Creating Queries


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create your individualized analysis.

SAP Signavio Process Intelligence

The following exercises will enhance your understanding on the functionality of SAP Signavio's Analytics Language (SiGNAL). All questions should be answered by creating the SiGNAL queries.

Process and Case Study

The process is based on a simplified Order-to-Cash scenario of an international company, which sells high quality fair-trade T-shirts with prints on them. The customer can either order a pre-printed shirt from the online shop or can decide on a custom print. In both cases, a prepayment is required before the order gets shipped.

The image shows your available events and available attributes. Take a moment to review both columns.

Here, we see an image of their Order-to-Cash business process. Review each step so you're familiar with their process.

Now, let's get into our questions. We want to use SiGNAL to obtain results on our orders and customers. Continue below to review the exercise questions. We'll review the first 3 questions together and the remaining questions will be up to you to complete!

Process Statistics

  1. What's the total order amount of all cases?
  2. What's the average order amount of all cases?
  3. What's the average order amount from standard customers?
  4. What's the average order amount from premium customers?
  5. Which city has the most orders, split by Type of Goods? Show it in a stacked bar chart.
  6. How many customers have placed an order?


Watch the video below to learn how to create our first query!

1. What's the total order amount of all cases?

2. What's the average order amount of all cases?

3. What's the average order amount from standard customers?

Now that you learned how to create queries, it's your turn!


  • Select the steps below to answer the exercise questions. You'll see the exercise question in the top part of the screen.
  • When you hover over the screen, a pop-up box will appear with additional information. Keep clicking through your process until it's complete.
  • Select the Play button when you are ready to begin.

4. What's the Average Order Amount from Premium Customers? [Type your answers under SiGNAL query]

5. Which City has the Most Orders, split by Type of Goods? Show it in a stacked bar chart.

6. How Many Customers Have Placed an Order?

SiGNAL supports the following standard operators. Operators are symbols and keywords that perform operations on their arguments.


Select each type of operator for more information.

SiGNAL: Simple Operators

SiGNAL - Order By & Limit Clauses

  • Order by - Function to sort the result set according to sorting criteria
  • Limit - Function to limit the number of records in the result set

SiGNAL - Order By and Limit Clauses

SiGNAL - Alias

Aliases help to give data/column headers a temporary name to make them easier to read.


Lets create more queries!

  • 7. Which are the top 5 customers (customer ID's) and what's their average order amount? Use a SiGNAL Table.
  • 8. How many of them are Premium customers?

Select the steps below to answer the exercise questions.

When you hover over the screen, a pop-up box will appear with additional information. Keep clicking through your process until it's complete.

Select the Play button when you are ready to begin.

7. Which are the top 5 customers (customer ID's) and what's their average order amount? Use a SiGNAL Table.

We can now move to learning how to use sub queries in a query.


A subquery is a query that is nested inside a SELECT statement, or inside another sub query. You can use a sub query anywhere an expression is allowed to retrieve data on event-level.


Select each Date function to view their use in sub queries.


Signavio Process Intelligence Exercise

Exercise Questions:

Cycle Time

  • 9. What is the average cycle time?
  • 10. What percentage of cases are above the Target cycle time of 10 days?
  • 11. Which are the top 5 customers (customer ID's) based on their order amount? Use a SiGNAL Table.
  • 12. What is the average duration for printing?


Watch the video to learn how to answer Cycle Time questions.

Watch the video to learn how to answer Cycle Time questions.

Now that you learned how Cycle Time queries are created, it's your turn!


  • Select the steps below to answer the exercise questions.
  • When you hover over the screen, a pop-up box will appear with additional information. Keep clicking through your process until it's complete.
  • Select the Play button when you are ready to begin.

11. Which are the Top 5 Cases with Low Cycle Time? Create a SiGNAL Table with Case ID, Customer Type, Type of Goods, City and Cycle Time

12. What is the Average Duration for Printing?

It is time to refine your understanding of basic queries and apply it to the advanced queries. We will now learn about new types of clauses and operators. At the end we are going to use them in practical exercises.



FILTER (WHERE) allows you to filter an input for an aggregation function.

Use case: Filter a subset of cases or values to compare with a total.

SiGNAL - Matching Operators

Matches allow you to filter cases based on a specific task sequence, indicated by the term MATCHES. SiGNAL supports the following matching operators:

SiGNAL - Matching Operators (2 of 2)


The BEHAVIOUR MATCHES operator allows to filter MATCHES even further, with expressions not related to task sequence.


SAP Signavio Process Intelligence Exercise - Continued

Exercise Questions: Process Behavior

  • 13. How many T-shirt orders have been canceled after they got an individual print?
  • 14. What percentage of cases follow the standard process ? (Order, Payment, (Printing), Shipping, Confirmation)
  • 15. How often did the shipment fail per city? Use a pie chart!
  • 16. What's their share compared to all cases in percent?

Question #13 and #14 are modeled in the videos below. Question #15 and #16, you'll have the chance to try on your own!


Watch the video below to learn how to answer Process Behavior questions. 

Now that you learned how Process Behavior queries are created, it's your turn!


  • Select the steps below to answer the exercise questions.
  • When you hover over the screen, a pop-up box will appear with additional information. Keep clicking through your process until it's complete.
  • Select the Play button when you are ready to begin.

15. How Often Did the Shipment Fail Per City? Use a Pie Chart!

What's Their Share Compared to All Cases in Percent?

Knowledge Check

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