the exercise materials are accessible in the pre-configured exercise environment on the SAP Learning System Access server (aka LSA).

The blog post LSA (Learning System Access): Yet Another Way to Learn SAP Commerce Cloud contains the information you’ll need to find/book a learning system.

Just remember to search for "C4H34A" to find the Practice system entry for this course.

After booking the learning system, please follow the instructions in the related system setup guide (aka the SSG, available in the resource list of each LSA entry) to log in to the exercise environment server.

Locate the c4h34a_2211 folder in your home directory; inside, you will see the following 3 folders:

  • Exercises folder: contains a PDF file for each exercise, which can be performed by you when you complete the related unit in the learning journey.
  • eclipse-bundle folder: contains a pre-configured eclipse IDE for development
  • workspace folder: contains the SAP Commerce Cloud system resources

Before you begin the exercises, please watch the following video providing a basic understanding of the exercise setup:

Exercise – Setup

Once you've grasped the basics of performing exercises, please complete the setup exercise found in the Exercises folder:

Please follow the instructions step-by-step.

If you encounter a problem along the way, you can watch the following video demo of the setup exercise. Subtle differences between the exercise and the demo can be safely ignored.

After completing the setup exercise, you are ready to perform the exercises in each unit as part of your learning journey.

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