Describing SAP Ariba 2311 Release Features


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Describe new or changed features for SAP Ariba Sourcing in the SAP Ariba 2311 release.

SS-39582: Enhancements to Supplier Anonymization in Guided Sourcing Events

Technical Details

  • Applicable Products
    • SAP Ariba Sourcing
    • SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
  • User Type
    • Buyer
  • Enablement Model
    • Automatically on


This feature extends the supplier anonymization functionality in guided sourcing to various pages and enables anonymization of various details such as supplier information, item participants, and comments.

Supplier anonymization functionalities are now extended to the following sections in the guided sourcing interface:

  • In the Notifications section in the dashboard, the supplier names are anonymized until the events are closed for bidding.
  • In the Monitor stage for RFP events:
    • The Item participants section is hidden in the View item page
    • The supplier name is anonymized in the View bid console popup
    • The supplier name in the page navigation is anonymized, and the Submitted by field is hidden in the Response details page
  • In the Review responses stage for RFP events:
    • Comments are hidden in the exported report for the Scorecard page
    • The Submitted for field and the supplier name in the page navigation are anonymized, and the Submitted by field is hidden in the Response details page
  • For reverse auction events, data in the Comment column is anonymized in the Response details page

Buyers can choose to anonymize supplier information in published RFPs, RFIs, and auctions until the events are closed for bidding by enabling the Anonymize suppliers rule and defining the scope for the anonymization in the guided sourcing template.

When supplier information is anonymized, you could notice any of the following:

  • Real-time supplier data is hidden from the guided sourcing interface.
  • Real-time supplier data is replaced with generic data. For example, the supplier name could appear as Company 1 to protect the bidder's identity.

Customer Benefits

This feature allows customers to be compliant with local regulations related to sourcing by allowing anonymization of supplier details.


This feature is supported only in the guided sourcing user interface. To use this feature in the guided sourcing user interface, your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group.


Supplier anonymization is not supported in bid analysis and optimization scenarios.

Feature Details

Changes to Existing Functionality

  • The supplier names in the Notifications section in the dashboard are now anonymized until the events are closed for bidding.
  • Items participants in the View item page are anonymized for RFP events in the Monitor stage. The supplier details are anonymized in the Response details page and the View bid console popup for RFP events in the Monitor stage.
  • Supplier details in the Response details page are anonymized for RFP events in the Review responses stage. Comments are hidden in the exported scorecard for RFP events in the Review responses stage.
  • Comments are anonymized in the Response details page for reverse auction events.

SS-44418: Enhancements to Supplier Search in Guided Sourcing

Technical Details

  • Applicable Products
    • SAP Ariba Sourcing
    • SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance
    • SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
  • User Type
    • Buyer
  • Enablement Model
    • Automatically on


This feature introduces additional supplier search and filtering options in guided sourcing instances that are integrated with SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance. The additional filtering options are integrated from SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance and appear in the Invite Suppliers page of guided sourcing events.

Buyer users can now search for and filter supplier records based on the following additional filters that are integrated from SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance:

  • Process Status
  • Certificate Type
  • Certificate Status
  • Integrated with ERP
  • Category Status
  • Registration Status
  • Registration Update Status

Apart from the search filters that are integrated from SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance, you can continue to use the supplier search filters that are available in SAP Ariba Sourcing.

You can activate the search filters by selecting the corresponding entries from the Search criteria setting dropdown. However, note that the filters mentioned in the preceding list as well as the Qualification Status and Risk Level filters are dynamic filters and appear for selection in the Search criteria setting listing only if there are matching entries in SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance.


Guided sourcing displays only the active suppliers in search results even when the searches are based on the filters integrated from SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance.

Customer Benefits

Project owners who are searching for suppliers to invite to their sourcing events now have access to certain SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance vendor data so they can make decisions about who to invite to their events.


  • Your site must have an active integration with SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance.
  • This feature is supported only in the guided sourcing user interface. To use this feature in the guided sourcing user interface, your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group.


  • By default, only the Qualification Status and Process Status filters appear in the search panel. You need to select the remaining filters from Search criteria setting.
  • Users can select only a maximum of 20 certificate types for the Certificate Type filter.
  • Guided sourcing does not support the certificate expiry date filter.

Feature Details

Changes to Existing Functionality

Previously, the Invite Suppliers page contained only filters based on attributes in SAP Ariba Sourcing. Now, additional filters based on supplier attributes in SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance are supported.

Previously, Qualification Status and Risk Level filters relied on data from SAP Ariba Sourcing. Now, these two filters are mapped to SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance and appear only when there are matching entries in SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance. All the filters that are integrated from SAP Ariba Supplier Lifecycle and Performance are dynamic and appear only when there are matching entries.

User Interface Changes

Additional filtering options are added to the Search criteria setting dropdown list.

SS-44921: Support for Preview Periods on Non-Competitive Events

Technical Details

  • Applicable Products
    • SAP Ariba Sourcing
    • SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
  • User Type
    • Buyer
    • Supplier
  • Enablement Model
    • Automatically on


This feature gives template administrators to ability to configure templates that allow for preview periods in non-competitive events.

Preview periods give suppliers time to prepare their bids in advance. Previously, preview periods were allowed in only competitive events, which require quicker response times due to their competitive nature. Preview periods for non-competitive events can be useful for industries that require additional preparation time before bidding or have complex technical requirements for bidding.

Customer Benefits

Buyers can now enable a preview period in non-competitive events. This will help comply with regulations that suppliers should not know opponents’ bids during the RFP process.


  • This feature is supported only in the guided sourcing user interface. To use this feature in the guided sourcing user interface, your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group.
  • To edit template configurations, you must be a member of the Template Creator group.


