Describing SAP Ariba 2311 Release Features


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Describe new or changed features for SAP Ariba Contracts in the SAP Ariba 2311 release.

SC-17776: Header and Line Item Data Synchronization between Contract Workspace and Linked Compliance Contract Using Open APIs

Technical Details

  • Applicable Products
    • SAP Ariba APIs
    • SAP Ariba developer portal
    • SAP Ariba Contracts
    • SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
  • User Type
    • Buyer
  • Enablement Model
    • Customer configured


This feature enhances the Contract Workspace Modification API and Contract Workspace State Change API by enabling them to synchronize the header-level data of a contract workspace with the linked compliance contract, when the contract workspace is updated or published. The feature also adds an endpoint to the Contracts Terms Management API that can be implemented in a client application to synchronize line items information in a contract workspace with the linked compliance contract.

The Contracts Terms Management API supports the following new endpoint:

POST /contractWorkspaces/{contractId}/contractTerms/{contractTermId}/state

This endpoint synchronizes the contract line item information of a contract workspace with the linked compliance contract by specifying the IDs of the contract workspace and the contract terms document. If the request is successful, the API initiates an asynchronous job and returns the job ID for reference.

Customer Benefits

  • Improved efficiency in the source-to-contract process
  • Header-level data of the contract workspace is automatically synchronized with the linked compliance contract


  • Your administrator must enable the Synchronize Contract Workspace Header Data With Contract Compliance Using Open APIs (Application.ACM.SyncContractWorkspaceHeaderDataWithContractComplianceUsingAPIs) parameter.
  • To create an application and request access to use the SAP Ariba APIs relevant to this feature, you must have access to the SAP Ariba developer portal.
  • All queries made to this API must be authenticated using OAuth authentication.
  • The contract workspace in SAP Ariba Contracts whose ID is referred in the API calls must be linked with a compliance contract.


  • If buyers update the supplier information in a contract workspace using the Contract Workspace Modification API, then they must resynchronize the line items information with the linked compliance contract using the Contracts Terms Management API.
  • If buyers update the supplier information in a contract workspace from the UI, then they must synchronize the updates with the linked compliance contract from the UI only.
  • When buyers publish a contract workspace using the Contract Workspace State Change API, all the header-level data of the contract workspace, except the supplier information, is synchronized with the linked compliance contract.

Feature Details

Previously, when buyers performed tasks such as updating or publishing a SAP Ariba Contracts contract workspace in a client application that uses the Contract Workspace Modification API and the Contract Workspace State Change API, the header-level data of the contract workspace was not synchronized with the linked compliance contract.

Now, when buyers update or publish a contract workspace, the header-level data of the contract workspace is automatically synchronized with the linked compliance contract.

Related Resources

Information about all the new or changed features in the SAP Ariba 2311 release is available in What's New in SAP Procurement and SAP Business Network.

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