Content Management


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Personalize SAP Fiori launchpad
  • Create SAP Fiori spaces and pages
  • Maintain SAP Fiori launchpad content

Settings and Structure

End users can personalize their own variant of the SAP Fiori launchpad (FLP). The settings can be accessed via the User Actions Menu. You can get information about the user account, home page, language, and region.

Let's see how end users can personalize SAP Fiori launchpad.

In the home page concept, users can rearrange groups and tiles, create new groups, and add or delete tiles to or from an existing group.

Tiles are organized in catalogs in the system. These catalogs hold all technical information to start an application. To show a tile in the FLP, it must be embedded in a group. Groups can be created centrally in the system and then added to the launchpad, or the user can create an own group and add tiles from catalogs.


Since SAP S/4HANA 2021 FPS01, the SAP Fiori launchpad home page concept using groups is deprecated. It will be replaced by the spaces concept in a future release. SAP announces this at least two releases in advance. For more information, please read SAP note 2970113SAP S/4HANA Cloud: Replacement of SAP Fiori launchpad Home Page by Spaces and Pages.

Introduced in SAP S/4HANA 2020, the spaces concept can be used as alternative to groups in the home page. A space is visualized as a ribbon or tab at the top of the FLP and defines a frame for one or more pages. A page consists of sections showing tiles in the same way as groups have done before.

Spaces and pages are defined centrally in the system but only spaces are added to the launchpad, including the pages assigned to the space. Sections are an integral part of pages and can also be created by the user in their launchpad.


You can activate spaces in the SAP Fiori launchpad settings under Spaces and Pages.

Personalization Assigning Principles

Let's see how SAP Fiori launchpad can be further personalized. Applications require an app descriptor if they are to be called from the SAP Fiori launchpad.

Watch the video to learn about SAP Fiori app descriptor.


To enter the action mode for personalization in the home page, a user must choose Edit Home Page in the User Actions Menu of the FLP. In this mode, tiles can be removed from existing groups and new ones can be created and rearranged. When adding a new tile to a group in the action mode or choosing App Finder in the User Actions Menu, the app finder is shown. Here, the user can choose tiles from all catalogs assigned to their user role.

To enter the action mode for personalization for spaces, a user must choose Edit Current Page in the User Actions Menu of the FLP. In this mode, tiles can be removed from existing sections and new ones can be created and rearranged. When adding a new tile to a section in the action mode or choosing App Finder in the User Actions Menu, the app finder is shown. Here, the user can choose tiles from all catalogs assigned to their user role.

Tile Sizes

There are five different tile sizes possible on pages, showing less information the smaller the tile gets:

  • (Basic) Tile
  • Wide tile (since SAP S/4HANA 2021 FPS01)
  • Flat tile (since SAP S/4HANA 2021)
  • Flat wide tile (since SAP S/4HANA 2021)
  • Link (tile)


You can transport FLP and application personalization data to another system. The /UIF/MIGRATE_FES_PERSO report allows you to collect the personalization data and writes these to transport requests. For more information, please read SAP note 2789848Migration report for homepage and application personalization.

Manage Launchpad Spaces

Manage Launchpad Spaces is an SAP Fiori launchpad (FLP) app based on SAPUI5. It shows all spaces delivered by SAP and allows customers to create their own spaces.

When creating or changing a space, a customizing transport request is mandatory. It is not possible to do any local customizing not assigned to a transport request. Every space has an ID, description, title, and at least one page. When customers create their own space, they can assign pages by SAP or their own pages. Customer space IDs must start with Z or Y and should contain the abbreviation SP for space.


If you want to sort the order of spaces in the FLP in an SAP S/4HANA 2020, please read SAP Note 3012443SAP Fiori Spaces: How to sort spaces via technical keys.

Manage Launchpad Pages

Manage Launchpad Pages is an SAP Fiori launchpad (FLP) app based on SAPUI5.

Let's watch a video to learn about Manage Launchpad Pages.

Derived From Roles vs Manually Selected Catalogs

Before adding apps to a page, the corresponding space should be assigned to a role. Business catalogs can be derived from this role to appear as sources for tiles in a page in Manage Launchpad Pages. This means, tiles can easily be assigned to the page and previewed.

It is also possible to select business catalogs manually in Manage Launchpad Pages. Hidden behind the button, all business catalogs can be selected as sources for tiles for the page. Tiles added in this way will show the warning Out of role context and will not be displayed in the preview. The prerequisite for the user to see the tile in the FLP is that the corresponding business catalog is also part of the user master record. In other words, the source catalog of the tile must be assigned to any role also assigned to the user.

Best Practices for Spaces and Pages

Providing spaces and pages to users should support them in easily finding and accessing their most important content. So it is important to limit the number of tiles to a meaningful level. These are the best practices for managing spaces and pages:

  • A business role should only have one space, because both are targeting one business topic.
  • A space should consist of one to five pages providing one business task on one page.
  • A page should consist of two to five sections ordered from insight (top-left) to action (bottom right) tasks.
  • A section should consist of three to seven tiles ordered in a logical way based on the topic.
  • In total there should not be more than 25 tiles per page to keep it manageable.

Time for a Checkpoint on best practices for spaces and pages.

Maintenance Transactions

SAP Fiori is part of the SAP Reference Implementation Guide (IMG). Transaction /UI2/CUST can be used to access only the UI-relevant parts of the IMG. The main parts for SAP Fiori are as follows:


SAP Launchpad service was renamed to SAP Build Work Zone, standard edition in January 2023.

Overview Roles, Spaces, Pages

Since SAP S/4HANA 2021, transaction /UI2/RSP_LIST provides an overview of spaces and pages per business role. With that it is possible to get a list of the tiles the users see in their SAP Fiori launchpad (FLP) spaces. It is possible to research the apps and their origin catalogs or if there are pages assigned but hidden.

SAP Fiori Launchpad Content Aggregator

Since SAP S/4HANA 2020, transaction /UI2/FLPCA shows all content assigned to business roles. This is very useful for getting an overview of everything a user gets in the SAP Fiori launchpad (FLP) when assigning roles:

  • Sort by catalogs to show the content in the app finder.
  • Sort by semantic object to show the intent-based navigation links.
  • Sort by services to show the technical prerequisites.
  • Sort by successor transaction to show deprecated apps.


You can either search for services or successor apps but not both at the same time.

SAP Fiori Launchpad Content Check Report

An important support tool for the FLP configuration is transaction /UI2/FLC. It checks the consistency of delivered and customized catalogs and groups for configuration and customizing. It quickly identifies problems in target mappings and tiles concerning elements of the intent-based navigation and parameters.

SAP Fiori Launchpad Intent Analysis

Transaction /UI2/FLIA also shows errors and problems in target mappings, but it goes deeper. It offers a full intent analysis for semantic objects and actions per role and user. Through this analysis, duplicated intents pointing to different targets can also be found. A full intent resolution analysis takes some time, depending on the number of semantic objects and actions in the system. It is recommended to restrict the analysis to the assigned roles of a user.

Support Transactions

There are many other transactions available for logging, tracing, cache handling, cleanup and so on, in the areas of SAP Fiori, SAPUI5, and SAP Gateway. There is no need to know them all by heart. Transaction /UI2/CUST organizes all of them as a tree in the implementation guide.


For more information about this topic, please read SAP Note 2116090UI Addon, SAP_UI: Information for customers for efficient incident analysis.

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