You must configure a valid Response start date in your guided sourcing template. If the Response start date field is empty in your template, then the event opens when you choose Publish and bypasses the preview period.

Feature Details

Changes to Existing Functionality

While working in a guided sourcing template event document, a template administrator can now set Enable preview period before bidding opens to Yes while the Must participants improve their bids setting is set to No.

Information for Buyers

Template administrators can configure the Market Feedback section of an RFP template to control how much visibility suppliers have into other suppliers' bids.

SS-45010: Support for Email Bidding in Multi-Round Guided Sourcing Events

Technical Details

  • Applicable Products
    • SAP Ariba Sourcing
    • SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
  • User Type
    • Buyer
    • Supplier
  • Enablement Model
    • Automatically on


This feature extends the support for email bidding to multi-round guided sourcing events. Email bidding enables buyers to allow suppliers to bid through email. Multi-round bidding enables buyers using guided sourcing to refine pricing and other information and add or remove participants and line items by creating additional bidding rounds in a single event. If guided sourcing events have email bidding and multi-round bidding features enabled, suppliers can submit their bids for multi-round events through email, without logging into the application.

Email bidding invitations that buyers send to suppliers contain a bid sheet in the form of a spreadsheet, a bidder agreement in the form of a read-only Word document, and other attachments as necessary.

Customer Benefits

This feature allows participants to submit their responses to guided sourcing events via email for multi-round enabled events.


  • This feature is supported only in the guided sourcing user interface. To use this feature your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group.
  • To be able to create a multi-round email bid, you must be the event owner or have project owner capabilities for the event.
  • The Allow participants to submit bids by email event rule must be set to Yes or Delegated.
  • The Enable multi-round bidding event rule must be set to Yes or Delegated.
  • To publish an event with multi-round bidding enabled, the event must contain at least one item in theItems that need quotes section.


  • Limitations related to multi-round and email bidding apply to this feature. For more information, refer Allow participants to submit bids by email and Working with Multi-Round Bidding Events in Guided Sourcing.
  • Multi-round email bidding is applicable only to RFI and RFP guided sourcing events.
  • Multi-round email bidding does not support prerequisite questions that have restrictions.
  • Multi-round email bidding does not support events having questions with visibility conditions.
  • The total size of email attachments used in email bidding must not exceed the value entered for the Application.AQS.EmailBidAttachmentSizeLimit parameter.

Feature Details

Changes to Existing Functionality

Previously, email bidding was supported only for single-round guided sourcing events. Also, enabling both the Allow participants to submit bids by email and Enable multi-round bidding event rules simultaneously triggered an error.

Now, email bidding is supported for multi-round events in guided sourcing. In addition to inviting suppliers to participate in email bidding, buyers can also create additional bid rounds to update pricing and other information and add or remove suppliers and items from bids. The email that is sent out to the supplier contains four options:

  • Email Response: This option generates a new email for suppliers. Suppliers can then fill in the attached bid sheet and send the email.
  • See Event: This option allows suppliers to open the SAP Ariba Sourcing event. The recipient must be a registered supplier to log in to SAP Ariba Sourcing.
  • Decline: This option allows suppliers to decline participation in the event. Suppliers can, optionally provide a reason for declining to participate in the event and send it in an email. This option is unavailable to the suppliers in the subsequent bid rounds if they have responded to a bid invite.
  • Revise response: This option, present in the acknowledgment emails that are sent to suppliers when an email bid is submitted successfully and when buyers edit an event, allows suppliers to revise the attached bid sheet and send the updated bid sheet by email.

User Interface Changes

Emails sent after the first round of a bidding event indicate the bid-round number in the notation, Round n, where n is the number of the round. This text is appended to the event name.

Administrator Interface Changes

You can now enable the Allow participants to submit bids by email and Enable multi-round bidding event rules simultaneously.

SS-47061: Prevent Project Owners from Discarding Supplier Bids in Guided Sourcing Events

Technical Details

  • Applicable Products
    • SAP Ariba Sourcing
    • SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
  • User Type
    • Buyer
  • Enablement Model
    • Automatically on


This feature enables template administrators to create guided sourcing event templates that prevent the buyer users from discarding supplier bids. This feature helps avoid potential loss of data by preventing buyers from inadvertently or otherwise discarding existing supplier bids while updating guided sourcing events.

Customer Benefits

By disabling the option for a buyer to discard suppliers' responses when updating a sourcing event, this feature helps prevent buyers from accidentally or intentionally discarding existing supplier bids. This helps prevent loss of data and potential for malpractice.


  • This feature is supported only in the guided sourcing user interface. To use this feature in the guided sourcing user interface, your site must have guided sourcing enabled and you must be a member of the Category Buyer group.
  • The Must participants improve their bids rule must be set to Yes.

Feature Details

Changes to Existing Functionality

Previously, there was no option to prevent project owners from discarding supplier bids while updating guided sourcing events.

Now, template administrators can configure the guided sourcing events template so that the project owners are prevented from discarding supplier bids while updating guided sourcing events.

User Interface Changes

In the guided sourcing event template, under Project Owner Actions, a new rule, Prevent project owners from discarding supplier responses while updating events in Guided Sourcing, is added with Yes and No options.

The default value for the Prevent project owners from discarding supplier responses while updating events in Guided Sourcing rule is set to No.

If you set the Prevent project owners from discarding supplier responses while updating events in Guided Sourcing rule to Yes, the following UI elements do not appear in the Update Event popup for events created from the guided sourcing event template:

  • The Do you want to keep the bids? section
  • The Yes, keep the bids and No, delete the bids options

Related Resources

Information about all the new or changed features in the SAP Ariba 2311 release is available in What's New in SAP Procurement and SAP Business Network.

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